beznaděj та kernel panic 𔒏𒀱

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безнадей та кернел паник
тематики нет и не будет. но мне нравятся языки и компьютеры.
більш інтелектуальне: @hokumon

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average arch user + wayland enthusiast

Interestingly, I got a ContentID copyright notice for this sound. Apparently ContentID can detect not just exact sound data, but copyrighted melodies, even in covers. That's crazy.

here's the project file, you can try this yourself and/or improve it
made for version 2.1.2

Over a year ago I made this, and people suggested making it "public". Back then I didn't want to do that because the sound wasn't mine and wasn't to my liking, and what's the point of Bad Apple on a musical program if the music for it is not written in that same program?

Finally I got back to this. Here:
The sound isn't great, I suspect the mixing is all messed up — I always have a problem with that: I have two pairs of headphones which sound very differently, and if I make something "feel good" in one pair, then it sounds awful in another pair. Skill issue.

In general the arrangement could be massively improved, but I didn't have the motivation to perfect it, and I know that if I'm not doing this right now, today, then I'll never get back to that project. So, it is what it is. Sorry!

Forward from: Lemora Electronics⚡️
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