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Forward from: Boatsinker

Forward from: Aaron Art Continued
Last confession with the Midnight Priest
Ink on Paper


Forward from: Aaron Art Continued
6 Columns
Oil on Canvas

Watch me paint some of it here

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Hitlers speech compilation, English subtitles

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Paprika 2006

82% on Letterboxd
🎬 Directed by Satoshi Kon
English subtitles

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Downfall 2004
Der Untergang

Downfall is an illuminating, thoughtful and detailed account of Hitler's last days.

Rated R for strong violence, disturbing images and some nudity

90% critic consensus
94% audience consensus

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Caravaggio 1986

70% on Letterboxd
🎬 Directed by Derek Jarman
English subtitles

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Holocaust survivors forced to watch a quadriplegic dwarf have sex

Ok hot

Forward from: Michael A. Fuchs
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           🌍         🔎🟫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌳          🌎
                      (00min : 15sec)
In the 19th century, when the northwest territories of the United States were just beginning to be developed, settlers often faced the problem of housing. One solution to this problem was the huge stumps of trees that remained when felling old trees.
By hollowing out or burning the inside of the stump and using it as a roof, the settlers were able to get a permanent and temporary shelter, which even allowed them to survive the winter. One of the first families to settle in such a stump house was the McAllisters in 1847. After that, stump houses began to appear much more often.

NEGROES IN NEGROLAND | Audiobook (Hinton Rowan Helper | 1868)


-Cannibalism in negroland
-Human butcheries and human sacrifices in negroland
-Human skulls as sacred relics and ornaments in negroland
-Blood-thirstiness and barbarity of Negroes in negroland
-Slavery and the slave-trade in negroland
-Heathenish superstition and witchcraft in negroland
-Fetichism, priestcraft and idolatry in negroland
-Rain doctors and other doctors in negroland
-Nakedness, shamelessness and prostitution in negroland
-Drunkeness and debauchery in negroland
-Night carousals and noisy and nonsensical actions in negroland
-Inhospitality to strangers, begging, extortion and robbery in negroland
-Wrangling, lawlessness, penury and misery in negroland
-Theft as a fine art among the Africans
-Lying as an accomplishment among the Africans
-Duplicity and venality of the Negroes in negroland
-Revolting voracity and gluttony of the Negroes in negroland
-Dislike of their own color by the Negroes in negroland
-Courtship, marriage and concubinage in negroland
-Mumbo jumbo in negroland
-Funeral and burial rites in negroland
-Indolence and improvidence of the Negroes
-Timidity and cowardice of the Negroes
-African anecdotes
-Utter failure and inutility of all missionary enterprises in negroland
-Miscellaneous peculiarities, manners, habits and customs of the Negroes in negroland
-Huts, hovels and holes (but no houses) in negroland
-Gradual decrease and probable extinction of the black race
-Natural, repulsive and irreconcilable points of difference, physical, mental and moral, between the whites and the blacks
-American writers on the Negro
-Mulattoes, the offspring of crimes against nature
-Albinos, white Negroes and other creatures of preternatural whiteness
-Increasing pre-eminence and predominance of the white races

The Negroes In Negroland | Text

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Forward from: Aaron Art Continued
This Month's White Art Challenge was Modernism/post modernism. I decided to go for abstract expressionism.

This piece i have titled: Gazaca
Inspired by picasso's painting of similiar name: Guernica.
Guernica was a landmark piece for picasso as it was his first forray into political art, as this piece will be mine publically. Gazaca details the exterminationist destruction of Palestine by israeli occupation all the while the pro zionist media paints the israelis as the peace keepers, with a hand outstretched in a peace sign inside the star of david. Dead bodies and destruction dress the canvas as twisted double faces work in tandem on their aims of duel loyalty, loading the menorah with rockets to blast at Gaza.

Charcoal on Paper

Forward from: Aaron Art Continued
I'm going to give you a choice tonight... do you want a classical oil rendering, or a modern art piece about the war in Gaza?

Forward from: Aaron Art Continued
I'll be posting a new painting tonight

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