Forward from: () εδΈε·₯δ½; Juliestic, i?
{ Check it out for mutuals. please forward this message to your beautiful channel }
γ €γ € (ηΎε₯½ηη±ζ ) @Juliestic Are you looking for their newest mutual that has a proofneed channel type or anything that has elements of need telegram or whatever it is. If you are interested in quality together, you can contact @mootstic_bot or @Anyujjln some coaches who can respond to your messages or who ask for their messages want to be forwarded to this channel βΉΛ
γ €γ € (ηΎε₯½ηη±ζ ) @Juliestic Are you looking for their newest mutual that has a proofneed channel type or anything that has elements of need telegram or whatever it is. If you are interested in quality together, you can contact @mootstic_bot or @Anyujjln some coaches who can respond to your messages or who ask for their messages want to be forwarded to this channel βΉΛ