Forward from: Velvet Revolution Australia
If you give me your email l can send you the Sanctioned Lawful Moratorium and you can serve it on all Local Government Members if you don't mind please.
Just email them; as unvaccinated people aren't allowed to go in there, it's better anyway as you will receive a receipt in reply for them as proof that they were served, it is not our fault if they didn't read it, they were served. Please keep these receipts and send them to your Organiser in your state. It is our only form of communication with these criminals.
Trespass Notice
Here is the Trespass Notice which you can place on the buildings doors. You can get them printed off at Office works if you don’t have a printer, you will need a minimum of three Trespass Notices one for each building. These are OUR buildings and it won't matter if we have to clean them up a bit and it will make more jobs available our councils to clean it off WIN/WIN 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
All of The People will be allowed to paste their own Trespass Notice on the buildings, all people have a RIGHT to claim their part of the building they simply need to bring their own Tape and Trespass Notices.
I heard someone come up with the idea of getting crime tape and wrapping it around our buildings, it’s not a bad idea. We get all their computers and history and lots of evidence 👏🏻
Perhaps our X-Police Officers and Ambulance Heroes (No Jab - No Job Victims) can assist with this??? Please 🙏🏼
Make sure you advise everyone to bring water 💦 have a look at your weather forecast in your city and note it down
wet or dry
• bring water
• bring a hat 🧢
• bring an umbrella ☔️
• Snacks
• Backpack
• Tape
• Trespass Notices
• Did l mention 💦
Please ring your “police station” near you and advise the Super Intendant or highest in charge that we are having A Velvet Revolution
NO 🩸 SHED, NONE VIOLENT and we are claiming back our establishments.
A Corporation known as COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA have been squatting in our buildings and have not paid any rent for 50 odd years and we are lawfully removing them under A Velvet Revolution.
Please give them a copy of our SANCTIONED LAWFUL MORATORIUM and we would appreciate it if he/she reads it. Then ask them “on the day; PLEASE be on the right side of history”.
If anyone has a spare megaphone or microphone and speakers please ring your Organiser of your state and offer it to them for the day please🙏🏼
I require a panel of 23 Jury Members unbeknown to me.
I shall be passing on your number to the Sheriffs.
Anyone willing to sit on the Jury; please message me your Name & Contact Details please.
Thanks for now
Lyn Bennetts
Velvet Revolution Australia United We Stand
AGAINST Treason, Tyranny, Fraud, Treachery & Political Corruption.
AGAINST Child Abuse, Pedophilia & Sex Trafficking.
AGAINST Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports & NO JAB - NO JOB
Researchers of Australia’s Political History.
If you give me your email l can send you the Sanctioned Lawful Moratorium and you can serve it on all Local Government Members if you don't mind please.
Just email them; as unvaccinated people aren't allowed to go in there, it's better anyway as you will receive a receipt in reply for them as proof that they were served, it is not our fault if they didn't read it, they were served. Please keep these receipts and send them to your Organiser in your state. It is our only form of communication with these criminals.
Trespass Notice
Here is the Trespass Notice which you can place on the buildings doors. You can get them printed off at Office works if you don’t have a printer, you will need a minimum of three Trespass Notices one for each building. These are OUR buildings and it won't matter if we have to clean them up a bit and it will make more jobs available our councils to clean it off WIN/WIN 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
All of The People will be allowed to paste their own Trespass Notice on the buildings, all people have a RIGHT to claim their part of the building they simply need to bring their own Tape and Trespass Notices.
I heard someone come up with the idea of getting crime tape and wrapping it around our buildings, it’s not a bad idea. We get all their computers and history and lots of evidence 👏🏻
Perhaps our X-Police Officers and Ambulance Heroes (No Jab - No Job Victims) can assist with this??? Please 🙏🏼
Make sure you advise everyone to bring water 💦 have a look at your weather forecast in your city and note it down
wet or dry
• bring water
• bring a hat 🧢
• bring an umbrella ☔️
• Snacks
• Backpack
• Tape
• Trespass Notices
• Did l mention 💦
Please ring your “police station” near you and advise the Super Intendant or highest in charge that we are having A Velvet Revolution
NO 🩸 SHED, NONE VIOLENT and we are claiming back our establishments.
A Corporation known as COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA have been squatting in our buildings and have not paid any rent for 50 odd years and we are lawfully removing them under A Velvet Revolution.
Please give them a copy of our SANCTIONED LAWFUL MORATORIUM and we would appreciate it if he/she reads it. Then ask them “on the day; PLEASE be on the right side of history”.
If anyone has a spare megaphone or microphone and speakers please ring your Organiser of your state and offer it to them for the day please🙏🏼
I require a panel of 23 Jury Members unbeknown to me.
I shall be passing on your number to the Sheriffs.
Anyone willing to sit on the Jury; please message me your Name & Contact Details please.
Thanks for now
Lyn Bennetts
Velvet Revolution Australia United We Stand
AGAINST Treason, Tyranny, Fraud, Treachery & Political Corruption.
AGAINST Child Abuse, Pedophilia & Sex Trafficking.
AGAINST Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports & NO JAB - NO JOB
Researchers of Australia’s Political History.