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Happy level up day for the most lovable and adorable stars in this world. She’s Minju unnyie and Minju unnyie rp-ers especially for kak Oxana, kak Andhira, kak Merissa, kak Jevalea, kak Jea, kak Kinara, kak Hanna, kak Gladys, kak Sharron, kak Rain, kak Radhiva, kak Denara, kak Kinan, kak Zyvellyav, kak Jolene, and kak Aley. I wish you guys a blessings life, full of joy, and may your day will be filled with many happiness. May your day convert all the hatred into love, all the failure into success, and all the obstacles into opportunities. May God pour the love and warmth on you and may God bless you. All the best for you guys! Once again, happy birthday!