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Forward from: Bandit Simpangan III.

🎻. Kesan pertama gue ke Nevada ini seperti pada umumnya sih, user Winter udah pasti lucu wkwk. Lo cantik banget Da, sopan juga pas kirim pesan ke gue buat jalin relasi, kesannya juga lucu gemes. Oh iya, saluran lo juga attractive tiap aktif, mungkin karena nama sama aktifnya lo interaksi ya, nama mutual lo juga gemes banget banget banget.

🎻. Date or Pass: Date, seneng kalau punya pacar lucu sama cantik begini, karena orangnya talk to much dan gue suka orang yang kaya gitu, pasti kalau pacaran, pacar lo ga bosen.

🎻. Buat set up gue kasih 10 dari 10, kurang banyak doang tapi apa yang lo susun itu udah cantik dan gemes banget, emang cocok ya Winter tema pink-pink gitu.

🎻. Marry you, kill you then hug you tight, sorry.

🎻. [😮🙇🏻‍♀🤩🤍💐] ship you with Na Jaemin.

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♡ ❍ ⌲ •• ⎙

liked by @velvetiehoney and 234.5678 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴

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127 minutes ago
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🔒 A whisper message to wwinnteer, Only he/she can open it.

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M:: fi nyaa tuu, cantiikkk dan kerenn + huggg aja biar enak 🫂

A:: ⬇️⬇️ + lucu banget kamuuuuu😬😬

G:: mbul + Jeno deh

G:: 9/10 kerennn pol iki + 😮‍💨👊🏻🍉

I:: amora and nevada go to a fair/amusement park and amora wants to go on the roller coaster and nevada agrees. Later, nevada regrets their decision and ends up clinging onto amora for dear life.

E:: ⬇️⬇️

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Sama Nevada @wwinnteer

♡   ❍    ⌲                ••                   ⎙

𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 @wwinnteer and 99.859.68.others.

★ spesial tag's ::
@wndrlust @velvetiehoney @LrouisVuitton @TipsyMonkey

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10 minutes ago See Translation
ㅤ  ⌂         ⌕          ⊞          ♡         ◌

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𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 @wwinnteer and 99.859.68.others.

★ spesial tag's ::
@baladahivi @rapmonstor @bBeautyPuree @KanvasBiru @bonneval @incheonbboys

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10 minutes ago See Translation
ㅤ  ⌂         ⌕          ⊞          ♡         ◌

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