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Haven’t seen my computer in a few days. Taking some “vacation” time to work around the farm building and repairing horse fence. So much for rest and relaxation! 😂 The weather has been perfect though and the kids are helping without me nagging (thanks to the protocol) which makes this mama’s heart so happy!

Jason Hommel, author of The Copper Revolution, recently addressed my concerns regarding copper supplements making my kids nauseous. He suggested I make them a topical treatment to try so they’ll at least get some copper in their systems each day. While minerals are not absorbed through the skin as efficiently as through the digestive system, it can still be beneficial. Jason thinks we absorb about 30% of what is applied to the skin. I’m excitedly awaiting my ingredients to come in the mail so I can experiment with making a copper lotion. I’ve ordered copper sulfate crystals, beeswax, cocoa butter and shea butter after watching some homemade lotion videos. I’ll post more about this experiment in the coming weeks as things develop!

Today I want to explain why Vitamin C is an important part of the protocol. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that our bodies cannot produce nor store for later use but is needed for its ability to “make things happen” in the body. It is essential for brain function and facilitates the action of our neurotransmitters and is needed for proper communication between brain cells. It is also needed for proper cellular transport of iodine. The iodine cellular transport system can be impaired by toxic bromide. Iodine helps rid the body of bromide but sometimes it cannot do its job effectively when bromide has been allowed to run amuck in the body for a long time. Vitamin C helps iodine kick bromide to the curb and restore the normal function of the iodine cellular transport system. However, Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Hulda Clark both advise their patients not to take Vitamin C and iodine together at the same time because Vit C reduces iodine and iodine oxidizes Vit C when mixed. This is why you can use Vit C powder to remove iodine stains from counter tops. Dr. Brownstein generally recommends 3000 to 6000 mg of Vitamin C a day to his patients. We take 1000-2000 mg daily, but more is fine! I have yet to find a brand or form of Vit C that I prefer. I’ve read arguments against “whole food” and “liposomal”. Jason Hommel, author of The Copper Revolution, recommends ascorbic acid form so that’s what we’re using right now. I plan to try sodium ascorbate form next since I have a large tub of it at home already. If I notice any differences, I’ll be sure to post about it here.

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How to measure the total iodine mg per drop of Lugol's. Everyone, child or adult, starts with 1 drop of 2% and can increase by 1 drop per week until the desired level of iodine is achieved.

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Experiment: Good Lightvs Bad light.

Bad, toxic light affects kid's attention span.

🔽🔽🔽 So interesting! I've not heard of this experiment before but I do know that regular fluorescent lights seemed to trigger migraines for me sometimes. In the past, I would have someone from maintenance unscrew the bulbs above my desk at work when I still worked in an office. I work from home now and my migraines are few and far between.

Ramping up on the protocol minerals slowly takes time so it stands to reason you may not see improvements the first few weeks or first few months. As an adult with half a lifetime of toxins built up in my body, this protocol was more difficult for me to implement than it was for my children who are much less toxic. I started seeing improvements in them two weeks in or maybe less. However, my progress was much slower. It took a month before I started seeing glimmers of hope and improvements here and there. Six months in, I had made it to 10 drops of iodine (25 mg) and noticed I had taken down the Christmas decorations, organized them and put them away for the first time ever as an adult BEFORE New Year’s. 😄 I was planning meals at home instead of constantly going for takeout or something quick and keeping the house more tidy. The changes in me have been gradual and cumulative slowly over time. Now at the full 50 mg dose of iodine and cofactors, I feel I have better control over my focus. I can turn it off and on as needed to get things done. Before, when I was medicated with Vyvanse, my focus was “on” from the time it kicked in until it wore off in the evening. My focus wasn’t flexible and I had this uncomfortable urge to constantly have something to focus on. I’m more at ease and loving life free from the chains of pharma now. It takes time though so don’t give up. Keep going!

Forward from: Cruel History
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Boiled water changes flouride into flourine, making it more potent...

Anyone cooking their vegetables with tap water? 😬

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Use filtered or distilled water for cooking and drinking. I like ProOne filters for removing fluoride but about to buy a distiller too.

Yet another benefit of Boron - it helps rebuild the heart after heart attacks! Hopefully, if you're taking Boron proactively, you'll never experience this but if you have friends or loved ones with heart issues, let them know!

Today let's discuss why I included Fulvic-Humic minerals on the protocol. Firstly, I want to point out that the product pictured is what we use and it is not to be confused with Fulvic/Humic ACID which is a popular supplement being promoted on social media lately. The Vital Earth product pictured does not contain acid and is pH balanced. I do not recommend fulvic acid because of the unhealthy acidity levels and the harsh chemical processing that the fulvic undergoes to extract the nutrients leaves a residue and kills the living fulvic nutrients. Fulvic and humic minerals are “vegetal bio-mass minerals” that are ionic and have the ability to be fully utilized by the body. Humic minerals improve gut health by acting like Mother Nature’s roto-rooter and binding to toxic matter from things like pharmaceuticals and food additives so they get eliminated from the body instead of stored in soft tissues. Fulvic-Humic minerals are both detoxifying and healing. Due to our modern day farming processes, we are no longer getting adequate nutrients from fruits, vegetables or meat so consuming Fulvic-Humic minerals is one way we can fill the gap in our diets. Additional benefits of Vital Earth Fulvic-Humic minerals are:
·         Detoxes graphene nanoparticles
·         Provides cell protection from free radicals
·         Replenishes key electrolytes
·         Transports up to 60x its own weight in nutrients directly into cells
·         Helps enhance the body's ability to detoxify and remove harmful compounds
·         Enhances cellular energy
·         Promotes restful sleep
·         Provides cognitive support
·         Helps support healthy immune function
·         Alkalizing minerals assist proper pH and healthy oxygenation levels
·         Boosts enzyme activity and extends the time nutrients remain active in the body
·         Decreases food cravings linked to mineral deficiency
·         Supports healthy hormone balance

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It’s so sad how bromine, a poison that causes cancer and cognitive issues, came to replace iodine in white bread many years ago. We are bombarded with this toxin now daily from all types of products. Iodine pulls bromine out of the body which is why it is so important for our health.

Today’s topic is marvelous Magnesium and why it’s included in the ADHD Naturally protocol. Magnesium has so many benefits, I doubt I can list them all here! It is a powerful cofactor of iodine that protects the body from detoxification reactions while iodine works to remove toxic fluoride and bromide from the body. It also helps the production of ATP to power mitochondria and helps to correct mitochondrial dysfunction. Magnesium also keeps calcium in check by removing excess calcium from our cells which could end up in our joints or arteries which then causes disease. Research has shown that magnesium deficiency is linked to Alzheimer's and poor cognitive function. Studies have also shown that it helps people recover from traumatic brain injury as well. Magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve academic performance and enhance learning and recall abilities especially when given before school. There are multiple forms of magnesium available on the market. It is important to choose the right form of magnesium to benefit from this protocol. I recommend a combination of magnesium glycinate and malate for a total of 50-200 mg of magnesium with breakfast. These forms of magnesium are absorbed well by the body and do not cause excessive sleepiness in my experience. In the evenings, prior to bed, I recommend the L-threonate form of magnesium because it does help with sleep and can deliver magnesium directly to brain cells. Some of the additional benefits of magnesium are:

• Improved mood
• Muscle and nerve support
• Blood sugar control
• PMS relief
• Blood pressure regulation
• Improved bone health
• Reduced anxiety

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Updating the protocol to encourage starting low and slow on Manganese. Came across a quote from Dr. William Walsh today about how he starts his patients on Manganese slowly because of Mn's ability to promote heavy metal detox. He says starting Mn too high/too quick can be uncomfortable if a person is overburdened with toxins. If you ever experience GI upset, irritability, achy joints or achy back (kidneys), you may be going too quickly on the protocol. For example, I increased our iodine dosage by one drop each week until the kids reached 10 drops of 2% Lugol's and I reached 20 drops. Some people may be able to go faster, some may have to go even slower since we are all unique.

Let’s talk about miraculous Manganese and why it is included in the ADHD Naturally protocol. Like boron, manganese is an often overlooked mineral that the body needs for many processes that take place inside the body. Manganese is involved in making 21 enzymes alone. Enzymes do all the work inside the body. They are the catalysts that trigger chemical reactions. Nothing happens without enzymes kicking things off. Although enzymes can be used over and over, their supply can become depleted so giving the body manganese helps restore them. One of the enzymes manganese creates, CDK5, regulates neuronal signaling and development and is essential for proper brain function. Other enzymes such as ubiquinone oxidoreductase and cytochrome c oxidase, are essential for cell energy production and mitochondrial function. Manganese is also responsible for promoting the normal functioning of metallothionein. Metallothionein plays a crucial role in heavy metal detoxification. It can bind to things like mercury, lead and arsenic and eliminate them from the body. In the ever-increasing toxic world we live in, manganese helps protect the brain and provides energy to our cells so the body can work at optimal levels. Additional manganese benefits are:

• Healthier hair and skin
• Tinnitus relief
• Lowered dementia risk
• Reduced dental plaque and cavities
• Removal of plaque formation in the arteries
• Reduced heart disease risk
• Improved wound healing
• Improved thyroid health
• Better nutrient utilization
• Lowered risk of epilepsy
• Better blood sugar regulation
• Improved bone health

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Report cards came home for Q3 on Friday. Check out my son’s impressive jump in grades for both science and math! When I say the ADHD Naturally protocol is working beautifully for us, I really mean it! He started low dose iodine last year but at the start of 2024, I added the rest of the protocol and bumped up the iodine so this is the first report card since we began. Additionally, his belt is getting too big for him (down 2 holes on the belt!) as he is shedding some excess weight now with better impulse control and better hormone balance. So happy for him!!!

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“Hay” friends! I will be back with more content tomorrow! Enjoy your Sunday!

Let’s talk about brilliant Boron! Before I started my research, I had never heard of anyone supplementing boron. It’s a vital yet often overlooked mineral. Scientists believe boron was necessary for the evolution of life on earth because it plays a necessary role in metabolism for plants, animals and humans alike! One of the key reasons I included it on the ADHD Naturally protocol is because it is very helpful in removing toxins like fluoride, heavy metals and pesticides from soft tissues including the brain. Not only that but it also balances hormones like estrogen and testosterone. It is antifungal as well and helps rid the body of candida that often plagues the guts of neurodivergent people. In addition, boron has been shown to improve the electrical activity of people’s brains and their cognitive performance including short term memory. The benefits of this overlooked mineral are extensive:

• Reduces menstrual cycle pain and cramping
• Increases magnesium absorption and lessens wasting
• Improves wound healing
• Reduced wasting of Vitamin D
• Raises antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione and SOD
• Helps the formation of SAM-e
• Prevents cancers such as breast, prostate, cervical, lung and non-Hodgkins’ lymphoma
• Reverses osteoarthritis
• Reverses calcification of endocrine glands and ovaries
• Reverses arteriosclerosis
• Protects against kidney stones

There is nothing BORING about BORON!!!

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