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Drm nemitunm

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من: ترکی حرف نزن نمی‌فهمم
ایون: *ویس ۱۵ ثانیه که همشو ترکی حرف زد و ادامه دادن با همون زبان*

Khodet azzm


همه همسنام در حال انتخاب رشته و نیتون و انیشتین شدن:
من: Your body language speaks to me

Mystery of Love > 🌍

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نمیگم دلتنگت نیستم اتفاقا هستم خیلی زیاد فقط نمیدونم‌ باید چیکار کنم پس بیخیال بودن رو انتخاب میکنم چون کار ساز تر از همیشست ولی در اصل این بیخیالی منو میکشونه به یه باریکه تنگی که از دست افکارم نمیتونم نفس بکشم

نه خورشید برگشت نه عقربه نه ثانیه نه اون.


If I could have him like this in my dreams every night of my life, I'd stake my entire life on dreams and be done with the rest.

I'm like you,' he said. 'I remember everything.'

I stopped for a second. If you remember everything, I wanted to say, and if you are really like me, then before you leave tomorrow, or when you’re just ready to shut the door of the taxi and have already said goodbye to everyone else and there’s not a thing left to say in this life, then, just this once, turn to me, even in jest, or as an afterthought, which would have meant everything to me when we were together, and, as you did back then, look me in the face, hold my gaze, and call me by your name.

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