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Forward from: Adoniscent: OPEN!
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[ To the dearest mutuals BA or everyone who see this, can you forward this message to your channel? Thanks a lot! ]

Good Evening, beautiful souls! Today Adoniscent is finally open their First Batch on Friday, 12 March 2021, on 12 PM!

We provide manips and faceswap for limited stock only. Before starting your journey, please read the TnC first and filling the form clearly, also submit it on @AdoniscentRobot!

Happy Shopping and thankyou so much for your attention!

Forward from: Venture Bliss.
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[ hello my fellow BA! and everyone who look at this message. can you guys please help us to spread this message? it means a lot to us. thank you! ]

halooo! untuk pertama kali akhirnya Venture Bliss bukaa, yeay! cuma start from IDR 1.800 lohh
verif telegram,
jasa tulis.

(n.) : untuk pembelian diatas IDR 10.000 dapet bonus 1 nokos yaa ( udah berbentuk akun telegran ) berlaku buat 5 orang ajaa nihh

tunggu apa lagi, yuk di order! apa mau tanya tanya dulu hubungi @VentureBlissBot!
have a great day ‹3

Forward from: The Charmant. Tomorrow, 12.00 PM.
[To all our BA mutuals, can you help us by forwarding this to your channel? It will be a great help for us. Thanks in advance.]

Hey, since @TheCharmant will have the first grand opening at March 11, 12.00 WIB, we'll give you the best deal ever. Every one themed/scenery icons purchased, you'll get one random icons! So don't forget to check out our channel! But make sure you read our terms and conditions first!

Forward from: NEWSAGENT — OPEN
[To all my BA mutuals and anyone who sees this message. Can you help me spread this message to your channel? Thanks in advance!]

Beautiful day for everyone who reads this announcement. Here, we want to offer you something! Today, @NewsAgentt will open its first batch on March 10 at 12:01 WIB.

Here we provide some needs for you, of course!
· ✦. Upsubs
· ✦. Upmemb
· ✦. Upviews
· ✦. Verif
· ✦. Terms and condition
· ✦. Format

But firstly you have to read this TnC before you send the format to @NewsAgenttBot

Forward from: Acropoleesh : Open
[To all my BA mutuals. Can you help to forward this message to your channel? Thanks before.]

Hai, @acropoleesh open dadakan sebelum debut, open verif nokos khusus telegram, ya! Start from IDR 2000 udah dapet 1 nokos. Berlaku kelipatan.

@acropoleesh juga open ress nih, ambil minimal cuma 10 nokos dapet harga 1,7k/verif. Kalau take 20+ dapet harga 1,6k/verif. Yuk cek testinya @acropotesti (msih dikit cdih).

Bisa chat ke @acropobot ya.

Forward from: Jasa tulis things : Soon!
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[ To all of my dearest BA mutual, or anyone who is see this, can you forward this post to your channel? ]

Hai! Buat kalian yang lagi males nulis atau ngerangkum, tapi pr kalian banyak dan ga ada waktu buat nulis? Aku ada solusi nya nih! @JoTulis

Untuk testi sementara bisa check disini
Contact person: @JoySoomin

Dan untuk pricelist nya
1,5k/halaman untuk buku kecil
2,5k/halaman untuk bigboss B5
5k/halaman untuk kertas folio

Forward from: soon
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[ 𝐓o all my BA mutuals or everyone who saw this message, would you forward this message in your channel? Thanks before ]

* drum rolls * YEAYYY! Make Correct Day's finally open the gate for the first time in 19.00 WIB. tunggu apa lagi? let's kepoin MCD dan isi form lalu kirim ke bot yaa...

And, untuk 5 pembeli pertama icons bakal dapat free 2 icons. Yuk, tunggu apalagi? Buruan order di MCD 😍

Forward from: Cleave Store; OPEN!
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[ For all my BA mutuals and everyone who saw this, would you mind to help me by spreading this message? It means a lot to me. Thank you! ]

Hello, dearest souls around the internet. Cleave Store will finally open at 10 AM, 9th March 2021 as the start of Cleave Store’s journey. Cleave Store providing you Telegram Account, Joki Tugas, Jastul, Jastik, and Scenery Icons with the price start from 1.000!

Not forget to mention it, there’ll be a lot of discounts and special events for the first batch:
□ Everytime you bought 5 Telegram Account, you’ll get 1 account for free.
□ There’ll be 20% off for the Joki Tugas, Jastul, and Jastik without minimum price.
□ If you bought 2 or more scenery icons, you can get 1 free scenery icons; you can choose among all the catalogue.

Aren’t the discounts and events interesting? What’re you waiting for? Mark your calendar and turn on your alarm at 10 AM so you won’t be late at our first batch. See you at 9th March, Dear!

Send your form or if you have any questions: @CleavesBot.

Forward from: MOUNDE
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Dear mutuals ba, boleh minta tolong untuk memforward pesan ini ke Channel ba kalian?

spesial hari debut @moundestore, kita akan mengadakan promosi terbuka untuk semua orang, promosi tersebut antara lain



🎫 1 TIKET = 3OK
🎫 2 TIKET = 5OK

☎️ = @moundebot
💰 = dana / qris

Forward from: COSMIC BAR : OPEN!!
Aye fellas! We're OPEN🏴‍☠
Send your form to @cosmicbarobot && don't forget to read our tnc guys!
Happy shopping everyone

Forward from: ㅤ ⋆ 𝐂hessy 𝐒tore 𖤐
( For all my mutual ba, please look at this, I need you to spread this message to your channel, please? Because today the official chessy store debuts! )

Hey, everybody! Ready to go shopping at the chessy store? Must have been. The chessy store is now officially open! And the first five will get a bonus! Let's wait, shop here quickly! And make sure you read the TNC beforehand ok! (✿◠‿◠)


ㅤ Channel di bawah 1k
❍ 50 subs = 2.OOO
❍ 120 subs = 4.OOO
❍ 175 subs = 6.OOO
❍ 260 subs = 1O.OOO
❍ 350 subs = 16.OOO

ㅤ Channel di atas 1k
❍ 30 subs = 2.OOO
❍ 100 subs = 4.OOO
❍ 155 subs = 6.OOO
❍ 240 subs = 1O.OOO
❍ 330 subs = 16.OOO

≽ payment
— dana / shopeepay
— vipul tsel, tri, isat ( +2k )

≽ format order ?
subs awal:
jumlah upsubs:
username ch:

≽ contact ?

≽ testi ?

[ #𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐬 ]


⍴rіcᥱІіst ⌕ ࣪˖   ˑ
❍ 1 nomor : 2.OOO
❍ 2 nomor : 4.OOO
❍ 3 nomor : 6.OOO
❍ 4 nomor : 8.OOO
❍ 5 nomor : 10.OOO

— shopeepay / dana
— vipul tri ( +1k )

format order
username :
jumlah orderan :
payment :



n. harga berlaku kelipatan

[ #𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐟 ]

Cattie's catalogue

#𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 for themed and scenery icons
#𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐟 for verif
#𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐬 for upsubs

Make sure you read it first !

1. Pengerjaan 1 - 7 hari, kalo memang aku ada kendala dan pengerjaan bisa lebih dari 7 hari pasti sebelum nya aku kabarin dulu.

2. Pembayaran dilakukan di awal untuk menghindari hit n run.

3. Pembayaran hanya via dana, shopee pay, pulsa (+2k) tsel, isat, tri.

4. Jika foto dari kalian pastikan fotonya HD dan tidak dari fansite/apk berbayar lainnya.

5. Revisi maksimal 2x tidak menerima recolor dan revisi foto jika dari kalian.

6. Isi format sejelas jelasnya biar ngga ada yg perlu di revisi.

7. Sebelum mengisi format pembelian nokos lebih baik menanyakan ready berapa terlebih dahulu.

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