TCY-The Christian Youth

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A place for young Christians to grow spiritually and win more souls for christ.
Est:2nd march 2017

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Forward from: Chosen generation
Assuming after dancing and rejoicing in your new mansion last night, you woke up this morning to rush and catch up with your daily activities as you are doing right now, and you saw your body still lying helplessly on the bed. You were shocked, You tried to pick up your iphone 6 to call your (Rev) pastor or relatives and you couldn't pick it up. You tried opening your wardrobe to pick some money you hid there and couldn't. You started crying but no one heard you. You try touching the gate to go out, but u just went right through it. You went outside and your house mates were chatting, but you were not recognised. After some minutes, you saw your house neighbours coming out of your room with a severe cry, hitting their hands on your brand new Range Rover Jeep.

All you could hear them saying is *"HE IS GONE"* or *"SHE IS GONE"* You stood there watching them cry their hearts out in pain. So you asked yourself *WHERE EXACTLY AM I GOING?*
Your spirit started crying bitterly, because you were not prepared to start that journey so soon. BRETHREN where exactly do you think you are going if you stop breathing right now?. *Are you aware of your final destination?*
Remember your creator now because we have a place to go. So start preparing. Share to a group. I choose you to prompt every one for eternity and the only Lord
and Saviour- *JESUS CHRIST.*HE alone can take you home (HEAVEN). Forward this message to help save a life!

*Please Note:* this message is compulsory to share,pls share because you might not be able to go round evangelising.

Forward from: ThePsalmist?

Forward from: I Know God(IKG)


_And Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and said, "Who touched My clothes?"_ *Mark 5:30*

The voice of the Holy Spirit within is not a loud voice. Most of the time, it is a gentle impression we have concerning a thing, situation, place or people. Some people call it 'intuition' or 'premonition.' It is a 'knowing' you have within yourself that something is alright or not right. It is not a sentence but a 'knowing.' Many a time when you are asked to explain it you will not have any logical explanation except that you 'know.'
   A person, who is born again and has the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, should expect God to lead them on a daily basis. And the primary way is through the 'knowing' within. It is not exactly a voice so don't expect to be hearing voices in your head (that will require some professional help). The Holy Spirit does not lead you by taking over your mind or your personality. No, He leads you by working with your faculties and gently impressing His direction in your heart.
   He does it so gently that you could overlook Him and miss His leading. This year, one of the disciplines you should develop is sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Take time to note all those leadings and judge the results.
   Not everything you feel within is from the Holy Spirit. Sometimes you will get it wrong; other times you will get it right. Don't feel too bad when you miss His leading. Just keep learning and in time, you grow and identify His leading in your life.

*Prayer:* _Holy Spirit, help me to know Your leading when You speak to me._

*Scriptural Reading:* Mark 5:21-34

What a blessing from our sister Jessica, pls share and you shall be greatly blessed



Okay this is a really short message... look we all have power... we all have soo much power in our hands, yet we don't know... like omg🤦‍♀... look around you, what is it that you desire??... what is it that you want?.. what is it that you aspire to be.. that looks soooooo far away or impossible... nothing.. you know why??.. Cause we're children of God... we're the sons and daughter's of a King so we are Royalty.. we lack nothing❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️... but listen up.. nothing good comes easy... ... nothing good comes out of just mere saying..hell no.. it takes Sacrifice, hardwork, sweatt paaaaaaaaaa, cry saaaaa, to achieve your goals.. but do you know what makes it worth it??.. the end results, the feeling of accomplishment... the feeling of being a victor...🙈☺️☺️❤️❤️.... yhes it's not easy.. ik ik uk paaaa but it's not impossible... strive to be that girl or boy you want to be... strive to change lives, strive to make a positive difference... believe in yourself, love yourself cause no one can love you like yourself... ❤️❤️😘😘😘... God does all things for a reason.. but know the power of your thoughts, actions, activities.... know the power of your FAITH IN GOD❤️❤️.. cause with faith you can move mountains....
Mark 11:22

Thanks for your time and stay blessed❤️❤️



Nm u?

Hey what's up



Forward from: Daglyn Strongwise ♥️

Forward from: Children of God

Forward from: Children of God

For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you. (1 Peter 1: 24-25). Scripture from the New International Version.

Speak to me Lord in Jesus name,amen.

Heaven and earth shall pass but my words will not pass away(Matthew 24:35 ). Beloved, the word of God is what we need in order to succeed in our Christian walk,it opens our eye of understanding to the devices of the enemy which in turn keeps on guard at all times.

Unfortunately many people are chasing after fame,money,glory etc forgetting that all these things would one day fade away. What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? That is why we are to seek ye first the kingdom of God and in seeking first the kingdom of God you need to *go in for the word*.

You cannot be a christain without the word of God because that is the manual for your life. Day in day out you hear the word being preached but the question is how well are you applying it or have you traded it for worldly pleasure? Everything we see around us would be destroyed in the end but the one thing that would remain standing is the 'WORD' and that is what contains life.

Go in for the *word* and neglect all forms of worldly pleasure because in the end, what will matter most is eternal life!

*What to do?*
Today and forever with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, I will neglect all forms of worldly pleasure and go in for the word of God.

The end-time is near. Jesus loves you. Have a blessed day. You are blessed beyond description,Amen.

Don't forget to communicate with God on this beautiful day.



_So David inquired of the LORD, "Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you deliver them into my hand?" And the LORD said to David, "Go up, for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into your hand."_ *2 Samuel 5:19*

One of the big lessons we learn from David in the battle against the Philistines in the Valley of Rephaim is his willingness to consult the Lord at every phase of the military campaign. Before he stepped into the first battle, David sought the Lord's mind and guidance. He wanted three things from the Lord.
   First was whether he should even go into the battle at all.
   Second, he sought for clarification on the kind of battle strategy to employ and third, he wanted to know the final outcome of the battle. After he had won the first battle, he again sought for the Lord's guidance for the second battle, even though both the enemy and the battleground were the same as before.
   From David, we learn not to be presumptuous, nor take the Lord's leading for granted. Many a time when one method has worked for us in the past, we make it a formula for life. Or when God helps us in a particular situation, we take His will for granted when we are faced with a similar situation. If you really want to experience victory in every battle, you must learn this attitude of David's. Learn to go to God with a simple question, 'Lord, should I do it?'
   In life, no two things or situations are exactly the same. What appears to be like something you have already encountered before may actually have dimensions that are very different from what you see. The good news is that God sees what we don't see and knows what we don't know. Seek for His guidance in every situation. Let Him give you the strategy for every battle and you will always be on the winning side.

*Prayer:* _Show me Your will, O Lord, and teach me what to do today._

*Scriptural Reading:* 2 Samuel 5:17-25

and do them in the name of Jesus and no one else

so do these things as well

go but that alone wont take u to Heaven

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