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ꀸꍟꌗᖘꂦꈤꀸꍟꈤꉓꌩ 🕊
• one day all your memories with him will be forgotten, it's hurt, but you will survive🌻 •
• official bot; @despondency_bot •
• despondency is a synonym for depression, sadness, and glomm.🌻 •
Create on; 〖 20 Sept 2018 〗🥀
• one day all your memories with him will be forgotten, it's hurt, but you will survive🌻 •
• official bot; @despondency_bot •
• despondency is a synonym for depression, sadness, and glomm.🌻 •
Create on; 〖 20 Sept 2018 〗🥀