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🎯 True or False

1. The main danger to primates has always been the destruction of tropical forests.

2. Primates are only hunted for their meat.

3. The situation is south-east Asia is not as bad as the situation in Africa.

4. Conserving parts of the forest can also reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

5. The mountain gorilla is no longer on the critically endangered list.

6. 48% of primate species and sub-species are on the critically endangered list.

📌 Find correct information

1. In Africa...
A. Most species have already extincted
B. Most primates are suffering from rapid decline
C. 11% of total numbers are calculated as critically endangered
D. Mountain Gorillas number is rising

2. According to the 1996 years research...
A. The situation is much better than 10 years before
B. Number of primates moved from 39% to 48%
C. The situation is the same with 5 years ago
D. In Brazil, primates are coming back

3. In south - east Asia...
A. 90% monkeys are listed for critically endangered
B. Primates are at risk because of Vietnam medicine
C. Only pet trade is the main reason for falling number
D. In threatened list 71% of Asian primates are showen

Day 1

Barchaga omad🎯🚀😊

Demak, bir haftalik challenge imizni boshladik🚀🚀🚀

Ushbu guruhga Article va savollar tashlanadi siz javoblaringizni

@Ulugbekovna_Flyura ga 19:00 gacha tashlashingiz kerak boʻladi

Assalomu alaykum barchaga!

Listen a minute about: Healthcare

Every country must provide free healthcare to its citizens. I can’t understand why the richest countries in the world don’t do this. It’s shocking that a country can be so rich and let its people die because they cannot pay the hospital. I saw a great movie once on America’s healthcare system. It’s called “Sicko,” directed by Michael Moore. He went to England and France and was amazed that people in those countries didn’t have to pay when they went to hospital. He then went to Cuba. He went with lots of Americans who couldn’t afford healthcare in America. Amazingly, the Cuban hospitals treated them all for free and gave them medicine. They were so happy. I’m sure there’s enough money in the world to provide everyone with free healthcare.

Bizni obunachilar sizlar olovsiz, olov🔥🔥!!! Olovlarni ayamasdan bosamiz. Bosdik!!!

🎙@flyurasblog 👈

Ushbu challenge imizga ham oz qoldi🚀😊

Assalomu alaykum, hammaga!

Siz-chi?! 😉

SHADOWING qilasizmi?

Sometimes 🔥


🎙 We develop a passion for learning!

Good morning, everyone!

Havo podcast eshitadigan boʻlyapti😉😁

Bugun oʻsha ishtirokimiz uchun certificate bilan taqdirlashdi.

Yangi yilga unutilmas sovgʻa boʻldi.

Ushbu eventda qatnashib juda koʻp narsaga ega boʻldim☺️

Alhamdulillah ❤️

Mana bu rasm esingizdami azizlar☺️. Taekwondo world championship 🏆 edi

Demak, bu challengening maqsadi nima?!

📰 Article oʻqish reading comprehension yaʼni tushunishni oshiradi. Davomiy oʻqib, uni odatga aylantirish yangiliklardan ham boxabar boʻlish degani

📆Challenge 7 kun davomida boʻladi. Dushanbadan (23-dekabr) boshlanadi.

Har kuni bitta Article tashlanadi siz uni oʻqib berilgan savollarga javob topasiz va @Ulugbekovna_Flyura ga yuborasiz

📌Hafta davomida faol qatnashib har bir articelni oʻqigan va savollarga toʻgʻri javob topgan ishtirokchi ajoyib kitob egasiga aylanadi. 🤩

Aytgancha, doʻstlaringizga ham aytib qoʻyinga😉



🔜 Muhim eʼlon

Sizlar bilan ajoyib challenge boshlasak nima deysiz🚀

Bu shunchaki challenge boʻlmaydi, siz bu bilan yutuqqa ham ega boʻlasiz

Agar qiziqarli boʻlsa va ajoyib sovgʻa yutib olmoqchi boʻlsangiz ❤️‍🔥 yondiringchii

Go to ChatGpt and ask the following:

Roast me as hard as you can based on what you know about me. Everything you know.
Go hard, I can take it.

P.S. Get ready for an eye opening experience.

ChatGpt-ga o'ting va quyidagilarni so'rang:

Men haqimda bilganlaringga asoslanib, meni imkon qadar qattiq qovur. Siz bilgan hamma narsa.
Qattiq boring, men buni qila olaman.

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