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hang on myself, just for a bit of time.

happiest birthday for Lee Jeno and all Lee Jeno Rp-ers especially Andrew and Braga. may your birthday will full of happiness hours and special moments to remember. it isn't about counting the years but its about enjoy the ride and make great memories. have fun on ur day!

sincerely, yavanna.

screaming perfectness

hit different when u tired

i dont ask u for being here at my saddest and lowest point bcs i pretty know u wont. so dont blame me when i often let my loneliness here and u dont have to worry about it. but remember that i'll always be right here everytime u sad or u feeling down, i'll always be there without have to be asked or wondering about what the feedback will. just so u know that there'll always one girl who waiting u here and trying her best for every part of people in her life.

00.00 happiness n blessed, please

you could be happy, i hope you are

normalisasi setiap orang bereaksi berbeda sesuai sama yang mereka pengen ya, ga semua hal harus sesuai sama ekspektasi satu pihak soalnya😔🤚

problematika tiap selesai sama satu cerita, sedih dibilang lebay keliatan fine fine aja dibilang gapunya perasaan

a simple compliment from papa to made my day🤗

Forward from: Daffin #WhyWhyWhy
Proud of u 🥺

Boys are no no

geezzzzzz feminism should be educated to all woman so they could understand bout woman support woman🤡

100% AGREE
stands for my papa😮

beberapa orang kadang suka seenaknya, nanti giliran suatu saat ngerasain posisi yang sama ngeluh sakit hati. dude better watch ur words😔🤚

somebody help, its getting worse.

Forward from: rainburg
Halcyon, you make me smile so easily.

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