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Healing through words.
Semoga Allāh ﷻ mengampunkan dosa-dosa, melimpahkan rahmat & nikmatNya serta memakbulkan doa-doa ini, āmīn. — Ahza.
🕊️ ; https://instagram.com/ahzaazzahra

Since 22 march 2020.

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We found a coffee spot to chill at Shah Ale! Go visit them now!


Assalamualaikum and Eid Fitri Mubarak ;

May Allah accept our good actions, good intentions in Ramadan, and bring us closer to Him after Ramadan, InshaaAllāh.

From the bottom of my heart, I sincerly seeking your forgiveness for any wrongdoings from myself. May Allāh gather us again in goodness, in both worlds, āmin.

تقبل الله منا ومنكم،
من العائدين والفائزين والمقبولين،
كل عام وأنتم بخير.

Minal ‘āidin, wal fāizīn, wal maqbūlīn

(May we be among those who will be granted Ramadan again, among the victorious and among those whose good actions are accepted)


Sometimes you reach a point where you think what even is the point of making duas anymore.

But don’t ever give up hope in Allah ﷻ.

The more you rely on Him,
the more He will make ways for you.

Whether you see the results of your prayers now or maybe never in this world, they are still heard.

Alḥamdulillāh for the times You have shown me the true colours of others, Alḥamdulillāh for the times You have shown me who is there for me and who isn’t. I cannot thank You enough, indeed You are the most merciful and most loving. I cannot thank You enough for making me realise that no one on earth will be there for me the way You are. Your love is the most merciful thing I will ever experience.

Alḥamdulillāh for such a loving Lord who makes the impossible become possible, protects me and loves me more than my own mother. Oh my loving Lord, keep me on the path of righteousness, keep me around those who are genuine and good for me, keep me around those who love and care for me truly without any hidden agendas.

Ameen Ya Rabb.

Hope this helps a bit!

عام آخر لنحاول مرة أخرى

‎365 new days means 365 new chances. So this is our chance to try again and be closer to Allah and return to Him.

‎Remember Allah’s forgiveness is far far greater than our sins. So what never despair in Allah’s mercy.

There’s a tweet on Twitter that’s going around saying “Marriage is a scam” because it’s a totally different image from what society has been painting. Here’s my thoughts:

During the pre-marriage period, people would usually imagine all rainbows & unicorns based on their own dreams & exaggerations; but the reality that appears after the marriage most of the time dont correspond with what they've imagined during pre-marriage period. Why?

Because most people expect too much & open their hearts to receiving instead of giving before the marriage itself. It’s not the married life that kills your joy. It’s your expectation & lack of ikhlas. With ikhlas, your smallest deed makes you the happiest. Without ikhlas, even your greatest deed makes u displeased.

No, marriage is not a scam. Marriage is sacred. What is marriage without sacrifice? Both husband & wife need to be less selfish by sacrificing our unnecessary needs & desires; for this sacrifice will increase our value as a Muslim husband/wife, and as a slave of Allah.

One thing we must always remember; the goal of marriage is Jannah. To live in peace and tranquility by following the commandments of Allah. In order to achieve this, “give and take” is a crucial part. Both spouses must learn to cooperate and collaborate. Marriage is teamwork. Manage expectation of love and intention from each other on a daily basis. I pray that Allah makes it easy for all of us.

May Allāh ﷻ accept all our adīyah and ibādah, bless us all endlessly, ease all our affairs and difficulties and may He ﷻ shower us with His ﷻ eternal grace.

Jika tidak keberatan, selitkan saya juga di dalam doa kalian. Semoga Allāh ﷻ mengampunkan, merahmati, dan memakbulkan doa-doa saya. Āmīn.

Moga urusan kita semua dipermudahkanNya.

— Ahza

Amalan terbaik pada hari wukuf di Arafah adalah berdoa kepada Allāh ﷻ. Ia adalah waktu yang paling mustajab dan paling dekat untuk dimakbulkanNya.

“Sebaik-baik doa adalah doa pada hari Arafah, dan sebaik-baik zikir adalah

لا إله الله وحده لا شريك له،
له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شىء”

— Riwayat Tirmizi.

Selitkan juga saya di dalam doa kalian, semoga Allāh memakbulkan doa-doa saya. Dan moga Allāh melapangkan segala urusan kita, āmīn.

If you ask me, of course I believe that we can meet someone from our past in the future.

If two people were meant to be together, eventually they will find their way back. ❤️

There is nothing impossible, if Allāh wills.

You can read this sister's marriage journey!


Benar, kita merancang. Namun harus diingat, Allāh Sang Pencipta turut ada perancangan buat hamba-hambaNya.

Setiap kekuatan, kesakitan, kelukaan yang dialami, ingatlah bahawasanya kekuasaan Allāh itu besar dan luas dari segala-galanya.

Maka dengan itu, selalu lah berdamai dengan takdir Ilahi, pasti terselit sejuta hikmah disetiap ketentuan yang Allāh telah susun aturi.

Perancangan Allāh itu indah-indah belaka.

Saat kenyataan tidak selari dengan impian, itu bukan petanda untuk kita berhenti di tengah jalan, itu bukan petanda untuk kita putus harapan.

Bahkan kita sendiri tidak tahu bagaimana keadaan, masa hadapan kita untuk 3-5 tahun akan datang. Masih banyak perkara dan kemungkinan yang bakal terjadi.

Tetaplah melangkah, tiada usaha dan doa yang sia-sia. Semua ada balasan dan gantian yang terbaik menurutNya.

Yakin selalu dengan Allāh.

Doa lah. Doa kan senjata terbesar umat Islam.

Yakin lah, yakin atas setiap doa yang dilayarkan, atas setiap harapan yang kita gantungkan kepada Allāh, pasti didengariNya.

Selalu pesan dengan diri sendiri bahawasanya tiada satu perkara yang mustahil di sisi Allāh, Dia mampu menjadikan semua kemustahilan menjadi nyata.

Saat ini, tetap lah yakin, percaya dan selalu bersangka baik dengan takdirNya. Jangan berhenti berusaha, berdoa dan bergantung harap hanya kepadaNya.

Terus kuat.

Just because something is not happening the way you want, it does not mean Allāh is not listening to you.

There is wisdom behind everything,
have faith in Him.

Not to be depressing or anything, but it does not get better with time, the face of your obstacles change as you learn to overcome them, and you get better at handling the trials Allāh sends your way.

Just remember that your beloved by Allāh if the trials bring you closer to Him.

Healthy conversation with my lovely akhawat. 🤍

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