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انظر صنيع هذا الخليفة في دفع المحن والبلاء رحمه الله
في "البداية والنهاية" (12/ 127)

"ثم دخلت سنة ثمان وسبعين وأربعمائة في المحرم منها زلزلت أرجان فهلك خلق كثير من الروم ومواشيهم. وفيها كثرت الأمراض بالحمى والطاعون بالعراق والحجاز والشام، وأعقب ذلك موت الفجأة، ثم ماتت الوحوش في البراري ثم تلاها موت البهائم...
وفيها خرج توقيع الخليفة المقتدي بأمر الله بتجديد الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر في كل محلة، وإلزام أهل الذمة بلبس الغيار، وكسر آلات الملاهي، وإراقة الخمور، وإخراج أهل الفساد من البلاد، أثابه الله ورحمه".

يا مبتغي السعادة في الدارين:
من أربح التجارات، وأسعد اللحظات؛ أن يقوم الرجل لصلاة الفجر ويشهدها أولاده معه في المسجد.
وهنيئا لتلك الأم التي شاركت في ذلك.
والتعاون بين الزوجين للصلاة من مفاتيح السعادة في الأسرة.
والتواصي على أداء الصلوات في أوقاتها من أعظم ما يجب التعاون فيه بين الوالدين والأولاد في الأسرة وفقكم الله.
ووالله إن في الصلاة لراحة واستراحة،
فنظم وقتك ونومك وعملك ومشاريعك وفق مواقيت صلاتك، فهي الأصل، ولا تجعلها فرعا.
وفي صلاتك الراحة والاستراحة، وتتحقق السعادة في الدارين.
فاللهم أصلحنا، وأصلح ذرياتنا، واجعلنا من أئمة المتقين.

👆تيسير اللطيف المنان في خلاصة تفسير القرآن للشيخ السعدي رحمه الله

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The Prophet ( may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him ) said to 'Ali (May Allah be pleased with him), "By Allah, if a single person is guided by Allah through you, it will be better for you than a whole lot of red camels."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

‏قال الإمام النووي رحمه الله:
"اعلم أنه ينبغي لكل مكلف أن يحفظ لسانه عن جميع الكلام إلا كلاما ظهرت فيه المصلحة, ومتى استوى الكلام وتركه في المصلحة, فالسنة الإمساك عنه لأنه قد ينجر الكلام المباح إلى حرام أو مكروه, وذلك كثير في العادة, والسلامة لا يعدلها شيء".
‏رياض الصالحين من كلام سيد المرسلين ﷺ

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The Standing Committee was asked: Some people celebrate Valentine’s Day on the fourteenth of February every year. They exchange gifts of red roses and wear red clothes and congratulate one another. Some bakeries make red coloured sweets and draw hearts on them, and some stores advertise products that are especially for this day. What is your opinion on the following: 
1-     Celebrating this day
2-     Buying things from the stores on this day
3-     Storekeepers who are not celebrating it selling things that may be given as gifts to people who are celebrating it? 
They replied: 
The clear evidence of the Qur’aan and Sunnah – and the consensus of the early generations of this ummah – indicates that there are only two festivals in Islam: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Any other festivals that have to do with a person, a group, an event or anything else are innovated festivals, which it is not permissible for Muslims to observe, approve of or express joy on those occasions, or to help others to celebrate them in any way, because that is transgressing the sacred limits of Allaah, and whoever transgresses the sacred limits of Allaah has wronged himself. If the fabricated festival is also a festival of the kuffaar, then the sin is even greater, because this is imitating them and it is a kind of taking them as close friends, and Allaah has forbidden the believers to imitate them and take them as close friends in His Holy Book. And it is proven that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” Valentine’s Day comes under this heading because it is an idolatrous Christian festival, so it is not permissible for a Muslim who believes in Allaah and the Last Day to observe it or approve of it or congratulate people on it. Rather he has to ignore it and avoid it, in obedience to Allaah and His Messenger, and so as to keep away from the causes that incur the wrath and punishment of Allaah. It is also haraam for the Muslim to help people to celebrate this or any other haraam festival by supplying any kind of food or drink, or buying or selling or manufacturing or giving or advertising etc., because all of that is cooperating in sin and transgression and is disobedience towards Allaah and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“Help you one another in Al‑Birr and At‑Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment”
[al-Maa’idah 5:2] 
The Muslim must adhere to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah in all his affairs, especially at times of fitnah when evil is widespread. He should be smart and avoid falling into the misguidance of those who have earned Allaah’s anger and who have gone astray, and the evildoers who have no fear of Allaah and who do not have any pride in being Muslims. The Muslim must turn to Allaah and seek His guidance and remain steadfast in following it, for there is no Guide except Allaah and no one can make a person steadfast but Him. And Allaah is the source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. End quote. 

1 –Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: 
In recent times the celebration of Valentine’s Day has become widespread, especially among female students. It is a Christian festival where people dress completely in red, including clothes and shoes, and they exchange red flowers. We hope that you can explain the ruling on celebrating this festival, and what your advice is to Muslims with regard to such matters; may Allaah bless you and take care of you. 
He replied: 
Celebrating Valentine’s Day is not permissible for a number of reasons.  
1-     It is an innovated festival for which there is no basis in Islam.
2-     It promotes love and infatuation.
3-     It calls for hearts to be preoccupied with foolish matters that are contrary to the way of the righteous salaf (may Allaah be pleased with them). 
It is not permissible on this day to do any of the things that are characteristic of this festival, whether that has to do with food, drinks, clothing, exchanging gifts or anything else. 
The Muslim should be proud of his religion and should not be a weak character who follows every Tom, Dick and Harry. I ask Allaah to protect the Muslims from all temptations, visible and invisible, and to protect us and guide us. 
End quote from Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (16/199) 

صلاة الفجر سر الحياة السعيدة منحك الله إياها أول يومك، وهي الأولى لكل قرار والمركز الأول في قلبك.

- إذا حل الصقيع بدار قوم
فلا حل سوى ضم اللحاف
- وحشو مدافئ حطبا وغازا
فزيت الكاز كالجار المجافي
- ولو دامت علينا كهرباء
لخف الحمل عن كتف المدافي
- فهذي الكهرباء كحلم طيف
يراودنا ويبدع في التخافي
- فإن خرست مدافئنا هرعنا
إلى حضن اللحاف للاعتكاف
- فهذا البرد نعرفه عنيفا
وأصل الداء فيه بلا خلاف
- إذا هبت نسائمه أجادت
مفاصلنا برقص الارتجاف
- يسل إلى العظام فلست تدري
أيرضى بعد ذلك بانصراف ؟!
- وأكثر ما يحز القلب بردا
إذا دست البلاط وأنت حاف
- وعذرا فالحروف بها صقيع
وقد جمدت على الورق القوافي
نقلا عن الشاعر بردان

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