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Telebirr faayidaa heedduu of keessatti qabatee kan jiru akkasumas guddina technology addunyaa keessatti sadarkaa fooya'aa irra kan jiru karaa app isaa tajaajiloota kanniin argattu

"Sirni barnootaa namoota akkamitti maallaqaaf akka hojjetan barsiisa malee akkaataa maallaqni isaaniif hojjetu hin barsiisu."

7 lessons from Barattoonni 'A' Maaliif Barattoota 'C' fi Barattoonni 'B' Mootummaaf Hojjetu: Qajeelfama Abbaa Sooressaa Barnoota Faayinaansii Warraaf kan Robert T. Kiyosaki's:

1. Daangaa Sirna Barnootaa
Kiyosaki sirni barnootaa aadaa adda durummaan barattoonni abbootii qabeenyaa osoo hin taane hojjettoota akka ta’aniif qopheessa jechuun falma. Yaada qeeqaa fi dubbisuu fi barreessuu faayinaansii caalaa yaada keessa galchuu fi sammuutti qabachuu cimsa jedhee amana.

2. Barnoonni Finfinnee Barbaachisaa dha
Kitaabni kun barbaachisummaa barnoota faayinaansii daa’immaniif kennamu cimsee ibsa. Kiyosaki warri ijoollee isaanii waa’ee bulchiinsa maallaqaa, invastimantii fi seera bu’uuraa qabeenya uumuu barsiisuun walabummaa maallaqaa akka isaan qopheessan jajjabeessa.

3. Gosa Galii Adda Addaa
Kiyosaki yaad-rimee gosoota galii adda addaa: galii argame, galii dadhaboo, fi galii portfolio ni beeksisa. Garaagarummaa kana hubachuun namoonni dhuunfaa akkaataa qabeenya itti maddisiisan irratti murtoo odeeffannoo irratti hundaa’e akka murteessan gargaara.

4. Barbaachisummaa Abbootii Qabeenyaa
Barreessaan kun namoonni dhuunfaa milkaa’an hedduun barattoota olaanoo ta’uu osoo hin taane warra yaada abbootii qabeenyaa hammatan ta’uu isaanii ibsa. Ijoolleen akka kalaqaan yaadanii fi balaa akka fudhatan jajjabeessuun milkaa’ina maallaqaa guddaa fiduu danda’a.

5. Yaada Dhimma
Kiyosaki milkaa’ina maallaqaa galmaan ga’uuf barbaachisummaa sammuu cimsee dubbata. Ilaalchi gaariin maallaqaaf, balaa fudhachuu fi kufaatii irraa barachuun imala maallaqaa nama tokkoo irratti dhiibbaa guddaa geessisuu danda’a.

6. Qabeenya irratti Invastimantii gochuu
Kitaabni kun dirqama qabeenya balleessu osoo hin taane qabeenya galii argamsiisu irratti invast gochuu ni leellisa. Kiyosaki dubbistoonni portfolio qabeenya galii argamsiisu ijaaruu irratti akka xiyyeeffatan jajjabeessa.

7. Dogoggora irraa barachuu
Kiyoosakiin dogoggora hojjechuun adeemsa barumsaa keessatti qaama murteessaa ta’uu ni amana. Warri ijoolleen isaanii bu’aa ba’ii akka isaan mudatuu fi irraa akka baratan akka hayyaman jajjabeessa, kunis dandamachuu fi madaqsuu waan guddisuuf.

Barumsi kun barbaachisummaa barnoota faayinaansii fi yaada abbootii qabeenyaa irratti hubannoo gatii guddaa qabu kan kennu yoo ta’u, warri meeshaalee ijoollee isaanii egeree faayinaansii milkaa’aa ta’eef qopheessan kan hidhachiisudha.


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Last Edit Timestamps. Edited messages now show a timestamp, displaying when the message was last edited.

October Features
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Chat-Specific Hashtags. Groups and channels can use the new format #hashtag@username for hashtags – which only show posts and stories from the same chat when tapped.

October Features
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Chat-Specific Hashtags. Groups and channels can use the new format #hashtag@username for hashtags – which only show posts and stories from the same chat when tapped.

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Adjust Video Speed. You can quickly speed up playback for videos by holding down on the right side of the screen – sliding right gradually increases the speed up to 2.5x.

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Faster Video Loading, Better Quality. Videos uploaded in large channels are now optimized to offer multiple quality settings.

When watching these videos, a quality level is automatically selected based on your connection.

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RTMP Streams on Android. Telegram for Android now supports livestreaming with RTMP.

This allows users to generate a stream key and connect the video feed to popular apps.

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Improved Reporting Interface. The reporting menu has been expanded with detailed options for each category.

The list of reporting reasons can now update dynamically – further improving reports for moderators and helping scale Telegram's AI moderation tools.

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Gifts. Users can now send gifts to each other – celebrating holidays and achievements with animated artwork and custom messages.

Gifts are purchased with Telegram Stars – recipients can choose to display gifts on their profile or convert them back to Stars for their own balance.

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