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loveyou mami

loveyou so much

jacho,poci,kucil,ailey,brailley, aislove, loveyou

love u jacho

unsubs ajaa ya mootsiee, ntar aku left sendiri dari ch kaliannn 😉😉😉

due to personal reasons, i decided to put this channel into FREE UNSUBS thanks to all of my mootsie who want to be a part of this channel. u can immediately leave this channel, and i'll leave your channel later. if you feel bothered you can put your username and channel username here, i'll remove you from here. big thanks and sorry yaaaa tementemennnn, aku gabisa remove kalian dulu karena ini subs nya campur - campur banget hehe. maaf juga yaaa yang baru sfs an, nanti kita sfs an lagi dilain waktu 😯🙌🏻

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오늘은 정국데이 🐇💨

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Happy Jungkook Day!♡ 🐇 OurGoldenStar 🎉💟

he knows he's hot and that's the problem... 👺🫂

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* clock clack clock clack * TaeTae... do u wanna build a snowman~ ☃️

sweetiee... 😖😣😣😣😣

turn my tiggie into a lil bunbun ^^ cute cute cute ayabyu bunny

Teruntuk Atharasu dan jacho donat, happy mensive kalian berdua, semoga langgeng dan semakin bucin kalau gua lihat² hadeh. Untuk atharasu jagain jacho donat baik², lu jangan sakitin dia ya atharasu, oke longlast buat kalian berdua

- Salam manis, duplicate kim taehyung.

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happy mensive jacho long last untuk kaliann

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HAPPY MENSIVE BUAT JACHO ALIAS KOOLAVIETTY! semoga langgeng terus ya sama Athar dan bisa makin deket, makin uwu, makin lucu dan makin goals! enjoy your special day guys 🥺❤️

Happy mensive buat Chocho sama Athar. Longlast ya kalian berduaa, pasangan yang super duper bucin 💖

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