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Henry Tarrio has “received a death threat”. The envelope has a return address. We’re not sure what kind of assassins put return addresses on death threats but all of this aside, did you notice anything else?

There is no postmark. This parcel was never mailed. Another poorly fabricated Tarrio lie and publicity stunt. We know Henry from his time as chairman before he was disavowed from his chapter in July of 2021. We can tell you from personal experience that he is an exceptionally unintelligent individual. His fake death threat that he couldn’t even bother to get postmarked demonstrates this again.

Henry if you want authentic hate mail let us know and we will post your address on our channel. No need to send it to us we already have it. Also, get rid of the ammo in your house. You’re a convicted felon and not allowed to own it by law. Posting public pictures of bullets in your possession for any federal agency to see is incredibly stupid. Unless of course you’re working for the feds again.

She has a history of doing this and has faced zero accountability.

Now a capital murder cop killer is out on bond.

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Henry Tarrio, a known federal informant calls J6 defendant and Proud Boy Nick Ochs a “jailhouse snitch”.

We’ve seen Nick’s paperwork. Readers may view it here:

The court filing shows Nick was released due to a granting of his attorney’s request for for post-conviction relief pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2255 which states a prisoner in custody may be released upon the grounds that the sentence was imposed in violation of US laws, which Nick’s was following the Supreme Court’s 2024 ruling on improper use of the felony charge regarding obstruction of an official proceeding. If the release was due to informant activity it would say so, just like Henry’s does. Henry didn’t know anything about Nick’s case. He hasn’t read his court filing. Instead, he knowingly lied, publicly smearing an honorable man on a nationally viewed podcast in order to deflect questions regarding his own informant activities.

Absolutely disgusting behavior.

Another local American Indian girl has gone missing.

Hannah Nicole Lynn Locklear, age 14.

Please be on the lookout for her.

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Dan Crenshaw was caught on a hot mic saying he would kill Tucker Carlson if he ever met him.

What is it with west coast SEALs? You don’t ever find this shit at Little Creek.

We fixed it for you Henry.

Remember when they told you this couldn’t possibly happen and fired women who refused mRNA vaccinations?

We have never regretted not taking the shot.

Not good enough.

Center-right boomer “conservatives” won’t save your country. Trust us, we’ve tried that already.

Friedrich Merz’s German RINOs received 28.52% of the vote and have already refused to form a coalition with AfD who finished second with 20.8%. Their only other option in parliament that could secure them a majority vote would be a coalition with German libs, who are essentially socialists and communists. There is still time for them to change their minds but we doubt this will happen. Boomercons have a history of self-sabotage and a failure of truly understanding the threats their nations face.

Failing at this means the continuation of an Islamic fundamentalist invasion of Germany.

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It’s almost daybreak in Berlin. Soon Germans will take to the polls.

They have an opportunity to save their country. The AfD “right wing extremists” have promised to put Germany first, closing the German border and ending subsidies for illegals. Islamic fundamentalists who have invaded their country are countering with protests demanding the implementation of sharia law.

Undoubtedly, any German nationalist movement will be met with accusations of Nazism. Ignore them. You weren’t in the Schutzstaffel or Gestapo. WW2 ended 80 years ago. Reparations will not buy peace. Opening your country to the third world will not stop the left from calling you a Nazi. Stop apologizing, stop capitulating, go to the polls and vote to save your homeland. Vote for western civilization. Vote for the AfD.

Only the AfD can save Germany.

This isn’t Syria, it’s Germany.

Is peace possible?

We think so. We’ll be pitching a plan soon in an attempt to make this happen.

Shitcoins, informants, publicity stunts and public embarrassments!

For your go-to source of Federal Proud Boy action follow the Central City Florida Federal Proud Boys here:

Here. Let us help you. Let’s see if we can get those numbers up a bit…

But yes, the Central City Florida Federal Proud Boys are correct. Leftists bait at rallies and Henry took the bait.

⬆️Consider reading the whole post before you go public and embarrass yourselves. Again.

You owe it to your 76 subscribers to be better, noobs.

We have no doubt that this Antifa chick instigated the situation leading to Henry Tarrio’s arrest. While this is true, it is also irrelevant. This is yet another example of Henry’s lack of leadership ability, situational awareness and basic street IQ. Every Proud Boy knows leftist agitators will behave this way. They will get right in your face and attempt to trigger you into assaulting them. When you do, you will leave in handcuffs and they get a nationwide media piece complete with a video of a PB being perp walked. This is a game that has been played on the streets across America for years. Every real Proud Boy who has ever participated in a public event wearing colors knows this. Henry should have known better but apparently he does not. He took their bait and was embarrassingly returned to the custody of DC law enforcement, for the third time.

Henry, you can’t put hands on them unless they hit you. Even then, it’s situationally dependent. It shouldn’t be, but it is. A place like DC and a female agitator up the stakes. So does media presence. The entire event is under the highest scrutiny. She didn’t hit you. You slapped the phone out of her hand and in doing so, you slapped her, completing the elements of offense that constitute simple assault. You did so within a few feet of Capitol police as they were watching you. This was stupid, but not surprising given your history of stupid behavior. You allowed them to trigger you and gave them exactly what they wanted. Again.

During the inauguration, the genuine Proud Boys sent members from multiple chapters to DC. They marched in the streets. They interacted with locals and law enforcement. The radical leftists got in their faces and gave them the same treatment they gave to Henry.
Not a single Proud Boy was arrested.

Henry didn’t even make it a few hours.

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In the video she says “Enrique Tarrio has assaulted me and now he’s getting arrested”. However, the closed caption subtitle is somehow more accurate.

We’ll bet he does do gay cardio.

The Federal Proud Boys mention Brien James a lot. They seem to think he’s in charge over here. We understand that their minds work this way. They have spent years being told what to do and at times being jailed when they follow those orders. They can’t fathom 50 chapters of independently thinking men. We haven’t written about Brien on our channel because he’s just one of fifty autonomous chapter presidents. That’s all. He has no say on what the other 49 chapters do. The funny thing is, he would tell you the exact same thing.

We honestly don’t know much about what he does up north of the Mason-Dixon Line. We’re more concerned about the Carolinas. We can however tell you what he’s never done. He’s never mandated another chapter to do anything. He’s never “disavowed” entire chapters or states. He’s never claimed if you aren’t on a defunct website from the late teens that you’re not a real Proud Boy. He’s never scammed people with pump and dump shitcoin schemes. He’s never doxxed an entire chat. He’s never stolen from the fraternity. He’s never gotten the fraternity sued. He’s never gotten brothers arrested. He’s never been an informant.

This is not unique behavior amongst chapter leadership in the genuine Proud Boys. The same thing can be said for all 50 of our chapter presidents.

The bike squad getting Henry warmed up for his trip back to the bootyhouse.

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