Forward from: 𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗟
👤 kalo di ajak balikan, mau?
carl. terkadang gue pengen, karna dia itu keliatan tulus sm gue, tpi disisi lain jg gamau, takut di jadiin yg kedua lgi
👤 What is your most painful version of "what if...”?
carl. what if he is without me, is he okay?. DAMN it turns out he's fine because I think he has a lot of boyfriends ahahaha
👤 kalo diajakin balikan mau ga
carl. terkadang gue pengen, karna dia itu keliatan tulus sm gue, tpi disisi lain jg gamau, takut di jadiin yg kedua lgi
👤 What's the best and the worst thing about loving him?
carl. the best thing is that I can make him a home and be a home for him and the worst thing is that I love him too much.
👤 Tell me ur feeling today
carl. I feel happy today, I don't know what makes me happy.
carl. terkadang gue pengen, karna dia itu keliatan tulus sm gue, tpi disisi lain jg gamau, takut di jadiin yg kedua lgi
👤 What is your most painful version of "what if...”?
carl. what if he is without me, is he okay?. DAMN it turns out he's fine because I think he has a lot of boyfriends ahahaha
👤 kalo diajakin balikan mau ga
carl. terkadang gue pengen, karna dia itu keliatan tulus sm gue, tpi disisi lain jg gamau, takut di jadiin yg kedua lgi
👤 What's the best and the worst thing about loving him?
carl. the best thing is that I can make him a home and be a home for him and the worst thing is that I love him too much.
👤 Tell me ur feeling today
carl. I feel happy today, I don't know what makes me happy.