Henry Tarrio, a known federal informant calls J6 defendant and Proud Boy Nick Ochs a “jailhouse snitch”.
We’ve seen Nick’s paperwork. Readers may view it here:
https://ecf.dcd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/show_public_doc?2021cr0073-124The court filing shows Nick was released due to a granting of his attorney’s request for for post-conviction relief pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2255 which states a prisoner in custody may be released upon the grounds that the sentence was imposed in violation of US laws, which Nick’s was following the Supreme Court’s 2024 ruling on improper use of the felony charge regarding obstruction of an official proceeding. If the release was due to informant activity it would say so, just like Henry’s does. Henry didn’t know anything about Nick’s case. He hasn’t read his court filing. Instead, he knowingly lied, publicly smearing an honorable man on a nationally viewed podcast in order to deflect questions regarding his own informant activities.
Absolutely disgusting behavior.