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One of the system’s greatest grievances with us is the fact that we are working within the legal framework. Apparently this shows how cunning and sneaky we are. It upsets them because it forces them to break their own rules — the rules they claim to uphold — to destroy us. As the mask continues to slip off the tyrant’s face, there will be no denying that this government is one of the most evil things to ever exist.

There are hard days coming. We won’t bury our heads in the sand. Prepare for that eventuality. It is inevitable.

The only vanguard that has the power to save White Australia will be one of pure National Socialism.

We are in the process of liberating ourselves from the temptations of security and any thought of shirking from our duty, so that one day we may persevere through all persecution, poverty and privation. With full consciousness, we have chosen this path—the path of blood and honour.

They have the power, not us. That means they have far more to lose than we do.

The public’s sympathy for this system must and will be totally destroyed. It is the system’s conduct that will ensure that, not ours.

The elites were never respectable, but they once were respected. They no longer have anyone’s respect. This system will go under, and our nation will rise once more.

Forward from: Action Zealandia
The New Zealand Government is presently rushing through new 'terror suppression' legislation. This is an article looking at the proposed Terrorism Suppression Bill, its contents and implications.

Everyone should read this excellent article from Action Zealandia about the expansion of the ruling class’ tyranny in New Zealand under the guise of “counter-terrorism”.

After this new and improved manifestation of the same old tyranny is cemented in place in Australia and New Zealand—the rigid class system whereby any manifestation of grassroots politics is quickly destroyed by the secret police with repressive laws and trumped up charges, and the establishment’s media through lies and manufactured hysteria—remember who the controlled opposition is; the delusional fools who victim blamed the persecuted by calling them “idiots” or “honey pots” in the vain hope that their “optics” will save them; the silent cowards who buried their heads in the sand and pretended nothing was happening; and the vicious traitors who spat and kicked people on the way to the gulags.

Many misunderstand what controlled opposition actually is in this liberal tyranny. The amount of people that are funded and directly controlled by the state actors is laughable compared to the widespread social engineering that is cultivated through repression and coercion. The gang of criminals that rule over us simply use state terror against those exhibiting inconvenient behaviour and beliefs, and those who go along with it and adjust to the new paradigm join the ranks of the controlled opposition. There should be no confusion as to why there are foolish dissidents who cheer on, justify or remain indifferent to the victimisation of people they agree with on 90% of issues, by a system that is totally alien to and hates both groups. Fear can make you do crazy things.

The nonsense needs to stop, and those partaking in it ought to wonder why the labels “neo-nazi” and “racist” justify and enable the system to slander, railroad, abuse, imprison and torture dissenters in 2021. They ought to ponder if there is anything stopping the system from using the same modus-operandi to expand the tyranny to encompass new causes, issues, identities, framings and optics.

No amount of evasion will save you; the problem needs to be dealt with head on. Aiding and abetting your oppressor won’t spare you or anyone else for that matter. There will be nowhere to hide, not even among the executioners.

Thought leaders and influencers—domestic and aboard—have a duty to take what is happening in New Zealand, Australia and other western repressive police states seriously. Otherwise, the total disenfranchisement of the masses will be bought dirt cheap by the New World Order scum, and many people—who would otherwise have a clear understanding and righteous indignation against the system janissaries—will be left utterly bewildered and confused, wondering what the hell happened. No more feeding into controlled, false consciousness!

The system’s approach to pro-White groups is to ban them.

The solution to pro-White fundraising? Close their accounts.

How do they solve the question of pro-White internet posts? Censor everything.

Statecraft in Australia has become so incredibly complex. The solution to every aspect of pro-White advocacy is to ban it. They just have that one trick.

According to their logic, the more you ban them, the more the grievance against the system goes away!

This week on Survivor Australia™ Adelaide activists remind the world that the Murray River belongs to the White man!

Police officers, politicians and journalists are the lowest form of life on this continent.

Have you ever noticed that these witch hunt articles and prosecutions only show evidence of the person having dissident views?

Have you ever noticed that these politically-motivated prosecutions from the police always take place when the ruling class is trying to put through anti-White laws that strip us of even more of our ever-diminishing rights?

Mitchell Priest appears to be guilty of having views that the ruling class hates and little else, just like Thomas Sewell, Jacob Hersant, Simon Hickey and Tyler Jakovac. Literally nobody would know about so-called far-right “terrorism” without the lies and synthetic hysteria of system pigs in journalism, police, intelligence agencies and establishment politics. Who has been killed by the far-right? What has been damaged by the far-right? It’s totally artificial and solely aimed at the further disenfranchisement of the masses.

It has been immensely encouraging to see the amount of people from various backgrounds speaking out against this tyranny and defending the countless innocents that are being persecuted by a hostile class of self-radicalised scum. The Australian state’s reputation has been flushed down the toilet in the eyes of the public and the whole world, and rightly so.

All that remains is channeling that popular will against this state into concrete political action.

White revolution is the only solution!

We do not have a civilian police force, we have a politicised police force. The law means nothing to them, and they certainly won’t let the law hinder their obsession with removing our movement. Do not let them fool you into thinking it is safe to open up to them, as anything you do say will be used against you and against your brothers. Know who your friends are, because the police are not.

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