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A sanctuary of soul-stirring symphonies crafted with words, where each poetic whisper invites you to dance with the beauty of language and explore the depths of emotion.

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Winter is going to end,
I felt neither the cold
Nor the warmth of summer in her arms.
Only autumn lingers in my chest,
The scent of wilted flowers
Creeps along my skin and bone,
Crushed beneath my foot.
For that, I thank the roseβ€”
White petals turned red
From the blood drawn,
Perched with clipped thorns.
Still, it hurts.

- Achu B

The Christmas Present

Late December bloomed,
The soft winter wind
Whispering gold carols
As the two of us pass,
Hands in hands, furry coats,
In Christmas laden streets.
Every dessert smells of
Ecstasy, snowdrops dancing
Ethereally; kids sprinting
Merrily, snowman is smiling.
Pretty pines pose with all
the creative joyous decor.
All I want as my Christmas
Present is for our shared
Affection to be ever-lasting,
Ascending over the upcoming
Noels as we age. I pray, every
Year our love ripens, not wane.

#love #forhim #noΓ«l #December

Forward from: Unheard her!
Abandoned Abode

A home in mid of the desert is deserted now,
Orange sand dull, which was once aglow.
Cries of the crumpled child echo around,
Only to return the same, no mom found.
Where is his only parent? Muddy hues sob.
Mom is long gone leaving her heartthrob
Alone, against her will. Death is truly cruel.
It could never be a mom, lacking love's fuel.
The blue bucket the baby used for making
Sand castles is lying untouched. Breaking-
The empty pair of chairs sit in the ochre,
Shedding tears over the corse oozing odor.
The table, empty, is black black, food omit.
The baby is starving, life leaving him as vomit.
The little road ruptured of witnessing the agony.
Sand sheds droplets of sadness in shade canary.
When the bairne by and by bids a bye, to return never,
The solitary sepia abode turned more sombre than ever.

#ekphrastic #Mishtiwrites #death #home #heartbreak


- I Don't Love You Anymore


Forward from: Unheard her!
21 December,

I feel lost, in the hollows of my mind. I stroll around in every gloom filled lane of my lungs, search every crevice of my heart for some unexpected bloom but find no escape. I run and run only to get more stuck into the endless maze.

#Mishtiwrites #latenightdiaries #mind #lost #havoc

December Azure

Daughterly December dawned and
I realise that hatred has crawled
Its way into my insipid bone marrow.
The blood cells now feel poisoned
With deep vitriol blue, and my breaths
Have begun emitting the blue beads
Of carbon dioxide or is it misanthropy?
It wrench my flesh, every jaundiced thought
A jab to my own heart, it bleeds just as much.
All it ever wanted was to wear gentleness
With grace, but this malicious world
Made me cover it with the cardigan of
Intentional indifference, illusionary insolence
And hide the petals of xeniality with
Ugly shaded blue sepals that no one
Would want to peep across. Guarded safe.
Alone but secure. The blues are sepals,
But they cause ripples of solitary somber
Into my breasts, half smiles and pallid legs.
After so many of these months passing,
I find my skin pierced with numerous
Thorns and my flesh bleeds dirty blues.
The armour that I wore, too had thorns
On both sides and I embraced it anyway.

#December #hatred #blues #Mishtiwrites

Forward from: Unheard her!
O father, may'st hold me and buss
My beef-witted crumpet like ere?
Sith I grew up, thou stoppeth
Showing thy lovely lufu. Peccant! Ken,
Thou made me a mooncalf for eros,
Hereat, thy fruit hath frore eyne.
I crave thou dilection so sanative,
Methinks twelvemonth of monsterful
Storge will nigh suffice the drought. Belike,
Appentency for thou dilection never died.

#Mishtiwrites #dad #love

I Forgave Until I Didn’t

When you cut me a little
and said sorry,
I forgave.

When you held my lungs tightly,
made me wait,
suffocating in your absence,
and said sorry,
I forgave.

When you threw the heart
you stole
into the dust of fate,
and said sorry,
I forgave.

When you let my organs spill,
soaked in your smell,
and said sorry,
I forgave.

When you cut my finger
with the ring you gave,
forced it on,
and said sorry,
I forgave.

When you held the glass of
red wine,
blood draining sweetly
down your throat,
and said sorry,
I forgave.

Now you’ve buried me,
six feet under,
the soil damp with regret.

On my grave:
β€œI forgave.”

But you never listened.
Never heard meβ€”
not like you did
when I breathed.

- Achu B

858 0 20 3 16

Forward from: YOUthVINism🌼

The sides you stay
The roles you play
The dreams you chase
Being so near, yet far away
The world's a maze
with paths unknown
Walking on the crowded street
All alone.

The room's so cold
The pressure it holds--

The string comes tied
You dare cut it and set free?
Or go down...
Into the dead sea

One day,
when you long to be heard,
I might be there,
but deaf.
I’ll hope you gaze into my eyes,
and in that quiet,
you’ll find the answer,
without a word.

- Achu B


Heyyy, Describe this year in a word...


Another day,
Another clichΓ© poem,
Another unsent letter.

Too clingy,

And it’s all about love.

I sleep with a million questions about youβ€”
Whispers in the dark,
Shadows creeping,
Filling the corners of my mind.

Each thought bites down,
Gnawing at my sanity,
The way you make my heart your banquet,
Leaving scraps for me to gatherβ€”
Cold, bitter remnants,
Sharp as broken glass.

Too busy to notice,
You don’t read,
You don’t see.

At the end of the day,
I stitch answers together,
Patchwork on fraying seams,
Fragile truths,
To fend off the night.

But even then,
The shadows stay.

And in my mind and heart,
One word,
Three letters:

- Achu B

Forward from: Unheard her!
It can be mortifying to be the eldest daughter, aka everyone's therapist. To be the one who is always willing to lend an ear to listen to their rants when they're overwhelmed or tired and to lend a shoulder for them to sob on does not always come easy. I swallow my own wrath because that's what I was taught, all this time and it bruised the insides of my body in the form of guilt and suffocation. I was always a helping hand to everyone in the family but me. I loved everyone despite being aware of their darker hues but me. I could never let myself be kind to me. I turned into this pathetic perfectionist who always pressured me to be the perfect person. I was taught that putting my own thoughts or opinions on the table was disrespectful. If I'm not in sync with what my elders idealise, I am being disrespectful to them. I am a bad influence to everyone around me, specifically my lovely younger siblings.
"Bad manners. Don't talk back. If you behave like this, what will your younger siblings learn from it? You are not just spoiling your own self but your siblings too by trying to be revolting. You always have to be the ideal one, that everyone looks up to. You should be polite. Listen to your elders. What we say is wrong has to be 'the wrong thing to do' because we know more than you do. We are elders for a reason, you shouldn't question us... And the list goes on and on",
Every time I tried opening up the drawer of my mind where I had crushed every opinion like a crumbled paper draft, all I received was guilt trips and emotional instability. The voices inside my head no longer echo as loudly as they used to, they have turned into whispers. I got so used to being what people needed that I no longer recognize myself. It is a sort of defense mechanism and although it helps prevent unnecessary melodrama but at the same time, it is like that one drug with huge side effects. The damage is done, and I wonder for how long will my veins take this.

Probably being the eldest daughter comes with continuously being 'the unheard her'.

Each time I tried speaking my mind out, I was choked. And even when nobody was around, an invisible pressure would cause piercing pain in my head. Probably I got too used to being on a chokehold all the time, that when I'm free transiently (by any chance) I do the job of digging my nails a tad bit too hard into my neck to stop myself from uttering anything. I know that this could cause irreparable damage, but I'm just habitual to that suppressed self that anything else feels like a stranger to me.

#Mishtiwrites #eldestdaughter #scribbles

If the rose cannot rest
in the hands it yearns for,
what use are its petals?
What purpose its scent,
if it cannot reach the one it longs for?

What use my hands,
if I cannot hold,
if I cannot tend
the rose that bloomed for me?

Will I stand,
watching it wilt,
petal by petal,
until silence falls?

- Achu B

Where You Left Me (Past Self)

I'm sorry.
This December, I couldn't give you the sweater
you begged me forβ€”

the one I gave you last year,
woven with my love,
now stained in blood,
buried in the snow,
beneath the ground,
beneath what's left of meβ€”
all the pieces of you I tore apart.

A year has passed since that December 3rd.
I saw you todayβ€”
his hands wrapped around yoursβ€”
my hands,
my sweaterβ€”

the one you wore like it was nothing.

"Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty."

You made me feel like I was everything.

But I gave you my sweaterβ€”
and you wore it like I was disposable.

The snow remembers.
It melts into regret,
its cold fingers gouging into my chest,
cutting through everything I gave youβ€”
my heart, my trust, my soul.

I walked away,
to the stone that bears your name,
the weight of your absence,
sinking deep,
crushing meβ€”
as though you had never been mine,
as though I had never existed in your world,
like a body in the grave,
rotting beneath the earthβ€”
skin peeling back,
flesh turning to mush,
liquid pooling in the cavity of my chest,
bones splintering beneath the weight of the soil.

But beneath it all, buried with the rest of me,
your handsβ€”
those hands that once held mineβ€”
now clutch my sweaterβ€”
the fabric torn,
threads unraveled,
stained with remnants of me,
the scent of earth and decay woven into the fibers.
You wear it now,
not as something soft,
but as a reminder of something broken,
tattered, undone.

As though I was never meant to be yours,
as though I never existed,
as though I was just a fading specter,
lost in the cold,
crushed beneath the soil,
melted snow turning to water,
everything we had,
slipping away.

- Achu B


Forward from: Unheard her!
8 December,

My cries for help caused ripples in my blood but never found a way out of my throat. Everything beneath my skin felt horribly helpless.

#latenightdiaries #Mishtiwrites

Gold is but a hefty Rock

My mother once told me that
I was as mesmerising as gold.
Knowing that you see me as gold
Makes me question my lack of lustre,
I know Ma that it is supposed to
Be a compliment, a pretty flower that
I'd wear on the crown of my head but
Ma, my mane is tired of the weight.
I could be gold, as you say, but
I am not burnished yet. Lackluster-
I am that raw rock whose
Weight is often overbearing.
You try to lift me up from this
Sea of self doubt and sadness
But I am just a fish jonesing for
Being in her lugubrious little lake.
Penitent I am, forgive me Ma.

~ @QuotedbyMishti_24

Forward from: Yeah it's Me
Some give friendship
Some give courage
Some give motivation
Some give happiness
Some give pain
Some give lessons
Some give anxiety
Some give love
Some give trauma
Some give kindness
Some give reason to live
Some give priority
Some give reality checks
Some give value
Some give meaning for your existence
Some give reasons to hate something that you loved once
Some give negativity and positivity
Some just be there standing next to you listening everything stupid stuff
And someone give everything that you ever wished and needed
"That someone is all we will need"


I Too Had a Love Story
- Ravinder Singh

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