Forward from: Madrasatuna | مدرستنا
1⃣. Knowing the status and excellence of Ramaḍhān
- Qur'ān was revealed in this month
- sins are forgiven
- Gates of Jannah are opened
- Gates of Jahannam are shut
- Ramaḍhān is a pit-stop to strengthen Taqwa
2⃣. Cleansing our sins through repentance prior to the start of Ramaḍhān
- this will be a reason to attain a greater reward during the month
- repentance (tawbah) has conditions:
a. sincerity
b. remorse
c. refraining from the sin
d. resolve not to return to the sin (some people stop sinning temporarily during Ramaḍhān only to return to their old ways soon after)
e. returning rights back to their rightful owners
3⃣. Purifying our intentions in everything that we do:
- refraining from food & drink seeking Allāh's reward
- waking up and eating shuhoor seeking Allāh's reward
- going to sleep seeking to strengthen for worship
- observing good manners seeking Allāh's reward
- spending in good causes seeking Allāh's reward
* this way, we will be rewarded for everything we do
4⃣. Learning & teaching others (especially the young ones) the rulings related to fasting as well as the night prayers
- the angels lower their wings for the student of knowledge in pleasure of his pursuit
5⃣. Making full use of the month through good time management
- for example: saying istighfār when driving the car, having a plan in place to complete the Qur'ān twice or more...
Conclusion: we must utilise this month to increase in ēman and Taqwa so we stay strong throughout the year
Summary by 📝:
Abu Ishaq Muhammad Ibn Ahmad
Lecture link 🔗:
1⃣. Knowing the status and excellence of Ramaḍhān
- Qur'ān was revealed in this month
- sins are forgiven
- Gates of Jannah are opened
- Gates of Jahannam are shut
- Ramaḍhān is a pit-stop to strengthen Taqwa
2⃣. Cleansing our sins through repentance prior to the start of Ramaḍhān
- this will be a reason to attain a greater reward during the month
- repentance (tawbah) has conditions:
a. sincerity
b. remorse
c. refraining from the sin
d. resolve not to return to the sin (some people stop sinning temporarily during Ramaḍhān only to return to their old ways soon after)
e. returning rights back to their rightful owners
3⃣. Purifying our intentions in everything that we do:
- refraining from food & drink seeking Allāh's reward
- waking up and eating shuhoor seeking Allāh's reward
- going to sleep seeking to strengthen for worship
- observing good manners seeking Allāh's reward
- spending in good causes seeking Allāh's reward
* this way, we will be rewarded for everything we do
4⃣. Learning & teaching others (especially the young ones) the rulings related to fasting as well as the night prayers
- the angels lower their wings for the student of knowledge in pleasure of his pursuit
5⃣. Making full use of the month through good time management
- for example: saying istighfār when driving the car, having a plan in place to complete the Qur'ān twice or more...
Conclusion: we must utilise this month to increase in ēman and Taqwa so we stay strong throughout the year
Summary by 📝:
Abu Ishaq Muhammad Ibn Ahmad
Lecture link 🔗: