Alijonov Azizbek

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Alijonov Azizbek's official telegram channel. No IG account yet.
IELTS 7.5 (L8.5, R8.0, W7.0, S7.0)
SAT in March 9

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Forward from: Jamshidbek Izzatulloh | Blog
Alhamdulillahi robbil a'lamiyn.

A full-ride scholarship to Vanderbilt University Class of 2029.


I have never understood or participated in any of MUNs, but we are set too.

Enjoy it🥂


Is there someone who wants to give a speech?

Let me know in the comments. We may go together to visit my school, for I'm in.


"Is it possible to study abroad and work at the same time?" is one common question I often hear from young students to parents.

✅The short answer is, it depends on the country you go to!

📌We’ll share an experience of successfully balancing studying and working in London. After living there for three years, our guest Bobur Makhmudov will explain how he achieved financial independence and dive into the exciting aspects of studying and working abroad. Head over to UzAdvisory Consulting Agency to learn how you can manage this too.

⚡️Explore how you can also make studying and working abroad work for you!

Forward from: Ozodiy Writes
We enjoyed a talk with Mr. Shahruh Mahkamdjanov serving as an outreach officer at NYU Abu Dhabi.

It was great that he was open to any question given by us (Jamshidbek, Eldor, and Azizbek)

We hope to receive favorable college decisions from NYUAD for this admission cycle.

I left notes from the meeting in the comments section.


Forward from: Eldor Khamraev
alright, Azizbek has got bigger muscles💪


I am a #cic_star

200 0 0 14 16


291 0 0 12 24

People constantly asked to stop and take a photo of us. One woman said it’s because of our shirts.

How can’t you, then, feel the responsibility laid upon your shoulders?


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I feel goosebumps of happiness going through my bones
Because I have won individual and team bronzes


228 0 0 15 26

Forward from: Miyashunos
Miyashunos kim?

Ingliz tilini 10 yil davomida o‘rgangan inson sifatida, o'z oldimga savol qo‘ydim: Nega yer sharidagi 273 million insonning birinchi tili bo‘lgan tilni 10 yil sarflab o‘rganishimiz kerak. Til bu shunchaki vosita bo‘lsa, uni tezroq va sifatliroq o‘zlashtirib, boshqa ilmlarni o‘rganishning imkoni yo‘qmi?

Shu va shunga o‘xshash savollarimning barchasiga Erta Yoshdagi Ta’lim (Early Childhood Education) sohasi javob berdi. Opam bilan birgalikda izlanib, o‘rganganlarimizni jiyanlarimda tatbiq qildik. Hozirgi kunda, 5 yoshli jiyanim ingliz, rus va o‘zbek tillarida erkin suhbatlashadi, va shu tillar bilan birgalikda arab tilida ham o‘qiy oladi.

Chaqaloqlar miyasi qanchalar kuchli ekanligini tushunganimdan so‘ng, atrofga e’tibor qarata boshladim, va juda ko‘p yosh bolalar kunlarining asosiy qismini nafaqat behuda, balki juda zararli bo‘lgan ishlar bilan o‘tkazishayotganining guvohi bo‘ldim. 1 daqiqalik videolar va grafikaga boy bo‘lgan o‘yinlar bolalar miyasiga qanday jiddiy ta’sir ko‘rsatishidan xabar topdim. Buning barchasiga asosiy sabab esa shunchaki ota-onalarning bu sohadan bexabar ekanliklari degan xulosaga keldim.

Bolalarning miyasi va inson umrining eng erta yillaridan qanday qilib maksimum unumli foydalanish mumkin ekanligini o‘rganish maqsadida Cognitive Science sohasida tadqiqotchi bo‘lishni, va o‘rganganlarimni O‘zbek jamiyatiga taqdim qilib borishni niyat qildim.

Keling endi Miyashunos kim degan savolga javob beraman:

Ismim Jamshidbek Izzatulloh. Cambridge International College (CIC) bitiruvchisiman. Sobiq dasturchiman. Hozirda matematika va ingliz tili ustozi sifatida faoliyat yuritaman. IELTS dan 8.0 va SAT dan 1510 ballarini qo‘lga kiritganman. Notiqlik san’atiga qiziqaman va 2 yil davomida CICda TEDx loyihasini tashkillashtirganman.

Roppa rosa ikki hafta avval ingliz tilida yuritiladigan shaxsiy blogimni siz hozir o'qiyotgan ko‘rinishga keltirdim. Maqsadim - rivojlanayotgan yoshlarda bu sohaga bo'lgan qiziqishni oshirish va O'zbek jamiyatiga miya ilmi sohasida ilmiy-ommabop kontent ulashish.

Qo'llab-quvvatlash istagida bo'lsangiz kanalni boshqalarga tavsiya qiling. Rahmat.

Miya mo'jizalariga chuqurroq sho'ng'ish uchun bizni kuzatib boring!


Many missed the moral of the story because perhaps I had not delivered it incorrectly. The main point was that you could be the world MMA champion and still be no man. From hadith of Al-Bukhari, we can get that our Prophet (SAW) said “the strong man is in fact the one who controls himself in a fit of rage” when his companions were wrestling in masjid to see who is the most Rajjal (man). I admit that as a man you need to be capable of fighting, but this is not a main index of being a man.


Once upon a time, two males get into an argument.
One of them says to the other:
—you’re not a man.
The other became furious and punched him several times.
The beaten guy stood up, shook out dust from clothes and said:
—I didn’t say you can’t fight. I said you are not a man.


290 0 2 10 16

Oh yeah, btw, here’s my AP score


Fun fact:
In my entire life, I was Bekhzod in my birth certificate. Yes, it was written as Alijonov Azizbek, but if you check the №, you could see that I am not whom you know: smth Bekhzodjon. Fortunately, I am the real Alijonov Azizbek anywhere in the documents from now on.


Forward from: Ibrat Farzandlari
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🤩 Orzularingiz sari tramplin tayyor!

Top Uni Camp 2024’ga qabul ochildi!

😎 Yoshlarni dunyoning TOP 100 talik universitetlariga o‘qishga topshirish bo‘yicha bilimlarini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan ushbu oromgohning birinchi mavsumi 15-21-iyul kunlari bakalavr bosqichi, 15-21-avgust kunlari esa magistratura bosqichi bo‘yicha bo‘lib o‘tadi.

Muhim: Ushbu qabul ham bakalavr, ham magistratura bosqichi uchun amal qiladi. Magistratura uchun qabul qaytadan ochilmaydi.

⬇️ Quyidagi havola orqali roʻyxatdan oʻting va Top Uni Camp 2024 da ishtirok etish imkonini qo’lga kiriting.

👉 Roʻyxatdan oʻtish

*Bu yangilikni do’stlaringizga ham ulashing, do’stlar bilan 1 haftalik sayohatga nima yetsin))

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Fun fact:
We shot this video without knowing the score. I was telling that I could get 1450 and ruin the video, yet he said to believe in him and just express my real emotions.
What a risk was that…


Forward from: Millat Umidi School | ex. CIC School
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⚡️Alijonov Azizbek 🤩

🤓A student of Millat Umidi, has conquered another milestone

SAT score of 1520🤩

With the past test results, now he has got a superscore of 1530, EBWR being 730 and Math 800🔥

If you want to achieve the same level, come to CIC school🏫

Murojat uchun raqamlar :
👉 99 462 4040
👉 99 461 4040
👉 99 797 1331

So it is 1530…

See this🚀


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