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Sardorbek Komilov:
- IELTS instructor
- over 6 years of experience in teaching
- IELTS 9.0
- Speaking 9.0 (x2) | Writing 8.0 (×4)
- Listening 9.0 (×11) | Reading 9.0 (×11)

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Of course, they couldn't leave me empty-handed. Once again, thanks for such a thoughtful gift.

Three of my groups graduated over these last two days. Really curious to see their scores and what other great things they will do in the future.
P.S. Some of them are taking their exams this week, so we'll be eagerly awaiting their results

Forward from: IELTS ZONE 9.0
❄️ IELTS ZONE o‘quvchilari uchun qishki ta’til kunlarini e'lon qilamiz!

🗓 29-dekabrdan 4-yanvargacha o‘quvchilar uchun qishki ta’til kunlari etib belgilandi. 28-dekabr — ta’tildan oldingi so‘nggi dars kuni, 6-yanvar esa yangi yilning birinchi dars kuni bo‘ladi.

🤝 Dam olish kunlaringiz davomida vaqtni unumli o‘tkazib, yangi maqsad va rejalaringizni belgilashga vaqt ajrating. O‘tgan yilda erishgan yutuqlaringizni tahlil qiling va kelajakdagi muvaffaqiyatlaringiz uchun motivatsiya oling!

😊 Ta’til kunlarini yaqinlaringiz bilan maroqli va unutilmas o‘tkazishingizni tilab qolamiz!


As you can see, grammar is important even once you go to study in the US. It will always follow you and come to bite you in your behind at the worst situation possible. So, make sure to study it well while you can
P.S. This is the email my student who is currently studying in US has received

Do you think we can use "fall out of favour" for the minimal decline in the figure for accounting?


📊 TASK 1: The chart below shows the number of people employed in five types of work on one region of Australia in 2001 and 2008.

📝 TASK 2: Despite better education , some adults are unable to write and read.
What are the disadvantages people are having?
What should the governments do to avoid this?



Fall out favour ≠ become less popular
Fall out of favour = become unpopular
Can't really be used for a small decline in percentages/figures
I have seen so many instructors (including some with band 9) using it wrong.

Different activities/ techniques ranked based on how effective/useful they are for improving listening

My first ever Rock concert. The show started two hours later than planned but no regrets - the atmosphere was electric ⚡ ⚡⚡
You simply had to be there

Advice by my close friend, ChatGPT

Waking up and getting up more easily in the morning can be achieved by setting up a consistent routine and using strategies to align with your body's natural rhythms. Here's how to do it:

1. Optimize Your Sleep Schedule

Stick to a Routine: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends, to regulate your internal clock.

Get Enough Sleep: Ensure you're getting the amount of sleep your body needs (typically 7-9 hours for most adults).

2. Use Light to Your Advantage

Natural Light: Open your curtains or use a sunrise alarm clock that gradually increases light to simulate a natural sunrise.

Morning Sunlight: Spend 5-10 minutes in natural light after waking up to signal your body that it’s time to start the day.

3. Make Waking Up Pleasant

Choose a Gentle Alarm: Use an alarm with soothing music or nature sounds that gradually increase in volume to avoid the jarring effect of loud alarms.

Put Your Alarm Across the Room: This forces you to physically get out of bed to turn it off.

4. Develop a Morning Routine

Hydrate First Thing: Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up to rehydrate and boost your energy.

Start Moving: Stretch, do light exercises, or take a short walk to increase blood circulation.

Have Something to Look Forward To: Plan something enjoyable in the morning, like your favorite breakfast or a podcast.

5. Prepare the Night Before

Set Out Clothes: Decide what you’ll wear and prepare essentials to reduce decision-making in the morning.

Plan Your Day: Write a to-do list or organize your schedule the night before to minimize stress in the morning.

6. Avoid Common Sleep Disruptors

Limit Screen Time Before Bed: Avoid screens at least an hour before sleeping to prevent blue light from disrupting your melatonin production.

Avoid Snoozing: Train yourself to get up when the alarm rings. Repeated snoozing can make you feel groggier due to interrupted sleep cycles.

7. Boost Motivation

Visualize Success: Picture yourself getting up energized and having a productive day.

Start Small: If waking up early is a struggle, shift your wake-up time gradually, by 10-15 minutes earlier each day.

8. Consider Sleep Cycle Timing

Wake at the End of a Sleep Cycle: Use sleep-tracking apps or alarms like Sleep Cycle, which wake you during lighter sleep stages.

By combining these strategies, you'll create an environment and routine that supports easier, more energizing wake-ups. If you're still struggling despite trying these tips, consider evaluating your sleep quality or consulting a healthcare professional.

Can someone whip up a quick Task 1 report for this?

Forward from: IELTS | Atabaev | 9.0
⚡️Bugun sizlar bilan quvonchli xabarni bo‘lishmoqchiman!

Kuni kecha British Council hamda IDP IELTS imtihonidan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgan yoshlarimiz haqida ma’lumot taqdim etishdi.

Unga ko‘ra, IELTS imtihonidan 5,5 va undan yuqori ball olgan yoshlar soni 2020-yilda 10 152 nafarni tashkil etgan bo‘lsa, joriy yilda 52 706 nafarga yetgan. Ya’ni 4 yilda 5 barobarga o‘sish kuzatilgan.

Shuningdek, 7-8 ball (C1 daraja)ni qo‘lga kiritganlar soni 2020-yilda 1807 nafarni tashkil etgan bo‘lsa, 2024-yil holatiga 13 424 nafarni tashkil etmoqda. O‘z navbatida bu 7,4 barobarga o‘sish kuzatilganini anglatadi.

8,5-9 ball (C2 daraja)ga erishganlar soni esa 2020-yilda 14 nafar bo‘lgan, 2024-yil holatiga esa ularning soni 332 nafarga yetgan.

Albatta, Prezidentimiz har tomonlama yoshlarimiz chet tillarini o‘rganishlari uchun yaratayotgan imkoniyatlari natijasida, xorijiy til imtihonlarida yuqori natija qayd etayotganlar soni nafaqat miqdor bo’yicha, balki sifat bo‘yicha ham oshib bormoqda.

Yoshlarimizni chet tillarini o‘rganishlari, global dunyoda raqobatbardosh mutaxassis bo‘lib olga intilishlarida omad tilaymiz.


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