— kaito gf #76TH🇮🇩

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due to @telegram's new policy, i declare that i'm not the real Mitsuha Miyamizu. this account & channel is just for roleplaying purposes only.
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gua nemu di tweet pliss

selamat ulang tahun Indonesia ku🇮🇩


cuma segini doang, but gpp😁💘

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Forward from: E’03

aku punya temen asli jepang, nah dia liat tuh komen komen an tiktok indo "yamete kudanil" "sussy baka" "yamete kudalumping"
pls stop, dia ngerasa negara dia ga dihargain, bahasanya di jelek jelek in, yamete kudasai itu artinya cuma tolong hentikan gaada apa apanya, gamalu apa?? stop ya :(

+ thinking dia gk punya agama

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hai, tolong bantu report ch @tongkronganyyecus di report aja yaa jangan ikutan komen. kl bisa bantu fw juga ya biar byk org yg bntu report jugaa. terima kasih org baik 🤍

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