Red Pill Germany

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The USA has become a second world nation. This process will become even more pronounced as immigrant and minority 'communities' drift away from the rest of society and become more and more isolated. Third world pockets in a first world nation makes overall a second world nation, just like in the UK and in France. Even Germany shows first signs of this. I will have to think about how I can present that on my channels.

Attempted murder in Stuttgart! Antifa attacked peaceful patriotic union members. German media does not report and police does not seem to care.

another one of my older videos has been deleted by youtube, today. Of course, they were completely lying about their reasons for taking down the video, as always.

Journalists and peaceful activists are first attacked by Antifa and then brutally arrested by the police. This does not look like a democracy to me.

At the moment the German authorities are cracking down heavily on peaceful protestors and on the free press and alternative media. The sources I see indicate a coordinated effort of militant Antifa, local authorities and the police against law abiding citizens.

Forward from: MIRÓ

So Freunde, ich verfolge gerade die Demos: Es wird verhaftet, was das zeug hält!

Bisher verhaftet:
- Ignaz Bearth
- DDR Widerstandkämpferin Angelika Barbe
- Lisa Licentia nach Antifa Angriff
- Timo (Journalist vom Digitalen Chronisten) jetzt gerade (zum 2. mal heute!)

Weitere Hinderungen:
- Henryk Stöckl wurde von Polizei empfohlen FFM zu verlassen

Protests against the government's measures against Covid19 ignite all over Germany. Last weekend saw many protests and public demonstrations in major German cities. This weekend will be no different. I think this is only the beginning. I am currently working on a video in which I try to describe these new protests in Germany.

Bavaria will open beer gardens again from May 18th!

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