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W bl l, thnks.

Ini own nya punya mslh apa yg sm gua?ngeselin bener

Forward from: ch bakal main di board

Forward from: SeaBlo: Spring arc.

𓂀. Okay, let me get this straight since there are some shitty people out there who can't seem to respect other's relationships. Y'all really need to stop sending those stupid “IHACOY“ menfess to people who already have a couple. They're clearly very uncomfortable with those kind of menfess. Those kind of people don't understand what they're doing other than ruin other people's relationship. No matter how many times victims have spoken up about this yet these people are still being some kind a of pain in the ass. Listen, if you kept on doing these kind of stuff then I must say that you're being kind of useless and is such a waste of time right here. So, STOP sending "IHACOY" menfess to people who already have a couple.


Forward from: 𝗟♡$𝐄R %??!
athalina = your bio, karena sy sangat setuju sm bio mu
eren = cool, awesomely, enthralling
theo = 8/10

Forward from: ch bakal main di board

Forward from: liam
📝 drop your @. for sfs main acc with @karelliam only ch pribadi ya. side acc, arsip ch, admin upsubs DNI.

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Forward from: bzie
📝 drop ur @ for sfs main acc with @d0youngq

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📝 #2nd – drop t.me/ for sfs main acc with Tera

👤 t.me/urklln

👤 tme/jndrxdoah

👤 t.me/injuunville

👤 t.me/jicangmhin

👥 4 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Forward from: cala place


PLEASE INI HARUS UP BANGET, Bisa ngerasain putus asanya Mas mas nya, korban pelecehan di KPl ddari tulisannya. Pengen nangis pas nyampe ke bagian dia nyebutin nama-nama pelaku. Imagine the desperation he has been feeling until he reached this point. Semoga masnya segera dapat keadilan & pemulihan, Jujur ngerasa sakit hati karena tau rasanya dibully sama orang tuh gimana apalagi korban juga dilecehkan oleh para pelaku, Please tangkap pelaku dan jangan sensor mukanya!

n : please stop buat pelecehan? mikir ga sih mereka bakal sakit hati, sedih, malu, marah, semua perasaan bercampur aduk bila orang tersebut mengalami pelecehan seksual seperti di atas? dan buat orang tsb trauma, mungkin bakal menyebabkan lebih dari trauma.

Forward from: %
📝 helloo, drop ur @ for sfs main acc with @xdoyieeon. side acc, sfs acc, admin upsubs, rprl area DNI pls😵‍💫❗️❗️

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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(Help fw, please)
y'all, i really need your help right now. please read the texts above.. i hope someone is willing to help me and i'm gonna be really thankful. :(
if you can't buy something from me, you can just share this message to anyone!! please.. thank you so much, i appreciate it! 💗

Forward from: pretty girl, Nalesha.
aku ga fw pesan dari ch kalian bukan berarti aku ga diving, aku diem diem begini juga tetep diving dan isi board kalian kalo aku ga limit, harus banget yaa aku bilang ke ch dulu "mau diving" gitu?? engga, aku selalu diving kalo ada waktu senggang jadi tolong dong feedback juga diving ch kaya tap poll atau isi board gitu

Forward from: Crépusculaire. []

Banyak nih saya lihat problem soal ini, salah satunya soal sexuality. Saya pernah lihat di Secreto orang ada yang bilang gini, "Lo belok? Cepet-cepet lurus deh." terus ada juga yang gak sopan banget malah nanya soal sexuality di Secreto, "lo straight apa belok?" Dude? Ngapain sih?

Gini ya, sexuality orang itu beda-beda, dan itu termasuk privasi sekaligus rl thingy, kenapa kamu malah tanyain dipublik gitu? Secreto termasuk publik ya, karna bisa dilihat semua orang. Please be smart, kalau gak bisa jaga kata-kata mending simpen aja buat diri mu sendiri deh.

Terus ada juga nih yang kek gini, "Yuk bisa yuk lurus" TF?? Kamu fikir sexuality orang itu jalanan? Lurus, belok, lurus, belok? Walaupun niatmu baik buat bikin dia jadi straight lagi, tetap aja kalau emang sexuality dia gitu masa kamu mau marah? Dan jangan cuman karna sexuality dia yang beda sama kamu, kamu malah bully dia, ngatain dia segala macem. Sexuality itu alami, kamu gak bisa ngatain dia cuman karna itu, harusnya kamu support dia, dan kalaupun mau bikin dia straight, ya pelan-pelan dan jangan dipaksa.

Intinya, be wise pake sosmed, jangan lakuin cyberbullying yang jelas-jelas salah. Kamu gak tau rasanya jadi dia yang kamu bully, jadi jangan lakuin itu. Jaga kata-kata dan biasain mikir dua kali kalau mau ngomong sesuatu yang sekiranya sensitif.

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