via @TheGrayzoneNews:
There is a shocking update in this massive corruption scandal: A US judge just approved moving forward with the liquidation of Venezuela's most valuable foreign asset, Citgo, which is worth billions of dollars.
Venezuela's real, elected government used this publicly owned company to fund social programs for the Venezuelan people. But the Trump administration illegally stole Citgo in order to fund the coup gang of Juan Guaidó.
Now a US judge is going to sell Citgo off to oil corporations, and then use that money to pay a Canadian mining company. Other US oil corporations will take some of the money as well.
This is textbook vulture capitalism. These corporate vultures are going to work together to pick apart their prey -- and the Venezuelan people are the ones who suffer greatly because of it.
There is a shocking update in this massive corruption scandal: A US judge just approved moving forward with the liquidation of Venezuela's most valuable foreign asset, Citgo, which is worth billions of dollars.
Venezuela's real, elected government used this publicly owned company to fund social programs for the Venezuelan people. But the Trump administration illegally stole Citgo in order to fund the coup gang of Juan Guaidó.
Now a US judge is going to sell Citgo off to oil corporations, and then use that money to pay a Canadian mining company. Other US oil corporations will take some of the money as well.
This is textbook vulture capitalism. These corporate vultures are going to work together to pick apart their prey -- and the Venezuelan people are the ones who suffer greatly because of it.