Survive Now!

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A Channel for the elect few people who want to survive and thrive in this Kali Yuga. Self sufficiency guides for people pursuing the Total Dropout method laid before us in SIEGE by James Mason.

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You have the ability to get fresh meat at the cost of gas by getting free animals off Craigslist. If animals are not free you may be able to get them for a few bucks. This takes money away from (((supermarkets))) and it's cheaper for you.
Depending on where you live, the animals will be fed and treated better than industrial farms.
For anyone hoping to have a farm with livestock, this is also good practice for slaughtering. One chicken slaughter can give a week of food or more by using varying recipes with the different parts.

REMINDER: if guns did not exist, niggers would be mass killing and raping.

Beaners would ALL flood the USA at an even higher rate, break into your house, kill you and replace you.

Civilization as it exists today is fragile and guns are the ONLY thing preventing mass chaos.

Imagine what will happen if they're taken?

Cucks are actually very PRO GUN, just in the hands of the (((government)))

Ensure you are armed, when this kike system goes down the above actions by browns WILL HAPPEN. The cuckberbs are going to be mass graves.

This lobert rally in virginia is more of a march against "muh evil nazi gun control" than a REAL understanding that a man's right to commit violence when needed (in legal self defense, or revolution as laid out by THOMAS JEFFERSON HIMSELF) is the cornerstone of white civilization.

Guns are a tool--not a lifestyle, not a personality, not a reason to live or die by them. If they took screws away, it would suck, but there is nails. There are other, more deadly things out there. If people will really fight over losing guns, the only option left to fight with is deadlier weapons.

People with a million guns stockpiled are only targets when shit goes south. You can only shoot one at a time Git gud at what you have, and don't tell anyone. Don't be a gun boomer npc. Buy a rifle a couple thousand rounds of ammo and bury it somewhere. Don't die over your hobby guns.

Forward from: Skull’s Charnel House Mirror
TPUSA has arrived.

Retarded boomers in Virginia who only care about their guns because it’s a fun hobby for them are definitely worth dying for...

Lol when will the right wing learn. Last stand after last stand “ if this doesn’t go our way we are screwed for real this time!” Well it’s not gonna go your way. Guns will be banned in a few years time. This is inevitable due to the demographic shift in this country. And whites won’t rise up when the atf starts kicking in grandmas door. Why would they revolt over guns when they should have because of dragqueen story hour, forced integration of schools and a million other things. This is not a black pill. Don’t worry things will get worse! The redeeming collapse of fire we have prayed for is coming! Just stay out of jail and keep your powder dry so can participate in the REAL fight to come!

To grow potatoes, place them in a cool, dark, airy area. Here, they will sprout. This takes about 1-2 weeks if you're using seed potatoes. Sprouts have stems and leaves. Once they sprout, you can isolate the stems by cutting the mother potato. Do not isolate roots!
Each piece should be cut the size of an egg and be left to dry overnight. Once dry, they are ready to be planted.

Yep...this will definitely be the turning point that wakes whites up.

An in law of mine.
Has fought the tax system. Been part of armed groups that want to overthrow the govt.


He said regrets that, and has a better philosophy now that he has been targeted by local, state, federal pigs and been investigated for involvement. Is an owner of many businesses, so they were motivated to get him.


Told me how the Zog have so many losers paid to just fuck with you all day long. Action groups, will try to be loud and stupid just to get attention and you will be sucked in.
Onto the advice:


do your best to limit your tax footprint legally, debt, and other ways they control you... BUT have one foot out the door of the kike system. Have a plan to pack up and leave society if things go south.


PSA to potato growers: grocery stores spray their potatoes with an anti root solution. While they will form tubers, it takes months and months. Your 100 day harvest time will grow to a year.

The solution: buy seed potatoes either online or by going to a Farmers market and asking.

This same concept works with a five gallon bucket if you're poorfagging it in an apartment.

Don’t be a NPC revolutionary, learn to grow potatoes. It just might save your life.

A few memes to share that may provoke some thought as to why this administration wouldn't care about this country when they can simply flee to Israel when the crash happens. You MUST put faith in yourself, your people, and those close to you, not false ZOG!

Forward from: Blood and Soil

You can grow 100 pounds of potatoes in a 55 gallon drum. Or a cheap trash can if you can find a clean 55 gallon drum. All you have to do is cut some drainage holes and put it on your deck. Hell you could even have that in the window of your shitty urbanite apartment building. Just buy some spuds, pour some dirt on them. Let them grow and pour more dirt till your bucket is full. Bam you have a mini potato farm. So stop making excuses and stop consuming the goyfeed.

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