Abandoned Abode
A home in mid of the desert is deserted now,
Orange sand dull, which was once aglow.
Cries of the crumpled child echo around,
Only to return the same, no mom found.
Where is his only parent? Muddy hues sob.
Mom is long gone leaving her heartthrob
Alone, against her will. Death is truly cruel.
It could never be a mom, lacking love's fuel.
The blue bucket the baby used for making
Sand castles is lying untouched. Breaking-
The empty pair of chairs sit in the ochre,
Shedding tears over the corse oozing odor.
The table, empty, is black black, food omit.
The baby is starving, life leaving him as vomit.
The little road ruptured of witnessing the agony.
Sand sheds droplets of sadness in shade canary.
When the bairne by and by bids a bye, to return never,
The solitary sepia abode turned more sombre than ever.
#ekphrastic #Mishtiwrites #death #home #heartbreak