Thoughts from the Fyrgen

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The ruminations of Dan Capp (Wolcensmen)

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People ask me "what harm does it do to just wear a mask?". Well, the mask is visual affirmation of a health crisis which doesn't actually exist, and for which we must sacrifice anything and everything. That is the harm it does. Wearing a mask is like holding up a banner that says "please take away from me whatever freedoms and rights you deem necessary".

The solution is very simple: "I am exempt". Buy yourself a lanyard to take with you if you're anxious about being confronted by shop staff or other shoppers.

A lot of people are saying to me: "So many people I know are waking up to this scam". I'm sorry to say, but the dividing line is not between those who know and those who don't know. The dividing line is between those who will act on that knowledge and those who won't. Those who know this is a scam and yet comply are a greater tragedy than those who don't even know, for they have chosen slavery. Knowledge without action is useless.

Embracing the torrents of Laguz: Those who have read my book 'Fire in the White Stone', or looked closely at the album lyrics, track titles, or paid attention to some of the commentary I've made on the project might be aware that I employed the runic ALU:ULA formula and based the framework of the story around it.

My own interpretation of these runes is that (among other things) they represent a sort of alchemical process of change. In brief, Uruz represents the place of origin, Laguz represents the transformation, and Ansuz represents the realisation. In my story, the protagonist begins dissatisfied in a mundane existence, is compelled to venture from that, is forced into turbulence and then finds himself exploring new possibilities he'd never dreamt of. It is essentially the Hero's Journey and I make no apologies for being so formulaic.

Lately I've been feeling more and more like embracing this period of change, and it's right that I (and we) should, because to do so is to practice what I have preached. We were living fairly mundane lives, with rare purpose. 2020 has thrown us into the torrents of Laguz - the turbulence of transformative waters, and in doing so we will find new possibilities and opportunity for a greatness not attainable during the 'Uruz' of our lives. Of course it will be hard, full of sorrow and sacrifice, but it will also be filled with a new purpose.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ~ Voltaire

This is a wonderful time to be alive! I know it may not seem it, and I know many of you are currently struggling with mental health and anxiety. But think of it this way: We knew modern society wasn't right, but it was comfortable enough, with the illusion of freedom, so that the majority of us didn't feel compelled to take any drastic action or make any radical decisions in life. We continued with the daily grind, shrink-wrapped foods from corporate supermarkets, deliveries from Amazon, Netflix and whatever vices and hobbies took the edge off of a frankly meaningless existence. But now, to quote Burzum, life has new meaning...

Now a choice is being forced upon you and there's no avoiding it. You either continue life as a consumer-slave, sacrificing the last vestiges of freedom and dignity for comfort and safety, or you stand firm-footed, ready to refuse the terms of ransom to have your old life back (or what's left of it). I've already made my decision and I promise you here and now that I won't shy away from the consequences.

The 'Great Reset' represents a change we don't want. It's a marketing campaign for what essentially amounts to Technocracy - rule by 'experts'. We have no choice but to change. What we can choose is whether we change in the way that the Technocrats want us to, or in a way which we define. I choose the latter!

I don't know how many of you share my spiritual worldview, but I know the gods and ancestors will look most proudly upon those who choose the hard road, at this juncture. The Technocratic future which most government-corporations, central banks, globalist foundations and celebrities want to absorb us into is an affront to the very spirit of nature and divine creation. We are being forced to demonstrate which side we stand on: Nature vs anti-Nature. How could we not embrace the opportunity to show our allegiance?!

"China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified."

(For those wondering why I say this crisis was planned).

(yes, I will be sharing thoughts on topics other than this fake pandemic in time. But this is the greatest threat of my lifetime)

RETHINK. RESKILL. REBOOT... aka the WEF's 'Great Reset' (, where only 'sustainable jobs and industries' need continue. This was all decided for you by an arrogant 'elite' who needed the perfect excuse: A virus spread by the mainstream media.

Many feel overwhelmed by pessimism, and I might be accused of propagating it here and among friends. However, that is not my intention and I have a very deliberate reason for sharing news and discoveries relating to the current assault on freedom. Let me explain...

The worst decisions are made in a state of fear and panic. The basic needs of survival and security trump notions of freedom and principle every time, when we react in the spur of the moment. The barrage of fearmongering we've undergone this year from the media is designed to put us into a reactionary state of mind where our choices are more easily coerced, more predictable for the powers that be. I want everyone to know what tyranny awaits them and to establish now the manner in which they intend to face it.

For example, what will you sacrifice to avoid taking a poorly-tested, potentially hi-tech Coronavax? What will you sacrifice to avoid being tracked and surveilled with no option of leaving the tracking device (smartphone) at home? Do you know now whether you're willing to accept these things or not? Because if you're unsure, I'd suggest running through some hypotheticals in your mind, talking to your partner, children, parents, loved ones. Don't let these decisions sneak up on you, because that's how you'll end up betraying whatever principles you have. Whichever side of this debate you stand, please know why, and consider how your future might unfurl. It's coming fast.

Each of us must know where we stand, with a ready response to the upcoming demands of tyrants.

Not sure about the 5G bit. In my view, 5G is probably not a direct health threat but rather facilitates the 'Internet of Things' which will make a new Social Credit, tracking and immunity passport system possible. Every other prediction here is pretty much sound.

I saw all of this coming the moment 'Coronavirus' hit the news. That's why I feel compelled to spread the word that this whole thing is a scam, however best I can:
World's first Covid passport technology will be trialled on flights from Heathrow this week in bid to let passengers travel without risk of quarantine in future BUT requires authorities to trust test lab results from abroad
Coronavirus passport trials are taking place at Heathrow this week to test technology to let people travel the globe without risk of being quarantined. United Airlines and Cathay Pacific are trying the app

I know that some of you following this channel might be at odds with the things I'm posting, and might simply be following because you like my music, but I salute you for your open-mindedness. If my words here tarnish your enjoyment of my art, I'd encourage you to unsubscribe and know that I still value you.

The Reeds of Runnymede

At Runnymede, At Runnymede,
What say the reeds at Runnymede?
The lissom reeds that give and take,
That bend so far, but never break,
They keep the sleepy Thames awake
With tales of John at Runnymede.

At Runnymede, at Runnymede,
Oh, hear the reeds at Runnymede:--
"You mustn't sell, delay, deny,
A freeman's right or liberty.
It makes the stubborn Englishry,
We saw 'em roused at Runnymede!

"When through our ranks the Barons came,
With little thought of praise or blame,
But resolute to pay a game,
They lumbered up to Runnymede;
And there they launched in solid time
The first attack on Right Divine--
The curt, uncompromising 'Sign!'
That settled John at Runnymede.

"At Runnymede, at Runnymede,
Your rights were won at Runnymede!
No freeman shall be fined or bound,
Or dispossessed or freehold ground,
Except by lawful judgment found
And passed upon him by his peers.
Forget not, after all these years,
The Charter Signed at Runnymede."

And still when Mob or Monarch lays
Too rude hand on English ways,
The whisper wakes, the shudder plays,
Across the reeds at Runnymede.
And Tames, that knows the moods of kings,
And crowds and priests and suchlike things,
Rolls deep and dreadful as he brings
Their warning down from Runnymede!

~ Rudyard Kipling

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