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If we all speak one truth per day to someone new, we will wake up the world. That is the priority now. It need not be politican or controversial. A casual comment In a cafe or mall. Cause doubt. It will grow.

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I just replied to someone who felt nothing was happening in the media to wake people up. I decided to put my reply here in case it helps anyone.

I know it can seem that way because it’s not always done in an obvious way. Some of it requires standing back and seeing how that fits into the overall goal. And one of those goals is to do it without creating trauma for people while helping them toward understanding. An incredible amount has already been done in MSM. A lot is being revealed in interviews, papers and TV shows. And while not everyone watches people like Joe Rogan, Tucker and others, many do, including new people. And once things are out there, they get discussed among all people and it spreads. Rogan alone has a big following. Spotify: 14.5 million followers. YouTube: 16.4 million subscribers. Instagram: 18.9 million followers. X (formerly Twitter): 12.3 million followers.

And the media is being used as a major dismantling tool that prepares people for change ‘on a gradient’ and encourages them to let go of their attachments. The recent Pope being thought to be dying helped the world’s Catholic communality start to accept that possibility and to let go of that attachment. That released a level of emotion across the world. Then he recovers and that releasing stops, preventing a massive outpouring of emotion. So, when he is finally announced as being dead, we have lessened the negative energy output. There are thousands of examples of this in every field of society. The news taking up the term ‘died suddenly’; so that people start to realize this exists. That helps when they begin to be told of the causes. The UK Royal family slowly being dismantled, as we see. King Charles is in the firing line at present with his popularity dropping. https://www.newsweek.com/king-charles-popularity-lowest-reign-polling-young-people-2038644

It’s all there. It’s just not always in a blatantly obvious form what might be expected. If we look higher, we can see it. People are waking up in their millions. They are being prepared so they are able to see the basis and the sequence so it makes sense when it’s fully revealed. Simple stuff in play …like everyone seeing Elon Musk as a billionaire and therefore accepting he had the money to buy Twitter. Made sense. We are getting the whole world onto the same page. It just takes a little time, so that we don’t send people backwards and we don’t dump negative energy all over the planet. We work with a higher plan.

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It doesn’t work to say - Well, what could we do? The answer is many things. Starting with us. We always have a choice of how we act. We could come together in large groups and make demands for better conditions and build toward acting as one humanity. But instead we individualize and separate and KNOWINGLY judge others by their race, religion, appearance, clothing, height, circumstances, actions, country, house, suburb status, job, behaviour, marital status, gender, skin colour, ability to communicate, comparing our children, wealth, morals, body weight, politics, social position, cultural traditions, age, mental capacity, social position, value to society, level of education, their material worth, where they were born and their parents.

2. To help every soul who is able to incorporate the growth and increase in their consciousness, to gain wisdom from experiencing how by allowing our own negative behaviour patterns to persist can contribute to a broader overall creation within all society on a planet. And to also see a process of how it can all be undone. A beneficial learning that will serve souls for their entire future journey in the universe.

3. Raising the entire frequency of every molecule in and on Earth from a 3rd dimensional vibrational band to a 5th dimensional band.

17th March 2025


Two pages. https://t.me/SpeakOneTruth

If you are finding it a bit hard to understand now that Trump is officially the president, why there isn’t a massive reveal taking place instantly. Why many important areas like child trafficking and vaccinations are not being quickly exposed so it can all end quickly. In addition to feeling it would be nice if our unawakened friends and family could finally see we were not a bunch of nutcases.

I don’t find much real truth around where someone really sees a bigger wider picture. There will always be even higher truths because we are part of a multi dimensional universe. But what we need now is truth that will give us more understanding of the overall reasoning behind the moves being made. I just found a new video by ‘Patriot Underground’. I feel he expresses a very accurate higher truth perspective. This gentleman continues to deliver a great service to the light force, by helping to slot the jigsaw together. He is a good communicator, delivers down to earth clarity and no drama! It is a long video (3 hours) but it may well be worth taking the time to watch it. (There is a guest on this one.) So many useful points made along the way. If you hit bits of no interest, just hang in there - maybe shift forward a couple of minutes. We see many pieces fitting together to wake up people and get them all on the same page. Then the deeper exposure can begin so much more easily. At around 2 hours, some good perception and accuracy about exposure of Biden that will ultimately offer a huge and important reveal. Not sure if an EBS would ever happen, but could be a watered down version once everyone is on the same page maybe. This is basically about the USA only but we know that what happens there will move to other countries. It had to start in the USA with its Constitution.

A possible even wider view of the goal for those wanting a broader picture?

1. All processes are in play across the world to help humanity let go of the entirety of 3D reality.

ALL incarnated souls agreed to the learning that can be obtained by incarnating into 3D.

ALL allowed in some way or form, the events of Earth - by tacit agreement. We think because we didn’t know the depth of depravity, that lets us off? What about things we have done that contributed to the creation of negativity. Not a popular idea and usually rejected. This is not a guilt trip. It is about us learning. We don’t need to be too hard on ourselves but it would help us judge less if we view any responsibility we may have toward contributing to that energy. Our failure to make changes when we witness outnesses in any area; not releasing our own clearly visible negative aspects, actions and reactions; allowing things to persist that should have been addressed; buying porn and drugs; stealing - paper taken from the photocopier at work - is stealing, not speaking out when being undercharged for an item - is stealing; watching negative news and buying newspapers; bad behaviour in front of children; talking in derogatory terms and judging others; not reporting bad actions we see; swearing at bad drivers on the road - even with kids in the car; taking little or no responsibility for the chemical waste dumped in sea and land all over Earth - perhaps feeling we are doing enough because we recycle few plastics once a week on bin day; watching horror and low vibrational movies; having a house full of clutter and heavy energy old furniture and objects; not speaking out when we see bad behaviour; not demanding more aesthetic standards in our towns and cities; not teaching children to respect property - children who are different - or the elderly; listening to heavy music with no aesthetics, melody, balance or light. I am sure we can all think of many more ways we have added negative energy to Earth and helped create the conditions for it to escalate. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 of 2

I ​AM unified with Universal Oneness.

​I ​AM aligned to the vast and conscious awareness of perfect balance, harmony and clarity of Infinite Light. It is​ present within every cell in my body, unifying and aligning my human energy system with the perfect balance and order of the Infinite Oneness.​

​I AM unified in all my energy fields ​to the Living Light of this Universe and ignite my higher potential and consciousness​in Divine Order.

​So It Is. It Is Done.


Ex-tropical cyclone Alfred Australia

Before it even reached land  at Morton Bay Qld, it was downgraded to a Category 1 and as it crossed over the bay was downgraded again from a Tropical cyclone to  a low level ordinary cyclone. Winds that were said to coming of 150km were 60 to 90 with a maximum registerd in one location briefly of 107ks. 84k at Coolangatta airport. 

Emergency warnings were changed early in am today to Watch only. 

The hurricane had an interesting journey of decreasing in speed fron 16ks to 7k, then 6 and staying at 8km. It did loops in on itself, slowing up and gave people extra days to prepare.  It then missed the predicted landing during a high tide which  then wiped out many major media warnings of Coastal flooding of homes and massive beach erosion. 

Some beaches already had lost metres of sand before it hit. Perhaps some lessons to be learned about  allowing building  so close and about adequate vegetation maybe?

I know there were thousands who understand energy can be altered, who spent time meditating and visualising to reduce the intensity, using love and light vibrations to lessen the impact. I believe that contributed immensely to the huge change from the predictions given over the last week with many hours over many days of coverage  devoted to it by the media, who offered lots of fear and no shred of hope, even saying that its slowing down was going to build up pressure and make it worse. It didnt!! 

The idea that we may be able to dissipate energy and dont have to agree that things we are told have to happen! has now reached thousands on social media. One item I posted  showed 900 people copying it. Many  more would have seen it. And that's just one place. With so many of us posting suggested ways to offset the energy,  millions worldwide would have been reached and have now taken that idea into their consciousess.  A few more prompts may see more people starting to use their abilities to transmute energy.

But please keep reducing its energy of rain and wind. There are  293,000 homes without power. Its over Queensland and Northern NSW.

AUSTRALIA. Cyclone Alfred made land fall at Moreton Bay QLD having reduced to a Category1. Cant get lower than that. Good news. Wind levels have dropped. Now 80 and 90k with gusts up to 120ks. 
TV News says the anticipated destructive 150k winds were now not going to happen.

Re cyclone Alfred sitting of coast of qld. Many are now working on stopping it. Great to see people power kicking in.
I hear a suggestion on Facebook  is to blow it out to sea .. and had rec. 100k. Thats so good.  Many others using different techniques.

We have to offset the huge agreement it will happen from those watching MSM.

The wind in cyclone has now dropped from 16 down to 6 and from expected arrival around 3am friday 7th.. (today here), it has changed now  to sat night 8th. We may all have helped that slowing up and lessening.

60,000 homes are already without power.

I prefer the idea of dissolving it to prevent it reaching any other land and causing harm. So here again is that handling.

Anyone wanting to work on dissolving cyclone Alfred heading to the Queensland coast of Australia -instead of agreeing to it?

1. Get still.  Put your attention mentally on the  large sphere of energy just off the coast of Queensland Australia - out from Brisbane.
2. Mentally cut all  the energy cords  around the energy sphere - to cut any possible ‘directed artificial genetic manipulation’ that is creating the cyclone.
3. Fill the entire energy with a gentle flow of love to calm the energy, and gently guide it back out to sea, seeing  the energy gently dissipate until there is nothing.

Anyone wanting to work on dissolving cyclone Alfred heading to the Queensland coast of Australia -instead of agreeing to it?

1. Get still. Put your attention mentally on the large sphere of energy just off the coast of Queensland Australia - out from Brisbane.
2. Mentally cut all the energy cords around the energy sphere - to cut any possible ‘directed artificial genetic manipulation’ that is creating the cyclone.
3. Fill the entire energy with a gentle flow of love to calm the energy, and gently guide it back out to sea, seeing the energy gently dissipate until there is nothing.

It is very specific and detailed. It lists all crimes against the people, chronological years of perpetrated events on Earth, all the perpetrators of crime - people, groups and companies. It also includes an overruling of any error made as well as requesting leniency where persons were not of an intent to commit harm. I can barely find anything I would correct but would like to point out three things.

1. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Elon Musk and a few others mentioned are referring to the ORIGINAL person, not the replacements.
2. The Metatron referred to is not Archangel Metatron.
3. Lower level Knights Templar were generally unaware of any wrongdoing in their organization. The same would apply to existing low level Masons.

Over to you. To anyone who has not been really researching it could be quite a shock regarding the extent of planetary corruption, which has infiltrated just about everything existing in 3D.

Don’t be at all concerned if this does not interest you, is too much to take in, you can’t be bothered, it is not resonating, you are not ready or think its rubbish! It may well not be part of your journey. It will reach those who need to be aware of its existence.

What I personally suggest is for those who do sense it is for them - and are able to tune in to see if it resonates in divine order to add their consent to this action, enter a space of undisturbed quiet. Although this is not a Decree, it is more effective when said 3 times = the power of 3.

(P.S It is also a good idea to say step 1 anyway - whether you proceed or not.)

Say the following -


1. In the name of God, I fully align to the Source of All Light Creation. In a manner of Grace and Ease and in Divine timing - I disconnect from any situation, object or person of a lower frequency that does not serve my Highest Good.

2. In the name of God, I use my Right as an incarnated inhabitant of Earth and I align to the intent and higher purpose of the document listed as DLHC.777.888.3 in the Universal Highest Court Of The God of All Creations.

So Be It. So It IS. It is Done.


Hello Lightworkers,

Synchronicity is one of the most perfect aspects of the flow of divine order available for us to witness. It exists in every moment. It is never ‘not there.’ When we see it happening, we know we are being intuitive and are operating in that moment within the natural divine flow that always exists in the present moment.

When we do not see synchronistic events taking place in our life, it is a clear sign for us to work on surrendering more to the higher aspect of ourselves, and to shift from head and ego based decisions of what we think we ‘should’ do.

I mentioned in two recent articles that a percentage of Starseeds have yet to reach the required vibration to be able to speak on behalf of their soul families. I did this to bring this to the consciousness of those needing that message
Today, something landed in my sphere that I was unaware existed - or not in this specific form enacted in 2022. It is seen by me to be a faster alternative to needing all the remaining Starseeds to reach the required vibration. And while they all will and need to reach that vibrational point, it could be optimum for a solution that provides a quicker alternative. That alternative could be that informed, awakened lightworkers acting in their right as inhabitants of Earth, can make a decision that actively supports the Light ascension plan for Earth.

This document will not be for all souls, or even all the lightworkers, as it requires a leap to understand that petitions such as this do exist and carry full validity under Universal Law. Many actions are achieved by Lightworkers using avenues available to express an intent to multi-dimensional higher realms of existence. This can be through mathematical codes; sacred geometry; colour; sound; requests made; opening - clearing and activating vortices and pathways; participating in planetary alignment energies; collective meditations; giving preferences of Earth’s ascension; decrees and planetary energy healings.

In reference to the attached PDF file (Fiduciary Duty Letter - Grand Jury), I have probably never read such a comprehensive document in my entire experience in a 3D realm. I don’t know who put this together but all I can say is ‘Very well done’! It is very long and I didn’t read every word but I read a lot. I kept expecting points to be missed, especially those barely known, but there they were! If it only acted as a thorough dossier on corruption, it would have served well.What an achievement and I would assume delivered from a very high perspective while still being contained within 3D reality. Well, not everybody’s reality. To some, probably many - this will be way out of comprehension. But those are not its designated audience at this time. Perhaps later. Meanwhile it places into universal existence, and into the Akashic Records, and into the decisions by inhabitants of Earth in choosing their future path. It brings truth which allows anything less than this truth to be dissolved by a transmuting higher frequency of light.

As I said, it is a large file, not in the physical space it uses, but in its content and it won’ be for the faint hearted. It also does not have to all be read, although it is all captivating in its thoroughness. If one is very intuitive, it actually would not need to be read at all. In such cases, we just know. There are a few additional documents attached but are just additions to the main PDF file. Anyone who does not have PDF software, download a ‘free PDF opener.

It is a Divine intervention of ‘The Highest Court Of The God of All Creation’ - ‘Your People’ (Your = God) Vs. The Accused Defendants and Enemies Named Herein CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 OF 2

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But there is another possible view that encompasses all these factors - and that is Gaia is unable to attain full ascension unless all the dense energy currently held within Earth or in any of its living parts - which includes humans and animals - is raised to an ascension frequency of light.

PS. Gaia is ultimately responsible for the dense energy that has been created on her body. Advanced souls don’t vacate created dense energy areas and leave them to contaminate the universe. It is the Soul’s job to ensure it is corrected back to a positive vibration and that is exactly what Gaia is doing. She asked long ago for assistance to help her achieve that now. And the light force came in answer to that request.

All that information is not essential and doesn’t change anything. There is still a Universal plan operating in Divine order connected to Source that allows humans to ascend - arranged long ago. However, truth is always better than a ‘not quite’ truth. It allows an expansion of our understanding and the duplication of truth that transmutes energy to higher frequencies.

We’ve probably all recently heard the coined term ‘Where we go one, we go all’ (WWGOWGA), with different ideas of its meaning. Here is a view that may help decide. Keep in mind everyone has a choice to raise their vibration or not. Any soul, who is not in the flow of divine order or is not actively raising their vibration to align with that frequency, will be unable to remain on Earth. No-one removes them. It is just too much light for them to be comfortable. It is sort of like getting struck by lightning. As the frequency increases, we need to increase with it. There are many other reasons people leave. The soul may have decided prior to even coming to Earth that they would vacate at this time. They may be offering a lesson to others. Souls leave all the time when they complete their role here or achieve their goals, or have sufficiently raised their own vibration. So, it’s not always obvious why someone left. With some, it is clear. We may see them struggle with grasping concepts that could increase their vibration. Others have said they have finished their work here. Any soul leaving for whatever reason, will arrange a way to leave. They either head to higher realms or continue elsewhere in an energy vibration they are comfortable with. Trust they are all fine. We are all eternal.

Regardless of the reason anyone leaves, Earth will end up with only souls in a similar higher vibration who are aligned together in a common active positive future. So, WWGOWGA!



TWO PAGES https://t.me/SpeakOneTruth

Many of those awake would say humanity is ascending to a higher dimension. But what if it is actually the planet that is ascending and humanity are being given the choice to go along?

Ascension occurs to any soul who raises its vibration to a frequency where a finer energy dimension becomes visible and it steps free of the lower energy dimension.

As souls advance in evolution they take on greater challenges of experience to gain more wisdom. A soul reaches a point where it can enter life in a physical body, often proceeding to several parallel lives or more. How this works is a soul holds different perspectives (viewpoints) in several bodies in different ‘time frames.’ This experience increases their understanding of the universe and expands consciousness and vibration. As a soul continues its growth, at some point it might become the custodian of a whole planet. In such a case, the planet itself becomes their physical body. Incidentally, there are billions of planets in the universe.

There is a Being (soul) whose physical body is the Earth. She is known as Gaia. Gaia has already raised her own soul light frequency to an ascended frequency level. She is now in the final stages of her ascension where she is transmuting all lower energies in her physical body - the Earth - and raising it to the same high level she has attained. There are many life forms on Earth and those in tune with the Earth and the flow of divine order will ascend with the Earth. Most obvious is the nature kingdom which we visibly see follows the natural tides and seasons. That includes the insect world, small animals, snakes, rodents, small birds, etc. Many of these are controlled by just one soul called an oversoul, as with groups of ants or bees, when a soul needs experience of how to operate a whole group. Putting aside clones, some other non-earth species and soulless creatures, the rest are individual souls. This applies to humanity and many animals, such as cats, dogs, horses, lions, tigers, elephants, dolphins, whales, giraffes, large monkeys and other large animals. These souls choose whether to operate in the flow of divine order or remain guided by 3D ego and incarnated patterns.

At present, there is a great influx of light entering Earth to assist its ascension. This event presents an amazing opportunity of a unique predetermined period of time, for humans and animals to make a choice to take the steps needed to release their adopted beliefs, patterns, attachments and negative energy they acquired during their venture into 3D or to stay where they are, which means they would continue incarnating on other 3D planetary environments.

Souls who are really ready to move on and pay attention to the signs they are offered, such as showing them their reactions, judgements and fixed ideas regarding the energy content in their field that needs releasing, may not be able to imagine anyone choosing to continue in 3D. But neither choice is good or bad or right or wrong. Such concepts belong in a duality framework such as exists at 3D levels, where they present learning opportunities. Some souls wish to spend more time in this type of learning environment to gain the experience they feel will help their growth.

Some of those who are awake feel the reveal of corruption is proceeding slowly so as not to upset people too much. Others are unable or unwilling to expand their thinking into a broader perspective and think it should all be delivered immediately and it’s just too bad about the people - they will get over it. Aside from the fact that many wouldn’t get over it as they would be too traumatised to lift themselves out of the 3D matrix, it would also cause a mass dump of negative energy across Earth (that is not our goal!). It also gives humans a chance to remove any embedded negative energy they have in their mental, physical and emotional bodies at a pace they can handle - and then work on reaching a higher vibration. All these aspects apply. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 of 2


When listening, watching, reading or undertaking meditations (online or elsewhere), we need to stay alert to statements or hints (in any form) that this can change your DNA or frequency. Or that indicates it is a PROCESS you are agreeing to undertake.

When something promises to make us feel better or get healed, we can want it so much, our discernment goes out the window. With a lot of light floating around at present as we finally see action in major reveals going on, we can be lulled into a false sense of security and not be so meticulous with what we are agreeing to. Of course, there are many things that genuinely help and have good intent and are fine. There are also many where the person honestly believes it will help. But instead of trusting in their discernment, it is wise to trust our own.

It doesn’t matter who anyone claims to be - a channel saying they are connected to a high source, a group from the Pleiades or some other planetary system, a time traveller, med bed alterations, someone saying it coming from the highest source or any other claim - we need to BE INTUITIVE. It doesn’t even matter if it’s from someone you have listened to for years. Looking at the existing situation of humanity, we clearly see that is no guarantee of anything. And it is possible that people and things that were good have been replaced by the not so good.

At the very least - prior to undertaking anything that can change your DNA - even if its saying it’s going to fix your DNA because it has already been changed - first call on the Source of Light for the highest protection in the universe (3 times) before you do any of it.

The way to live is to be intuitive, being totally sure that something likely to affect your life and your future, feels RIGHT to do. That is not about being fearful or seeing danger everywhere. It is simply being yourself. You are a spiritual being who has a natural gift that barely requires any attention whatsoever, to sense when to proceed and what to avoid in life. You naturally move toward an energy or away from an energy when you are in tune with yourself. This means not being ruled by wants or desires that encourage us to override our instincts. Not to dismiss signs or niggling feelings that say don’t do this. Don’t let the ego take over.

And the point is that we actually know! If we are honest with ourselves we know we are compromising our integrity and truth. Choices can have repercussions that could take quite some time (or a lifetime) before you can get back on track with what you intended for this incarnation.

There are many things for us to learn. Discernment and trust in Self is one of them. When we let our thoughts or needs compromise our actions, we can miss key moments, perhaps letting go of the most beautiful encounters and experiences we were meant to have to advance ourselves and grow in conscious awareness. Sometimes our failure to respond to our highest integrity and understanding and instead choosing a low indulgent desire or need, could mean further incarnations as more learning and growth is needed. This is something you would become aware of when you leave here and you go through a review of your life. In wanting to achieve your spiritual goals, you may see you need to incarnate again to reach that.

It is so wise to act in our highest integrity and be true to who we really are and not compromise it by giving credence to temporary adopted ego patterns in a 3D incarnation. How easy life becomes when we live in the flow, being intuitive, paying some initial attention to ensure each thought and action is constantly aligned to our truth and higher Self goals. And when applying that intent and discipline of our actions, suddenly life changes. It begins to really flow for us - all slotting into place with real love and fun with enlightening moments of awareness and expanded consciousness as we begin to reflect who we really are.


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