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♡ Karina ☽ Giselle ✩ Winter ꕤ Ningning
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#KARINA Bubble Update
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Mingdoong-ie kami belum menerima kamarnya jadi sekarang dia berbaring di kamarku

Oh masih jam 17:40 di sini tapi sudah gelap. Aku akan menunjukkan kepada kamu pemandangan malam nanti~!


Our mingdoong-ie has yet to receive her room so now she’s lying down in my room

Oh it’s still 5:40PM here but it’s already dark. I’ll show you the night view later~!

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eng trans cr. flounadite

#KARINA Bubble Update
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Jimin menjalani hari ke-21 sekali lagi

Ini luar biasa menarik kan

Jimin is living the day 21st once more

It’s amazingly interesting right

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eng trans cr. winrinabbl

#KARINA Bubble Update
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Sebelum keberangkatan

Ini sebelum pesawat berangkat, jadi belum goyang, jadi kita terlihat santai~~!


Kami bahkan selesai makan, dan Starbucks Amerika juga, nyom-nyon-yom-yom-yom-nyom-nyom


Before departure

It’s before the plane departs, so its not shaking yet, so we look relaxed~~!


We even finished eating, and America Starbucks too, nyom-nyon-yom-yom-yom-nyom-nyom

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eng trans cr. winrinabbl

#KARINA Bubble Update
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Aku telah tiba di Amerika dengan selamat, dan makan dengan baik juga~~~! Aku juga sangat merindukanmu

I’ve arrived America safely, and ate well too~~~! I miss you so so much toooo

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eng trans cr. winrinabbl

#KARINA Bubble Update
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Jimin akan kembali dengan selamat, (mohon) jangan menangis dan (mohon) tunggu aku~~!

Jimin will be back safely, (please) don’t cry and (please) wait for me~~!

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eng trans cr. flounadite

#WINTER Bubble Update
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aku akan kembali!

i'll be back!

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eng trans cr. winrinabbl

#NINGNING Bubble Update
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Selamat Pagi~~~


Good Morning~~~

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#KARINA Bubble Update
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Aku mewarnai rambutku.. bagaimana..?


I dyed my hair.. how is it..?

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eng trans cr. flounadite

#KARINA Bubble Update
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Jimin-ie bodohㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ mari kita dengarkan lagu terakhir 'Savage'!!!!!!!!

Jimin-ie is a dummyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ let’s listen to the last song ‘Savage’!!!!!!!!

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eng trans cr. flounadite

#KARINA Bubble Update
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aku tertidur, mataku terpejam

I’m falling asleep, my eyes are closing..

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eng trans cr. winrinabbl

#WINTER Bubble Update
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bulannya cantik?!

(coba tebak) apa aku, pergi kerja, atau pulang kerja??

benar, pergi kerja

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ hehe

The moon is pretty?!

(Guess) Am I, going to work, or getting off work??

Correct, it’s going to work

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ hehe

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eng trans cr. winrinabbl

#GISELLE Bubble Update
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kalau gitu 🌟 selamat malam~

then 🌟 goodnight~

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#GISELLE Bubble Update
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kamu udah tidur?

kalau kamu belum tidur


rekomendasi lagu yang enak didengarkan malam hari^^

Are you asleep

If you aren’t asleep yet


Recommending song(s) that are good to listen to at night^^

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eng trans cr. flounadite

#KARINA Bubble Update
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sekalinya aku pergi ke New York, aku sangat ingin mendengarkan ini..!

apa lagi yang harus aku dengarkan!



Once I go to New York, I really want to listen to this..!

What else should I listen to!

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eng trans + sticker cr. winrinabbl

#KARINA Bubble Update
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karena sebentar lagi kami akan pergi ke Amerikaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Ini pertama kalinya Jimin pergi ke Amerika…

Jimin punya harapan

Because we’re going to America soonㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ It’s Jimin’s first time going to America…

Jimin have a wish

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eng trans cr. winrinabbl

#KARINA Bubble Update
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jimin sangat gugup

jimin is so nervous

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#KARINA Bubble Update
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Ini terikat..


Siapa ini?


Kamu berhasil mendapatkan kursi dengan sangat baik ~

Ini mungkin video sebelum (kami mulai menggunakan) bubble

It’s tied..


Who would this be?


You managed to grab a seat very well~

This was probably a video before (we started using) bubble

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eng trans cr. flounadite

#KARINA Bubble Update
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Daeng-ie kami~

Bukan itu, itu bukan dari nama keluarga Goong, itu Yu Goongdaeng-ie

Haruskah aku memilih goongdaeng-ie atau goongdeng-ie Jika aku pergi dengan daeng-ie, '댕' sedikit .. sepertinya berdiri jadi lucu dan untuk deng-ie karena sepertinya akan membunyikan bel dan itu lucu

Ayo vote
1 . Goongdaeng-ie
2 . Goongdeng-ie

Our Daeng-ie~

That’s not it, it’s not from the Goong family name, it’s Yu Goongdaeng-ie

Should I go for goongdaeng-ie or goongdeng-ie
If i go with daeng-ie, ‘댕’ is a bit.. it looks like it’s standing so it’s cute and as for deng-ie cause it looks like it’ll ring the bell and it’s cute

Let’s vote
1 . Goongdaeng-ie
2 . Goongdeng-ie

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eng trans cr. flounadite

#KARINA Bubble Update
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jimin ingin memelihara seekor kucing

apa maksudmu 'aku menjadi kucing'

aku perlu mengganti namamu menjadi 궁둥이 (gungdaengie), apa boleh?

jimin wants to raise a cat

What do you mean 'I become a cat'

I need to change your name to 궁둥이 (gungdaengie) is that okay?

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eng trans cr. winrinabbl

#WINTER Bubble Update
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Aku bermain keras untuk mendapatkan !!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Ah maaf, ini kepercayaan diri

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ah tunggu sebentar ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Aku tidakㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ aku tidak, aku tidak!!! Aku tidak!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Oh, ujian suneung sudah selesai???

Apakah kamu melakukannya dengan baik~~~~???!

Tapi kamu benar-benar bekerja keras…

Aku bangga…..!!!!!!🤗

I’m playing hard to get!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Ah sorry, it’s the confidence

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋah wait a minute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I’m notㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋi’m not, i’m not!!! I’m not!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Oh, the suneung exams are over???

Did you do well~~~???!

But you really worked hard…

I’m prouddd…..!!!!!!🤗

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eng trans cr. flounadite

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