Forward from: Tucker Carlson Network
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“She was healthy… and then she got a shot at 7 months of age, and by 10 months she was a different kid.”
Onstage in Rosenberg, Texas with Tucker Carlson, Nicole Shanahan opens up about her daughter’s autism diagnosis following her vaccination.
“I was not allowed to consider the fact that the shot caused anything.”
Shanahan has since left the Democrat Party and is now campaigning for Donald Trump alongside Bobby Kennedy, Jr.
“Coming out of that completely alone with a child that you feel helpless to help is a position that either leads you to total hermitage or makes you a warrior-mom.”
To see the full show, including Tucker’s speech and conversation with Jesse Kelly, go here:
Onstage in Rosenberg, Texas with Tucker Carlson, Nicole Shanahan opens up about her daughter’s autism diagnosis following her vaccination.
“I was not allowed to consider the fact that the shot caused anything.”
Shanahan has since left the Democrat Party and is now campaigning for Donald Trump alongside Bobby Kennedy, Jr.
“Coming out of that completely alone with a child that you feel helpless to help is a position that either leads you to total hermitage or makes you a warrior-mom.”
To see the full show, including Tucker’s speech and conversation with Jesse Kelly, go here: