free unsubs, leaving

Channel's geo and language: Indonesia, Indonesian
Category: Blogs

“ Was on the path of darkness with loneliness. Thoughts drift to silence, and get lost. Come out of that darkness, if you need help : @hyoshinbot

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unsubs aja gpp, gua skrg kan leaving otomatis jarang ngasih keuntungan ke ch lu. biar kaga rugi unsubs aja ch gua dah

Hard to do, but it still has to happen. I decide to make my channel's status to 'FREE UNSUBS' for those of you who want to unsubscribe, it's feel free. Because I will go from this roleplay world a.k.a leaving. Have a pleasant day y'all dan semoga cepat nyusul ya. See you on the top

Hi everybody. Day after day has passed, month after month has passed. And yea, Jevon Rajendra has found what he's been looking for all this time. Way out of this place.

📝 Kalimat apapun untuk Jevon?

👤 Dek, gue beli susu koala. Lu suka susu koala kan, wktu itu ngerengek ke gue gemes bgt. Skrg gue punya nih

👤 kngen dipanggil 'cewe cy' sm lo☹️

👤 gw unsub ye bang☺️🙏


👤 dadah jepon, kalo ada apa apa datang lagi aja ke gue, do'ain gue cepet nyusul ya

👤 jejeee ih kok leaving siii, aku belum sempet nembak kamu jadi ukeku ARGHHH gkpa deng kamu ada jericho itu ck

👤 udh mau leaving aja nihh baru mau kenalan lol jaga diri,jangan telat makan,have a great life! iwyatb jev

👤 yah jeje leaving ya:( SEDIH BNGT IH TANGGUNG JAWAB BIKIN NANGIS. semoga balik deh hehe canda kok😍 lafyu jeje see u❤

👤 Hai jeje kesayangan mommy, mommy gak nyangka kamu leaving rp secepat ini. Gak apa apa deh jaga kesehatan yaa, love you

👤 oke jevon, semangat terus orng yg syg lo dukung di ats, terimakasih.

👤 Good bye Jevon :( see you on the top. I hope your day always full of happiness, sayang banget sama dede Jevon 🤍

👤 PAPAA AYO MUTUALAN WA RL, masih mau mutualan ih 😫


👤 hwo synk 💞🐰🐰

👤 y hlo, shat' trs

👤 jangan lupa makan😄

👤 jangan lupa istirahat

👤 gatau gue gakenal lo tapi, sehat sehat terus ya 💟

👤 Jangan lelah buat bernafas👍👍👍

👤 Lama banget om rest nya. Jd pengen

👤 ⋆ jepon rest belom seminggu udah sepi aje ye

👤 Jeffie jericho hmm klian cocok jj supremacy🛐🛐


👥 23 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

before subs my channel, please read this.

terakhir deh, mending apa
  •   make it dirty
  •   make it sweet
  •   make it hurt
4 votes

mending main apa
  •   make it sweet
  •   make it dirty
  •   sod
  •   poll
8 votes

lah, kalian maunya main apa

sender tiga, iya .. board apa ..

📝 main apa?

👤 ganti deh, main make it hurt atau ga main tebak ch

👤 make it sweet

👤 make it dirty/sweet

👤 board sod

👤 make it sweet sama pacarmu

👤 Apa ajaaa

👥 6 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

pengen main board, mau ga?
  •   mauu
  •   ga, nanti aja. masih sekolah
6 votes

kak kok tau itu aku ..

Forward from: Gordon Mortensen.
Jevon tau ajaa aku suka sama Lisa, iya dong suka banget :3

kalau lu cuma punya urusan sm gua, kaga usah ganggu dia

gua ya gua, dia ya dia

1 pv share? who? gua harap lu ga aneh aneh lg sm dia, tolong bgt.

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wah, kata temen vibesnya ky gua sm jordan

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