pajar shit’talk

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owwkie look at this !/pegang erat setang skuter nna ;naikin satu kaki ke skuter nna ;gembungin pipi/ hufftt , bissmilahirohmanirohim headshot !/jalanin skuter nna cepat ;naikin kaki satu nna ala kapal terbang/ wwing ,hawwo everyone!

Forward from: unloving you
i be okay, then a song that reminds me of you starts playing and suddenly my whole mood changes

Forward from: GEARAN SHIT
Yang on. Sini deh yang mau verif tele. Mau ngilangin kutukan. Ayo yang mau 1 biji aja ajg 😡

modal fw ch temen manjur yh 😁

gila ch gua sebelah matanya 2k



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Sape lagi kalo bukan lu yg Dateng cuma say hi sama stiker sehun


yu nobar

ya lof

ngakak kok tau

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