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saran lagi ayuu

hai saran game masak2an dong @b0mbshclls

Forward from: Diare depresi jilid 2
Your smile is the most precious thing to me, i dont want to see you sad. Everything's will be fine bun, you deserved much love okay? love ya.

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Forward from: Magda's Diary
Happy late girlfriends day!!! aaaa makasih udh mau jadi pacarku semuanya. pokoknya I lovv u guys so much😭💜💜 dann buat pcr pcrku yg lain maaf kalo fotonya gaada, maaf keles alias gue capek savein fotonya hehe, love you

Forward from: sadtext
happy international friendship day for my friends, thank you for staying with me, for taking care of me, for making me laugh, thank you for everything you've done to me. i love you all ❣

Forward from: Alessandra Ambrósio
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happy birthday to this amazing and talented angel, @VSRomeeStrijd! wish you many blessings and that you are very well, we look forward to meeting the new little angel.

Chat gua juga dong @featuread

siapa masi melek?chat yu @b0mbshclls

Forward from: 𝑽𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒚 ‘
🍒 Lexa Sullivan as Choi Ae-ra
Fight for My Way

Karakteristik yang cocok dari Aera buat Lexa itu sok imutnya wkwkwk. Dia suka tiba-tiba aegyo, orang-orang yang liat malah kesel tapi ngakak juga:( wkwk. Sama tuh kaya Lexa, suka tiba-tiba vn lah, tiba-tiba bilang “woi” abis itu ngilang. Maksudnya apa yah Lex??? Terus, Aera orangnya sassy gitu. Sayangnya Lexa masih kurang sassy, ayo ditingkatkan sassy nya Lex wkwk. Si Aera sama Dongman alias pacarnya itu juga kocak banget mereka kalau lagi berdua. Sama kaya Lexa dan Reece. Kaya temen gitu tapi tetep lucu. Abis lu nonton Bok Joo, coba tonton ini ya Lex.

happy birthday,mady 🥳❤

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Forward from: Victoria’s Secretz
After spending a year in the States, the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show once again headed abroad. Our crews preparing for the next Victoria Secret's concept, about costumes and places. Good news, Victoria's Secret Fashion Show for this year will be held in the amazing place. We have prepared several candidates and some models we will take from the top supermodels in the industry.

Forward from: calvin dyo gerald
ini lexa id lu susah bet asli

Forward from: Victoria’s Secretz
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HAPPY 1K SUBSCRIBERS!! Thank you so much guys. We can't reach this without your help. Should we play the 24K by Bruno Mars for the celebration?? Anyway, we're going to give you more surprises and there'll be a special announcement about... Well, we can't tell you now because it'll ruined the surprise. If you're curious about it, please looking forward to it. 👼🏻💋

Forward from: guilty pleasure

halo lexa kita chatan sekali dan absurd banget topiknya tentang donasi lemak ke anak anak afrika yang kekurangan gizi, tapi kayanya lu baik dan model lu cantik juga, lu humble dan kalo di chat sih seru jd ayo lebih deket

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