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Call for applications for the Jim Leech Mastercard Foundation Fellowship on Entrepreneurship
Mastercard Foundation Scholars program at UoG
Gain the confidence, resources, knowledge, network, and financial support to build a startup with lasting impact. The Jim Leech Mastercard Foundation Fellowship is for African students and recent graduates, especially women, who have a desire to solve pressing problems and bring their entrepreneurial ideas to life.

Applications close December 4th, 2022.

To learn more about the program and start an application, please visit

The French Embassy extended an invitation to Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions to take part in a global discussion.

Officials from a number of higher education institutions, including UoG, were invited by the French Embassy and the Campus France organization to take part in international discourse on Ethio-France cooperation and the role of France in Ethiopian Higher Education.

The French Ambassador to Ethiopia, Mr. Remi Marechaux, Mrs. Sophie Moal, Head of Cooperation, Mr. Matthieu Bargato, Campus France Promotion Manager, Academic Vice President, Dr. Kassahun Tegegne, and Presidents and delegates from various Ethiopian Higher Institutions were among those who attended the two-day event.

Some of the activities that were held included meetings between Ethiopian and French higher education institutions, a screening of a documentary film entitled “the Modernist” detailing the historical ties between Ethiopia and France, presentation of the ERASMUS plus program and question and answer sessions.

It could be remembered that throughout the past year, in close collaboration with the French Embassy, UoG was able to hire a skilled French language teacher to promote the goals of the UoG-French Embassy partnership. The French language center has advanced and developed thanks to the efforts of Mr. Rene Cloud, the center's teacher. Both students studying tourism management and a number of staff members are currently taking French classes at UoG. In the future the training will also be given to tour guides who work in and around Gondar. The University of Gondar has chosen the B2 level as its objective for French language proficiency, enabling staff members to speak in French without any problems.


ጎንደር- ጎርጎራ የመጭ ትውልዶች ተስፋና የእድገት ፋና!!!👏
የጎርጎራ ፕሮጀክት ለመጭው ትውልድ የምናወርሰው ቅርስና ታላቅ የኢኮኖሚ ማዕከል መሆኑን በማስመልከት ዶ/ር ይልቃል ከፍአለ ከተናገሩት፦

"በዛሬው እለት ከክልላችን የካቢኔ አባላት ጋር የጎርጎራ ፕሮጀክት ግንባታ ሒደትን ተመልክተናል። ግንባታው በተያዘለት እቅድ መሠረት እየተከናወነ መሆኑን አይተናል" ብለዋል ርዕሰ መስተዳድሩ።

"ጎርጎራ በችግር ውስጥ ሁነንም የጀመርናቸውን ፕሮጀክቶች ማጠናቀቅ እንደምንችል ያረጋገጥንበት ነው። በቀጣይም የጀመርናቸውን የልማት ስራዎች በተያዘላቸው ጊዜ ለማከናወን እንሰራለን" ሲሉም አሥታውቀዋል።

Congratulations to Dr. Sisay Misganaw for a job well done.
Dr. Sisay who is a committed scholar at UoG is the current grantee of the 2022 Study of U.S. Summer Institute (SUSI) for Scholars Program, a signature exchange program of the U.S. Department of State for academics from around the world.

Dr. Sisay is an Associate Professor of Environmental Science and will be participating in a two-week program at Boston and Amherst.

The University of Gondar Community would like to congratulate him on this well deserved opportunity!


የጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ ከአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጋር በመተባበር ለባህል ህክምና አዋቂዎች የተግባር ተኮር የላቦራቶሪ ስልጠና ሰጠ!
የጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ የህክምና እና ጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ የምርምር፣ የማህበረሰብ አቀፍ አገልግሎት እና የቴክኖሎጅ ሽግግር ዳይሬክቶሬት ከአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ፋርማሲ ት/ቤት ጋር በመተባበር በአዲስ አበባ እና በዙሪያዋ የሚገኙ የባህል ሃኪሞችን የቤተ ሙከራ ተግባር ተኮር ስልጠና ህዳር 5 ቀን፣ 2015 ዓ.ም ሰጥቷል፡፡

የስልጠናው ዋና አላማ የህክምና እና ጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ የቴክኖሎጅ ሽግግር እና ዩኒቨርሲቲ ኢንደስትሪ ግንኙነት አስተባባሪ አቶ ቴዎድሮስ አያሌው እንዳሉት ሃኪሞች በሚሰሩት ስራ ላይ እሴት መጨመር እንዲችሉ ማስቻል ሲሆን፣ ቀለል ባለ መልኩ በባህል ሃኪሞች ሊተገበር በሚችል መልኩ የተዘጋጀ ስልጠና ነው፡፡ ስልጠናው በተለይም በመሰረታዊ የቅመማ ቁሳቁሶች አጠቃቀም፡ የተለያዩ የቆዳ ቅባቶች አዘገጃጀቶች እንዲሁም መድሃኒት በማዘጋጀት ወቅት መደረግ ስለሚገባቸው ቅድመ እና ድህረ ጥንቃቄዎች የዳሰሰ ነው ፡ ከዚህ በተጨማሪም ስልጠናው ስለመድሃኒት ማሸጊያ አመራረጥ እና አጠቃቀም እና ስለተለጣፊ ወረቀት (ሌብሊንግ) ዝግጅት መሰረታዊ ጽንሰ ሃሳቦችን ያካተተ መሆኑን አቶ ቴዎድሮስ አክለው ገልፀዋል፡፡

በተጨማሪም ከኢትዮጵያ አእምሯዊ ንብረት ባለስልጣን የባህል ህክምና ዴስክ ኃላፊ እና የቴክኖሎጅ ሽግግር ዳይሬክተር የሆኑት አቶ ጳውሎስ ዳዊት የባህል ህክምና አዋቂዎች አእምሯዊ መብታቸውን እንዴት መጠበቅ እንዳለባቸው ለሰልጣኞች አብራርተዋል፡፡

የባህል ሃኪሞች በዋናነት እንደ መጀመሪያ የንግድ ምልክቶች ማስመዝገብ ላይ ትኩረት ቢያደርጉ ተጠቃሚነታቻውን እንደሚያሰፋው የስልጠናው ዋና አስተባባሪ እና በጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ ፋርማሲ ት/ቤት አስተማሪ እንዲሁም የቴክኖሎጅ ሽግግር እና ዩኒቨርሲቲ ኢንደስትሪ ግንኙነት አስተባባሪ የሆኑት አቶ ቴዎድሮስ አያሌው ገልጸዋል፡፡

የአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ፋርማሲ ት/ቤት ዲን ዶ/ር አንተነህ በለጠ እንዲሁም የፋርማሲዩቲክስ እና ሶሻል ፋርማሲ ት/ክፍል ሃላፊ ዶ/ር መስፍን የጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ ይህንን በጎ አላማ የያዘ የትብብር ጥያቄ ሲያቀርብላቸው በከፍተኛ ደስታ በመቀበል ለስልጠናው የሚያስፈልገውን ግብአት አዘጋጅተው መጠበቃቸውን ገልፀዋል። ዶ/ር አንተነህ አያይዘውም የጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ የባህል ህክምናውን ለማዘመን እያደረገ ያለውን ብርቱ ጥረት አድንቀው፣ በቀጣይም በትብብር ለመስራት ፍላጎት እንዳላቸው ገልጸዋል፡፡

ስልጠናውን ለመካፈል ከኦሮሚያና ከአዲስ አበባ የመጡ የባህል ሃኪሞች የጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ በመላ ኢትዮጵያ ያሉ የባህል ሃኪሞችን ለመደገፍ እያደረገ ያለውን ብርቱ ጥረት አንድንቀዋል፡፡

በተያያዘም የጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ የህክምና እና ጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ የምርምር፣ የማህበረሰብ አቀፍ አገልግሎት እና የቴክኖሎጅ ሽግግር ዳይርክቶሬት ዳይሬክተር ፕሮፌሰር ታደሰ አወቀ የጎንደር ዩኒቨሪሲቲ በቅርቡ የክሊኒካል ሙከራ ማእከል ማቋቋሙን በመግለጽ የባህል ህክምናን እድገት ለማረጋገጥ የጎንደር ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሁልጊዜም ቁርጠኛ ነው ብለዋል፡፡
ለልህቀት እንተጋለን!
ህዳር 7/2015ዓ/ም

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) 2022 31 October 2022

The theme this year is “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fuelling an accessible and equitable world“.

The annual observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) on 3 December was proclaimed in 1992 by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3. The observance of the Day aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities.

The 2022 global observance to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities will be around the overarching theme of innovation and transformative solutions for inclusive development, covering in three different interactive dialogues the following thematic topics:

Innovation for disability inclusive development in employment (SDG8): this dialogue will discuss the linkages between employment, knowledge and skills required to access employment in an innovative, rapidly changing technological landscape to all and how assistive technologies can increase accessibility to employment and be mainstreamed in the workplace.

Innovation for disability inclusive development in reducing inequality (SDG10): this dialogue will discuss innovations, practical tools and good practices to reduce inequalities in both public and private sectors, which are disability inclusive and interested in promoting diversity in the workplace.

Innovation for disability inclusive development: sport as an exemplar case: a sector where all of these aspects coalesce; sport as a good practice example and a site of innovation, employment and equity.

ተፈጥሮና የቱሪዝም መስህቡ!
ይህ..አስደማሚ የሰሜን ተራሮች ብሄራዊ ፓርክ፦ የአፍሪካ ጣሪያ የሚል ስያሜን ከማግኘቱም በላይ የተፈጥሯዊው ገፀ- በረከት ጎንደርን የተፈጥሮ ቱሪዝም ወደብ ከተማ እንድትሰኝ ካደረጉት ቱርፋቶች መካከል በጉልህ የሚጠቀስ ልዩ ክስተት ነው!

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