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Forward from: The Light Paper
Nothing has ever been won by peaceful protests. "The corporations are calling all the shots today. What kind of decisions are they making on our behalf? Do they care about humanity? About earth?"
~ Chief Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Wolf Clan

The Ultimate War Against Corporations Is Taking Shape



The Light Paper ChatChannel

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Mass None Compliance ALWAYS works.

These Children are very well educated 🙌💯

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REMEMBER They Are the Terrorists!

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Facts 💥💯

Watch towards the end how these Masonic Devilish Beings try manipulate/coerce A Lawful Human into certain words for there Corrupt Gain..

Simple fact is the police say that they own the Police station and carpark etc BUT don't the People own the Police?

Why do these ignorant humans always get there Ego/Feelings involved 😒

Speak to our Brainwashed people and make them think sense and not just follow the Heard 🙏

Tell them to Question EVERYTHING ☝️

They need guidance, offer them a chat over coffee..
Find out exactly what they think CoVid is. THEN Challenge/Debate there "Logic"

We need these people on our side. Quick. There mass compliance is the Biggest Weapons Our Corrupt Warfare Porn Providers are feeding them 😒

If you question Them, THEY will then question the people who have brainwashed them into that mindset..

Forward from: MurderTheMedia
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Vaxx working legal citizens.

Don't Vaxx illegal aliens.

This is your government.

Your government hates you.

Forward from: The Greyson
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Biden gets booed at 9/11 memorial earlier today.

Forward from: America’s Frontline Doctors
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“If you think we’re fighting a virus, you’re going to act like a victim. If you think we’re fighting a war, you’re going to act like a warrior.”

-Dr. Lee Merritt, at America’s Frontline Doctors Summit Anniversary event

Forward from: Mindy Robinson
Facebook is suspending accounts who post proof that the Pfizer vaccine isn’t actually FDA approved. If it actually were they’d be held financially liable for injuring people and all the other vaccines would have to be pulled from market. All they did was extend the emergency use and “approve” the licensing agreement for Comirnaty which doesn’t exist here yet. They have not done the testing required per their own guidelines.

Much like the “most secure election ever” the media is asserting something that isn’t true, censoring everyone that says otherwise, and hoping the masses don’t notice.....

Forward from: Ken Tucky
Ever wanted to go to Australia?

Well now you can officially say you have been there by checking in to of our QR code scanners.

Please feel free to scan the code and check in to let the tyrants know the world is watching what they are doing to us.

Please people of the world, stand with us!

Special Operations Executive.

Formed in 1940, the Special Operations Executive was an underground army that waged a secret war in enemy-occupied Europe and Asia. Its agents demonstrated incredible courage and resourcefulness in their guerrilla war. By working with resistance forces, they provided a boost to the morale of occupied societies.

Its agents were mainly tasked with sabotage and subversion behind enemy lines. They had an influential supporter in Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who famously ordered them to 'set Europe ablaze!'

Gubbins’s approach to warfare included blowing up trains, bridges and factories, as well as fostering revolt and guerrilla warfare in enemy-occupied countries.

Women also joined up. Some were enlisted in the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (FANY) to disguise their secret work. These were the only women permitted a combat role during the Second World War.

Special weapons.
SOE operatives were often parachuted with clandestine radio transmitters disguised to look like ordinary suitcases. They also had specially designed explosives, silenced guns and forged papers.

Research and development stations were set up near Welwyn in Hertfordshire, where scientists and technicians worked on specialist weapons, sabotage equipment and camouflage materials.

The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) - now known as MI6 - viewed SOE with suspicion. Its head, Sir Stewart Menzies, argued that SOE were 'amateur, dangerous, and bogus'. He brought massive internal political pressure to bear on the fledgling organisation.

After Churchill’s election defeat in July 1945, SOE lost its biggest supporter. It also faced renewed opposition from SIS and others in Whitehall who wanted control of British intelligence services and operations.

SOE was abolished in January 1946. The SIS absorbed much of its training and research staff.

Hero. Soldier. Spy. Leader. Her name is Nancy Wake.

To the Allies, she was a fearless freedom fighter, a special operations legend, a woman ahead of her time. To the Gestapo, she was a ghost, a shadow, the most wanted person in the world.

But at first, Nancy Wake was just another young woman living in Marseilles and recently engaged to a man she loved. Then France fell to the Nazi blitzkrieg. With her appetite for danger, Nancy quickly finds herself drawn into the underground Resistance standing up to Nazi rule. Gaining notoriety as the White Mouse, with a 5-million-franc bounty hanging over her head, Wake rises to the top of the Nazi's Most Wanted list--only to find her husband arrested for treasonous activity under suspicion of being the White Mouse himself.

Cases. WTF are cases? Some genetic material that's been amplified over 25 cycles to now give 100% false positives??

When these fraudulent PCR tests stop then this wholeeee shit show crumbles.

There will be NO Emergency Law meaning injecting this untested poison WILL be Illegal.
People ask how's this allowed?
It's simply because of the Emergency Powers.

The UK is looking to extend them for ANOTHER 6 months.

These next few weeks are very important.
What can we do?
Get outside houses/business of Politicians who have voted for it?
Support the local MPs who are against it and against Vax passports?
Gets outside Witty and his crews houses who are trying to overturn the 12 year old jab decision?
Need ideas and Action people🙌

Please watch and comment

Psychological basis for crimes against humanity by average people

-1951. Asch experiment on conformity

-1963. Milgrim experiment on obedience

-1972. Stanford prison guard experiment


Support and evidence of population control agenda

-2001. Operation Dark Winter

-2010. Rockefeller’s “Lockstep Scenario”. From the their official website.

-2015. Gates Reduce population video

-2016. Kraus Shwalb within 10 years chip everyone

-2017. Fauci predicts pandemic

-2019. Event 201 drill for the pandemic

-2019. John Hopkins emergency preparedness for upcoming pandemic

-2020. Gates states 7 billion people will need the vaccine

-ID 2020. note who is funding this

-2030. World Economic Forum vision for you


Population control advocates

1920. Margaret Sanger inspires Hitler and forms planned parenthood

1970. Prince Philip

1977. Dr John Holdren

-2000. Dr Eric Pianka

-2013. Ted Turner

-2017. Black Genocide in 21st Century

-2020. Eugenic sterilization laws in the United States

Prehospital treatment Covid-19

-2003. Lancet paper on how chloroquine works

-2005. Virology proving that chloroquine/ Hcq works against SARS

-2020. Peer reviewed paper demonstrating reduction in hospitalization and death by 84% from covid-19 with the zelenko protocol

2020. Thorough review of covid-19 treatment


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