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Unearthing Middle-earth’s European Roots

Alexandor Raynor discusses Armand Berger’s Tolkien, Europe, and Tradition and how Tolkien forged a new mythology from our European heritage.

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Dugin’s Directive: “The Conflict in the Middle East Is the Start of a Great War”

Alexander Dugin argues that the escalating conflict in the Middle East marks the beginning of a larger global war, as Iran and its allies confront Israel and the Western hegemony, opening a second front following Ukraine.

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Ernst Jünger: Life in the Forester’s House

Daniil Zhitenev explores the life of Ernst Jünger in his secluded residence at the forester’s house in Wilflingen, highlighting the writer’s disciplined routines, vast collections, and the profound influence this setting had on his later works.

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A New Challenge for Teflon Mark

Hans Vogel highlights the rise of Mark Rutte, former Dutch Prime Minister, as NATO’s new General Secretary, his dismissal of public opinion, and his commitment to NATO’s lethal agenda, including support for Ukrainian attacks on Russia, while questioning the true values being upheld by the sinister alliance.

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Neo-Paganism and the Satanic Nature of Modern Science

Alexander Dugin explores the origins of the concept of “paganism,” contrasting it with Christianity, and argues that modern materialism and the scientific worldview, far more destructive than paganism, have paved the way for a resurgence of dark spiritual forces in the form of neo-paganism and other ideologies.

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Odiato e idolatrato come pochi altri prima di lui, Donald Trump rappresenta senza dubbio una personalità tra le più discusse del nostro tempo. Trumpismo Esoterico — già apprezzato dal pubblico di lingua inglese — approfondisce le dimensioni inesplorate del percorso politico del tycoon americano, presentandolo come un protagonista cruciale della narrazione occidentale.

Attraverso la lente della teoria ciclica della storia di Oswald Spengler, il libro esplora la figura di un leader politico che si è distinto per i suoi richiami all’America profonda, all’identità nazionale e alla lotta contro il progressismo woke, polarizzando l’opinione pubblica e animando un fitto dibattito. Un’analisi fuori dagli schemi, dove il mistero lovecraftiano incontra la gloria barbarica di Robert E. Howard, per aprire una prospettiva unica e filosoficamente ricca sul nostro tempo, mescolando motivi biblici, immagini apocalittiche e paralleli storici.

Trumpismo Esoterico
, dunque, si pone come disamina accademica e artistica del fenomeno, elaborata in stile poetico, capace di offrire un’intrigante esplorazione dell’approccio non convenzionale di Trump alla leadership.

Forward from: Continental-Conscious

Forward from: Continental-Conscious
I just finished translating Daria Platonova Dugina’s A Theory of Europe. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite passages here over the next week.

For now, only a released impression, or indication: What an astounding work… What a moving array of modes and tones, analyses and prophesies, written and spoken words, lived experiences and enlivening visions — all bestowed by one human being for the sake of awakening others… Only Daria could have given us this book, as an unexpected result of her death, because of her life, and only we — no one else — are capable of receiving it. Right here and now.

Gramsci, Schmitt, Heidegger, de Benoist, Faye, Dugin, and many others — iconic thinkers are seamlessly mobilized into the mosaic of her free-flowing speeches and interviews. May ’68, the collapse of the Soviet Union, wars in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and Mali, elections in France, Germany, and Italy — political events become moments in the advent of her feeling of the pulse of geopolitics. Putin, Macron, Le Pen, Zemmour, Mélenchon, Biden, Trump — all are characters on the stage of civilisational shifts which she sees unfolding around her. “Left” and “Right”, and all the ideologies of Modernity, are loosened and shed in the light of Rome, Europe, Eurasia, and the Continents of the Spirit, in the open-ended dynamics of multipolarity — and then she suddenly takes us back down to dissect concrete media scandals, photographs, and politicians’ posturings. She contemplates the spectacle and shows us when to dance, when to refrain, and when to pull out the dagger of truth. She takes us with her as she recounts her life in France, her activism and scholarship in Russia, and her reporting from the battlefields in Ukraine. When you reach the last page, where she transitions from discussing Chinese politics to comparing different punk and rave genres of music to traditional Slavic clothing, you wonder where you are, where you’ve been, and where to next…

On the pages of this book, we discover the existential dimension of any transient political and intellectual phenomena — in the existential optic of none other than Daria Platonova Dugina, in her piercing wordplay, in her bouts of humour and dead seriousness, in her free-handed conversing as well as in her rigorous writing. Instead of nothing, instead of one or another “news channel,” we are urged to live and breathe what she calls “re-information” and, above all, “transformation.”

Among many other things, we hear her say:

“This is the time of the Great Awakening. I think this is a chance for us to wake up. It seems to me that now all of history or, in the very least, the whole history of my life has been split into ‘before’ and ‘after’ the Special Operation. Simply the world has radically turned and radically changed. All the cards have been re-dealt and, indeed, all the masks have flown off… In fact, it’s very important to pray, to sincerely pray… If we don’t seize this chance, if we don’t wake up from hibernation, from indifference, from idleness, then woe to us, woe to us!”

Freedom Party Comes in First in Austria

Kenneth Schmidt highlights the historic victory of Austria’s Freedom Party under Herbert Kickl, whose nationalist, anti-immigration platform, and stance on neutrality in the Russia/Ukraine conflict has shaken the political landscape of Austria and Europe.

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"This world always was, and shall forever be, an ever-living Fire."

- Heraclitus, Fragments

"In the age of globalisation, liberalism no longer presents itself as an ideology, but as a global system of production and reproduction of men and commodities, supplemented by the hypermodernism of human rights."

Liberalism: The Main Enemy, an excerpt from Alain de Benoist's book Manifesto for a European Renaissance, published by Arktos.

Alain de Benoist and Charles Champetier critique liberalism’s grip on modern society, highlighting its economic and individualistic drives that conflict with traditional values, shaping a world centered on competition and quantification.

Liberalism embodies the dominant ideology of modernity. It was the first to appear and will be the last to disappear...

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Forward from: Eurosiberia
In Spengler’s view, “White” Europe faced a “colored” world revolution, and Bolshevism was “a central component” of this struggle. Through the Red victory, Asia was reconquering Russia. The new center of Bolshevik policy was moving ever eastward. Spengler interpreted Lenin and Stalin’s regime as a kind of Red Tsardom, and later also as a modernized form of Asian despotism modeled on Genghis Khan. What would come after the defeat of Soviet Russia, Spengler did not dare to prophesy.

Cultural Fascism: What Is It?, an essay by Joe Nally, published by Arktos.

Joe Nally argues that the cultural fascist prioritizes meaning, form, and order over materialism and aesthetics, risking everything, even life itself, to champion a society both inhuman in spirit and human in nature, continually reinventing himself to navigate future conflicts.

Cultural fascism
? How could such a subject exist? Let alone, is it a far-left conspiracy theory that misrepresents the school of the Nouvelle Droite thought as being responsible for modern nationalist movements, identity politics, and political correctness? I don’t think so. We must play fair. If there is criticism and a real subject called “Cultural Marxism,” we must consider its polar opposite, where fascism died long ago, and what we have understood in the postmodern era, is cultural fascism.

Cultural fascism can be traced back to the work of Maurice Bardèche, and his...

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Ban the ADL!, an essay by Chad Crowley, published by Arktos.

Chad Crowley tells us why the ADL needs to be banned.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in late September 1913 by the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith, a Jewish service organization.

The ADL was established following the trial and sentencing of Leo Frank, a Jewish-American factory superintendent, for murder. Frank had been convicted of murdering a 13-year-old employee, Mary Phagan. The foundation of the ADL is rooted in the belief that Leo Frank, a murderer, rapist, and pedophile, was in fact innocent, with his conviction and subsequent execution being primarily due to anti-Semitism.

Since its inception, the ADL has consistently invoked the omnipresent specter of widespread, systemic anti-Semitism to stifle and suppress free speech. The ADL has weaponized this threat, using it to defame and silence those who dare to...

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"We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny."

— Donald Trump

Trump’s American Populism and Fichte’s German Nation, an essay by Constantin von Hoffmeister, published by Arktos.

Constantin von Hoffmeister explores the parallels between Trump’s populist ethos and Johann Gottlieb Fichte’s early nineteenth-century exhortations, revealing an enduring resonance in their appeals to the true voice of their nations.

When German Idealist philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte published his seminal Addresses to the German Nation in 1808, he could hardly have predicted that, more than two centuries later, a New World leader would rise, evoking parallels in spirit, rhetoric, and vision. Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, is often credited for sparking a populist revolution...

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"One might occasionally avoid war, but if a country designates you as its enemy, you are its enemy, whether you like it or not."

Reflections on Clausewitz and War, an essay by Pierre Le Vigan, published by Arktos.

As Europe rediscovers war, Pierre Le Vigan says it might be time to revisit Clausewitz’s seminal work On War. An introduction to a pivotal book.

Some observers might have believed, with the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, that war would cease to be a major issue, at least for Europe. Admittedly, conflicts would persist (as we have seen in Mali, Syria, Afghanistan, etc.), but these would be distant from us and of minimal consequence to us. It was the dream of a more tranquil world. At least for countries fortunate enough to have leaders from the ‘circle of reason’. That is to say...

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"All that we know, see, dream, or imagine, is less than a grain of dust in infinity."

Time and Space, an excerpt from H. P. Lovecraft's The Conservative, published by Arktos.

H. P. Lovecraft delves into the vastness of the cosmos, exploring mankind’s minuscule position amidst its boundless realms.

Of the various conceptions brought before the human mind by the advance of Science, what can be compared in strangeness and magnitude with that of eternity and infinity, as presented by modern astronomy? Nothing more deeply disturbs our settled egotism and self-importance than the realisation of man’s utter insignificance which comes with knowledge of his position in time and...

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