Forward from: AGUSTD.
An incredible day have been made with another chapter, which imminent to be another legendary moment, is already at the juncture. The MV for BTS newest single titled Permission to Dance, Breakdown!.
Congratulation for BTS, Army and all of BTS's rp-ers especially: Afrozak Aldrich Alejandro Athaya Azreal Benjamin Brooklyn Cadmus Davila Fabio Gabriel Jaden Jake Jakolan Jashca Jersey Jezebel Joraco Luke Percival Rhett Rowian Venom Zasvian Zeorich Bondan Bale Maluvie Grivand Ripper Milora Kuromi Jorge Eddie Jacston North Gabriel Karang Karel Darrent Jungoozycth Ragas Jawer Ojin.
Such a blessing for us to witnessing the return of Giant K-Pop Group with fresh and outstanding summer concept. I hope Permission To Dance brings joy and happiness for all of those who listen to it, also brings BTS Army to a higher peak of success. Happy Comeback for us! please stay on streaming and make our goals reached.
Baston S. Charleigh.
Congratulation for BTS, Army and all of BTS's rp-ers especially: Afrozak Aldrich Alejandro Athaya Azreal Benjamin Brooklyn Cadmus Davila Fabio Gabriel Jaden Jake Jakolan Jashca Jersey Jezebel Joraco Luke Percival Rhett Rowian Venom Zasvian Zeorich Bondan Bale Maluvie Grivand Ripper Milora Kuromi Jorge Eddie Jacston North Gabriel Karang Karel Darrent Jungoozycth Ragas Jawer Ojin.
Such a blessing for us to witnessing the return of Giant K-Pop Group with fresh and outstanding summer concept. I hope Permission To Dance brings joy and happiness for all of those who listen to it, also brings BTS Army to a higher peak of success. Happy Comeback for us! please stay on streaming and make our goals reached.
Baston S. Charleigh.