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Forward from: The Greyson
CA Pedophile Senator Scott Weiner is proposing a bill to require the sexual grooming of children in public school curriculum.

As Our Submissions continue to roll in, take a second to think, have YOU done anything to advocate for YOUR Folk today? The excuses don't solve anything, step up and be a voice for Whites EVERYWHERE through peaceful and informed action! By taking a stand, we can begin to rebuild Our people and give them a voice once more.


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WLM New York has hit 300+ followers on Our Twitter! Eventhough we are most active on Telegram, it is encouraged you follow other WLM New York socials to keep up to date and informed on activities within The Empire State. It's time we all stepped up and got Our voices heard and Our Folk represented.


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Twitter: https://twitter.com/WLM_NEW_YORK

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The most important quote from this article:
“let me tell you that the Second Amendment is not absolute” - Letitia James, NYS AG

Our enemies and all their degenerate pawns are coming for
your legally obtained weapons within New York State! Hochul The Spineless has once again used a "power play" to not only push the divide between races FURTHER but also to demonize law-abiding (overwhelmingly White) firearm owners. It's time we stood and showed we've had enough through peaceful and informed action, standing together and speaking up! White New Yorkers: You CANNOT allow ALL NY Whites to all be grouped with those committing heinous acts of violence, we MUST stand and speak out against this insanity!


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Endless money printing will always fail. This isnt rocket science but our so called leaders know this fact well and dont care. To them, America is a pie and they are all taking a slice before its gone. Get organized and prepare before the collapse arrives.


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Another activism submission has been received by WLM New York! As time goes on we must continue to take EVERY opportunity to get active and advocate for Our Folk, insuring a future for Whites within The Empire State and worldwide. It's time we stood in solidarity with one another on the basis of race, morals and responsibility!


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Forward from: Warren Balogh NJP 🔥
Because the brave father of Jupiter Paulsen is not willing to simply lie down and accept "thoughts and prayers" for his beloved daughter's brutal murder, he has been attacked by shitlib media in Fargo for "hate"... how many families of victims of anti-White crime have their stories ignored by national media and are offered only token sympathy without any justice being served?? Good, decent, hard-working White people are told to just forget about their loved ones and suffer in silence. If they speak up in outrage or protest at the unimaginable horror and racial injustice visited upon them, then they are guilty of "hate"!

The National Justice Party stands with ALL families of anti-White racial terror. We will not forget your loved ones and we will not let the nation or the media forget.

This nightmare happens to White families EVERY SINGLE DAY! White men are not the greatest domestic terror threat and 15 mins of crime stat research will easily prove this. Do not let this happen to you White kinsmen. Arm yourself and your loved ones against these savages


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WLM NY Activists placed materials somewhere in The Empire State! Get involved TODAY and see how YOU can become and advocate for Our Folk. It takes pride, motivation, dedication and a serious consistency; Do YOU have what it takes?


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Forward from: Health Ranger
New podcast (14 min) ALERT: Buy garden tools before the masses panic over food scarcity

- #Gardening tools will be wiped out as soon as the masses wake up about food shortages
- Food #riots will take place later this year across US cities
- Mass global #starvation is now already "baked in" and cannot be reversed
- Those who don't learn to grow food will face #famine and massive food #inflation

ALERT: Buy garden tools before the masses panic over food scarcity
For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, me...

Very sound advice from Mike Adams The Health Ranger. We all saw how essential supplies were brought up and hoarded during the height of Covid along with massive price gouging. Get prepared now while you still have time!


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Activists from WLM NY are still going strong in their efforts! Let's take from them and lead by example through lecture, informative action and propel Our Folk's situation to the forefront of EVERY White New Yorker's mind. Use the tools available and get involved today, getting out and raising awareness for Our situation and future.


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WLM NY is still receiving submissions of activism from across The Empire State! Regardless of what you're doing, there's NEVER been a better time to get out and active, bringing awareness to Our Folk's situation. We must take from their examples and all join The WLM NY Colonial Guardsmen through peaceful, informative action.


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Due to this pointless Brother-War funded by those with " strange echoing last names" Two Ukrainians and brothers in European-descendant have attacked eachother. Due to tensions stretched, exacerbated and irrited by those mentioned before: both the average Russian and Ukrainian with ties back to their 'old Country' are on edge more than ever, ready to attack anyone they percieve as an enemy. This is EXACTLY what the Khazars profiting off this unreast want, they don't wish for there to be trust and unity amongst those of European-descent; this is what Our Initiative stand and strive towards changing!

If we don't allow Ourselves to be divided then we may stand stronger than ever. Get involved and see how YOU can advocate for YOUR Folk today!


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WLM NY received another activism submissions from an anonymous individual! Take from their example and get out there, YOUR people are waiting. Involvement is easy and the fulfillment gained is all part of the process, stand up when no-one else will and be a warrior for The White Race through peaceful action.


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Join the WLM NY Chat or contact @Wetworks1 to begin the vetting process:


Forward from: The Western Chauvinist(Uncensored)
Disgusting degenerates always trying to recruit our kids. Note how they always use pictures of White kids for this groomer propaganda.


Forward from: The Western Chauvinist(Uncensored)
The overwhelming majority of mass shooters are non-White and largely black. And as our laws and policing of blacks has continually lessened due to political pressure from the (((elites))), the violence and mayhem has only increased.

Europeans all over the world should not be forced into living situations with foreign non-White's that hate and kill us in our own countries. It's time we took back our sovereignty and regained our voice as a people. We can always say "No More".


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