Want to know why sunlight is
nature's medicine? 🌿💊The sunlight is a miracle, forgotten health cure...
It is the source of all life on earth and one of the most powerful ways to improve your mood, health and attractiveness.
Our modern society is the only one in history that has feared the sun as much as we do and it shows.
Attempting to block the sun with creams that actually cause the disease, epitomizes how backwards our society is. If we want to restore health & humanity, weneed to restore our relationship with the sun....
Throughout history, humans have worshipped the sun as anything from a conscious God to the most important heale...
Meanwhile today we look at it like a burning ball in the sky destroying the world, our skin and our health.
Our relationship to the sun symbolization our relationship to nature as a whole...
Our disconnection representing our isolation from nature, from the cosmos and the world around us.
The more we lose touch with the rhythms of the sun, the more out of sync our body falls.And when we are out of alignment, our body panics, seeking to restore balance.
Sickness is this process of attempting to restore balance...
Quantum Healing✨