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jamming with heartbroken poems and some daily acts😃
#poisoningyou for some of letter
( @freakyleth )

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i’m shaking,
because the way you left still had me shock.
i’m shaking,
because everything hurt me inside.


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"i'll help you with it" : cancer, leo

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📝 "can i copy your home work?"

hshs bnr bgt, mnding gua bntuin drpd tu org gd mikirnya 🤩

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kek diperbudak sm org goblok


ardanis x letheia🔒

ardanis aka home. demi apapun walau udh lama bgt ga chit chat pasti bkl ttp ada aja yg cht dluan. 4 years and i hope we lost count to it. still my best and fav bro ever. pengertian, caring, lovely, cutie. the best that i’ve ever had.

heksa x letheia🍟

bang heksa. manusia paling irit dalam hal ngetik yang aku kenal. tapi bang heksa baik bgtt. katanya mau delak tp gatau gajadi, tp bgus gjd hehehe. have a good life ya bangg, ilyyy💙

raymond x letheia⛄️

rayy. baikk terus lucuu. suka bikin leth terbang, i mean literal terbang. apalagi yaa, hope we can be a good friends yhaa! have a good life rayy🧚🏻‍♀️

rangga x letheia🐚

rangga. bacot bgtt cape. sok cool pdhl ngga, sombong bgt😡 dah gamau pjg2 bye.

dirga x letheia🍃

dirga. manusia paling konyol. gjls bgt idupnya. kalo punya cp kdg gjls bgt. baikk, jelekk, gacor+bacot. sebenernya gaada positifnya, tapi yaudah lah namanya juga tmn. ily gaga🐾

jouzka x letheia🎈

jouzka. baik, sok ganteng kebangetan. gatau ah gakenal males bgt sm jouzka😡

pikaa x letheia🍒

hope we can be friends!

caramel x letheia 🍭

let’s be friends!

azora x letheia🌟

azora aka mj. perempuan baik hatii, lucu, gemes. ch nya bagus bgt aku mau nangis. ardanis’ love life. she is the best, he said to me like everyday. zora pokoknya friendly bgt terus keren jugaa. kamu bahagia terus yaa! kalau butuh tempat berkeluh you can hit me up. ilyy🤎

afkacil x letheia🐼

afkacil aka jenip. ngakak bgtt kocak+cerewet, lucuuuu. jenip ni suka bgt marah sm aku karena aku lemot, mmf ya bebe😭 bahagia terus yaa kamuu, jgn sedih-sedih kalau ada apa-apa boleh bgt cerita sm akuu. sayang jenip💜

getha x letheia 🌻

kenal dari mana yaa lupa, pokoknya she hit me up first. getha nih lucuu terus baikk. kita sama sama cape bgt ngadepin cowo convokill HSHSHS. pokoknya langgeng ya getha temenan sm akuu! sayang gethaa💛🤩

cristi x letheia🍁

cristi. temen bacotnya vaney, secara aku kan kalem wkwk. baiknya terlalu sampe sering di manfaatin, ngejar org terdingin sedunia. cristi kuat, hebat, keren. bahagia terus cantik! ilyy💚

vaneyla x letheia🌙

vaney. bacot bgt bgt bgtan, cerewet, caring juga, lucuu, kicik bgt gemes. bahagia terus beb, gausa sedih-sedih. dia ngingetin mulu kalo apa apa harus balik ke Tuhan lagi. ilyy vaneyy🧸

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