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На денёк задержались, чего греха таить ☕️

There has been a leak of Telegram users' messages to Volunteer Support.

Therefore, we do not recommend sending any confidential information there, as the team is made up of volunteers working on a pro bono basis.

Instead, please contact

Please note that our moderators had to block the following messages in your channel @durovschars due to copyright infringement:

If you received a spam ban for a magic phrase, please share the message from @spambot.

Let's see how many of us here are spam banned Telegram Premium fans.


Forward from: Markus said...
Baby Steps Algorithm

Some advice on how to accomplish things by doing real baby steps (which can be studied by observing an actual baby as opposed to reading self-help books):

1. Choose a goal and GRAB it like it was made for you

2. DROP whatever you’ve been holding or doing — others will take care of it

3. STORM towards your goal with complete disregard for your surroundings

4. If you can no longer run or walk, CRAWL to it

5. If you can no longer crawl, STRETCH in its general direction

6. If nothing works, HOWL like a demon — maybe someone will help

7. If you still can't get it, go to SLEEP


Received from my spirit animal who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Check the new transparency report for 01.01.24–31.12.24 in the bot @transparency

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