Exposing the Monad

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Ongoing investigation into how usage of the Monad and Monism (the doctrine of One, Masonic Grand Architect, Monotheism, etc) is used for ideological social manipulation.

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Look into the MUNSTER REBELLION very carefully. Look at the NAMES of the people. There are other clues that people miss if they don't know the history. This connects to the above post bc the "pilgrims" who wanted to build New Israel in America were hunkered down to do their planning in the city of Leiden. Some of the people named in the Munster rebellion were also from Leiden. It was a hotbed of Christian Hebraism there.

Read this carefully. It's the origins of everything that came later with all the Marxist communist revolutions but BEFORE they made it secular. It's part of the SAME agenda and what is happening RIGHT NOW.


If you look carefully, there is ALWAYS messianic coding that turns up during these events, it's just that if you're not familiar with the history of the subversion of Europe, the role certain figures like Charlemagne played, and you don't yet understand that Christianity and Islam are two arms of the same agenda and that Christianity is literally THE REAL conspiracy and mind control tool, you are not looking. Start looking and it's everywhere. CHRISTCHURCH MOSQUE for example. CHARLOTTESville (female for Charles, Charlemagne) there's big calling cards all over these orchestrated and organized explosions of violence.

Here we see the odd name MESSIAH Young in the news related to cop violence. HMMM. I should start a dedicated email where people can send things they spot themselves.

EDIT - the other person named is Taniyah PILGRIM. LOOK THIS UP: The American "pilgrims" were NOT looking to build New England. They were openly trying to build New Zion, New Israel, New Jerusalem. Salem Massachussets is thus named after Jerusalem. Salam is cognate to Salaam and Shalom.


“There is no Jew or Greek (race), nor slave or free (class), nor male or female (?!) for all are ONE in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3 25.

The dehumanization homogenization into the Borg machine is part of the Monad’s plan from the beginning.

The old man from Crow House is ANGRY. Never seen him like this before. After he walks about the over sexualization of children for governmental takeover of breeding, google image search for Philip Glass’ Aknaten opera and look at the real historical statues of Akhenaten.


Has it occurred to anyone else there might me an ulterior motive for this forced face covering agenda? 🤔

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I was not looking for this. YT suggested documentaries on Garabandal, a town in Spain where four pubescent girls had visionary experiences.

As I’m watching this, I’m thinking “this seems like such a hoax,” and I’m running through all the ways “these people” have been mind controlling children for decades (or much longer), like via religious indoctrination coupled with sex abuse or even how the MK Ultra experiments used drugs and trauma based abuse for studies on mind control on children.

As I’m thinking this and saying “well, there’s no reason to think that was going on HERE...” I looked up and nearly choked. There’s the #Masonic #Monad in the sun!!

Is that halo of stars reminiscent of the EU flag and original American flag? Also, FYI, Archangel Michael is the defender of Israel. You can look that up.

This clip is from a longer documentary which you can watch here https://youtu.be/-tCAwgmmTuk

This is interesting. It’s a Chinese view on “Western Barbarians” with particular emphasis on the English. I’m unsure if the original writing is ancient but this translation was first published in the West in 1875. The translators note emphasizes that it’s available in English for the first time, lending to the idea that the original text is much older.

What I found interesting is how they view this weird “new god” adopted by the Romans. They note that these barbarians caused the fall of Rome yet for some reason still took their religion.

INTERESTING when you realize that Rome sacked Jerusalem yet still adopted the god of the people they conquered.

That’s the opposite of what is supposed to happen. Usually the conqueror forces their religion on the people they’ve just defeated. The fact that it happened twice in succession is an odd coincidence. Makes you wonder who was really the victor?

Anyway, it’s just interesting to look at an ancient Chinese view of the West. One more point, all these liberal jackasses saying that Westerners were supremacists for viewing other cultures with curiosity and ignorance, if these dingbats looked at history more they would see that this was natural. The Chinese did it to the West, too.


The 2012 Olympics show looks pretty creepy under current circumstances. Please note the giant looming pyramids (Atenism, Masonic) looking over zombified nurses worshiping a corpse baby while the Malakh of Death presides over the scene. Creepy af.

Make sure you hit the street at the exact right moment to clap for the NHS nuns. If you don’t, you’ll be reported and the police will drop by to question your thinking. (Do you not see? Making everyone perform an act at the same time each day is a form of conditioning. It’s the same technique used on Muslim prayer time. Conform or you are a heretic).

(Thanks Cigar for the heads up)

^^ Even down to a Hebrew first name (Joshua) mixed with a European surname (Philipp) talking to a guy with an Irish first name (Patrick! Does he look like any PATRICK you’ve ever seen in your life?!) with an overtly Hebrew surname (bet-David).

This is how shapeshifting occurs with greater ease. Names were always tribal, ancestral, and ethnic. They still are in all natural human environments and only cease to be when people are shuffled around and replanted willy nilly in multicultural cess pools instead of healthy homogeneous ethno-states.

Names are not ALWAYS a sure fire tell due to exactly the kind of tom-foolery you see above. But if someone appears to be playing an angle, the name is one of many things to look at carefully. Adam Green for example. He’ll pretend to expose the big baddies but then take you on video tours of their holy land.

Adam Green’s name, religion, and the fact that he’s Gene Wilder’s younger twin ought to make anyone realize this is exactly the kind of deception I’m speaking of. He tells white people he’s on their side in order to keep them safely bonded to the Monad under the title of Yahweh.

This host has an Israeli name but looks more Middle Eastern than Ashkenazi, but he TALKS like a NYC Italian mafioso. He’s bringing on the editor of Epoch Times, whom I’ve not looked deeply at but I suspect shenanigans. I think Epoch Times is one of these (((publications))) used to push their little agendas and especially appeal to the easy to dupe Christian demographic.

Here the Israeli-American interviews this Messianic publisher about the fall of communist China and right at the beginning they use persecution of Christians and Muslims as the reason to get people riled up.

What they’re doing is giving Christianity and Islam a common enemy so they will begin to think as a unit.

All of this is in line with my theory of Abrahamism as the most honed and developed form of Monism in use now to drive the Monad One World.

You are going to see Muslims and Christians urged to merge more and more. Abrahamic religions will be reunited into one unit for global population management and mind control.

Christianity and Islam are both being pushed in the East. It’s easy to find info on Indians resisting the Chrislamic Borg. South Korea has transformed to nearly 50% Christian in the last half century. It will be like the now Muslim Indonesia, a cultural genocide.

Any resistance movement that opposes globalism by embracing global ideology (Christianity) is either very stupid or working a scam.

But just be aware, the trickery is so very clever. People are not expecting deception so they don’t see it coming.


Came into my inbox via a listener. Clyde 1066 emailed: Had to translate your words for some friends.

On this concept of “Oneness” and people who say “we are one.”

“The biggest hoax since Christianity” the old man comes right out and says it! Most white people in Europe don’t have this pathetic Christianity obsession like we see in America. It’s embarrassing 🤦🏼‍♀️

None of these images are wholesome. Look at object in the priest’s hand, the look on the boy’s face, and the priests eyes rolling back as he is guiding the child. Compare this with the scandals throughout the Catholic world, Chrislamic grooming gangs, etc etc. It started in the Axial Age with the pervert philosophers who began preaching Oneness in the Monad. It’s all interconnected. And it is sick and depraved and disgusting.

These people have been using pederasty as part of their religion since the Axial Age pervert philosophers forced it upon Greek culture. This is not a wholesome image.

Aljazeera sending flash symbols to use the super moon to subliminally message Monistic global control. The Tower Bridge in London, the Statue of Liberty (Liberalia), a mega-mosque, and then a cross. The message is clear. You will be assimilated into the Monad, if you let their virus control your mind.

If you came here from Folkright, heads up, it’s been reset. Re-follow at @folkrightofficial

Christianity, Islam, Judaism are a Trinity all doing the work of the #Monad to homogenize the world under uni-thought. Found this image in this book from 1859 https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/61922


~ @AxialAge

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