ann’s property ; open

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for FW or anything please contact @anneriese .
Order’s : @anneriesebot ( respon from O9.OO WIB - 22.3O / 23.OO WIB )
kritik/ saran / komplain @a18012 @anneriese

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haloo , selamat pagii! Yuk kita buka! Ann’s property is open! Anw, happy Eid Adha bagi yang merayakan. Yuk cek katalognya . Jangan lupa baca TnC yaa. Selamat jajan semua, have a great time!

haloo! Ann’s property close yaa. ayo monggo di isi board nya😉 . Kita bertemu besok, good night everyone ! 💝

ayoo di isi yuk. Siapa tau nanti aku wts photocard nya hehehe

📝 photocard apa nih yang harus aku wts in disinii ?? ayo drop yaa ! Thankss !

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kemarin malam lupa nutup store😭

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