Big day today, we’re launching Telegram Stars ⭐️ – a way to pay for digital services in mini apps.
Unlike old-school apps, Telegram mini apps like Notcoin don’t need to be installed for use. That’s why they grow so quickly. In addition, Telegram’s social nature allows mini apps to spread virally, so they reach tens of millions of users within weeks ⚡️
⭐️ With Telegram Stars, mini apps can now accept payments for digital services using the simplest payment method possible – in-app purchases on Android and iOS 💳
Mini app developers can withdraw their Stars via Fragment using TON. They can also use Stars to further promote their apps on Telegram — on preferential terms! 👛
Apple and Google take a 30% commission when users buy Stars from them, but Telegram will subsidize ads purchased with Telegram Stars. So if developers reinvest Stars in promoting their app, the overall commission will be nearly 0%! As a result, launching apps on Telegram makes more economic sense than launching traditional mobile apps 📈
The recent mini app boom has already made Telegram the main destination to launch new apps. Stars and ad subsidies bring this to a new level – unprecedented in the history of social media 😏
Unlike old-school apps, Telegram mini apps like Notcoin don’t need to be installed for use. That’s why they grow so quickly. In addition, Telegram’s social nature allows mini apps to spread virally, so they reach tens of millions of users within weeks ⚡️
⭐️ With Telegram Stars, mini apps can now accept payments for digital services using the simplest payment method possible – in-app purchases on Android and iOS 💳
Mini app developers can withdraw their Stars via Fragment using TON. They can also use Stars to further promote their apps on Telegram — on preferential terms! 👛
Apple and Google take a 30% commission when users buy Stars from them, but Telegram will subsidize ads purchased with Telegram Stars. So if developers reinvest Stars in promoting their app, the overall commission will be nearly 0%! As a result, launching apps on Telegram makes more economic sense than launching traditional mobile apps 📈
The recent mini app boom has already made Telegram the main destination to launch new apps. Stars and ad subsidies bring this to a new level – unprecedented in the history of social media 😏