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- Chicago Teachers Union Big Shot Says Unsafe To Teach Live... From Her Pool Side In Puerto Rico

Chicago Teachers Union Big Shot Says Unsafe To Teach Live... From Her Pool Side In Puerto Rico
By Mark Glennon of Wirepoints
Check out WGN’s story about an executive board member at the Chicago Teachers Union.
Hypocrite Sarah Chambers enjoying some time away from the Rona.
“As recently as Thursday,” according to WGN, Sarah Chambers “tweeted to rally special education teachers not to return to work Monday because it’s unsafe. Just a few hours earlier, Chambers posted a picture on Instagram that appears to show her pool side in Puerto Rico and talking about going to Old San Juan for seafood.”
According to WGN, the post also mentions she previously had COVID, got a negative test result and consulted her doctor before traveling. Once the story broke, Chambers quickly deleted all evidence of her hypocrisy and nuked her instragram account.
Chambers, you may remember, was part of that solidarity mission last year by CTU members to communist Venezuela we wrote about.
At the time, she said on Twitter...


- An Unexpected Gift, by Yvonne Lorenzo

I recently had the unexpected pleasure of seeing an interview conducted by Aaron Maté with Stephen F. Cohen, which for various reasons was not aired. As readers may know, Professor Cohen died this year, and this interview was conducted approximately a year before his death. In it, he discusses passionately the “democratization” of Russia, and...

#TheUnzReview #YvonneLorenzo

- Canada: The Killer H1N1 Vaccine by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Of relevance to the current debate on the Covid19 vaccine, this article on the H1N1 vaccine was first published on November 20, 2009.
In 2009, the Canadian media provided us with detailed coverage on the adverse health impacts of the …
The post Canada: The Killer H1N1 Vaccine appeared first on Global Research.

#GlobalResearch #ProfMichelChossudovsky

- 42 People In West Virginia Mistakenly Given Regeneron Antibodies Instead Of Vaccines

42 People In West Virginia Mistakenly Given Regeneron Antibodies Instead Of Vaccines
In keeping with the news of our flawless national roll-out of various Covid vaccines (which you will now potentially need to do such mundane things such as attend the movies), it was reported yesterday that 42 people in West Virginia actually wound up receiving Regeneron's Antibody Treatment instead of the Moderna vaccine they were supposed to get. 
"The 42 individuals received the antibody product at a vaccination clinic hosted by staff at the Boone County Health Department," a statement from the West Virginia National Guard said. 
The release said that the Joint Interagency Task Force did not believe there is any risk of harm to these 42 individuals. The PR was also happy to report that aside from the 42 massive screw-ups, there were no additional screw-ups to report. The press releases actually says, under "KEY POINTS": "No other individuals were administered the antibody instead of the vaccine at any...


- Freedom Agenda 21 – Agorism in the New Year by Kit Knightly

Mike Swatek “Resolve to serve no more and you are at once free.” Etienne de la Boetie, On Voluntary Servitude Each of us can easily expand our fight for individual freedom in the new year. You can do many of the things shared below. In a nutshell, this includes anything, big or small, which weakens …

#OffGuardian #KitKnightly

- Chronic Fatigue Syndromes and the Gardasil Scandal: POTS and the Dangers of Aluminum-Adjuvanted Vaccines by Dr. Gary G. Kohls

Of relevance to the ongoing debate on the Covid vaccine, this incisive article by Dr. Gary Kohls was first published by Global Research on May 3, 2017.
“The full extent of the Gardasil scandal needs to be assessed:…
The post Chronic Fatigue Syndromes and the Gardasil Scandal: POTS and the Dangers of Aluminum-Adjuvanted Vaccines appeared first on Global Research.

#GlobalResearch #DrGaryGKohls

- Will The Fed Lose Control In 2021?

Will The Fed Lose Control In 2021?
Authored by Alasdair Macleod via,
The most important event in the new year is likely to be the Fed losing control of its iron grip on markets. The dollar’s declining trend is already well established against other currencies and commodities, leading to this outcome.
Events in 2021 will be the consequence of a developing hyperinflation of the dollar. Foreign holders of dollars and dollar assets - currently totalling $27.7 trillion - are sure to increase the pace of reducing their exposure. This is a primal threat to the Fed’s policy of using QE to continually inflate assets in the name of promoting a wealth effect and continuing to finance a rapidly increasing federal government deficit by suppressing interest rates.
Bubbles will then pop, leaving establishment investors exposed to a combined collapse of fiat currencies, bonds and equity markets, which could turn out to be very rapid. The question remaining is what will replace collapsing...


- Famed Game Developer Daniel Vávra Falsely Claims That Cyberpunk 2077 Isn’t Garbage by Andrew Anglin


Daniel Vávra is a Czech video game maker, famous for heading up the writing teams of Mafia and Mafia II, as well as Kingdom Come: Deliverance (for anyone who doesn’t know, these are considered some of the better written video games; he was only 27 when Mafia was released, so it was quite an accomplishment).
For whichever reason, he is currently out there shilling Cyberpunk 2077.

Finished @CyberpunkGame and apart from the slow start its a masterpiece. Story by Adam Blacha and Tomasz Marchewka is fucking awesome and visuals are unbelievable. Congrats to @adambadowski Mateuzs Kanik and the whole @CDPROJEKTRED team. Best game of last two years foe me.
— Daniel Vávra (@DanielVavra) December 16, 2020

Apart from many other things @CyberpunkGame had the best written love/sex scenes and relationships in a game (except Theresa in KCD of course :)) Texting with Panam was like real life. I almost really fell in love with her and the tank scene…
— Daniel Vávra (@DanielVavra)...

#DailyStormer #AndrewAnglin

- Teaching Black Americans to Hate White Americans Has Consequences, by Paul Craig Roberts

As I have emphasized for many years, white liberals simultaneously tout the virtues of a diverse multicultural society while teaching black people to hate white people. Clearly, white liberals are not very smart and are incapable of comprehending the contradiction in their position. Jared Taylor in a careless use of language substitutes “we” for white...

#TheUnzReview #PaulCraigRoberts

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