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ily jo❤️‍🔥

👀 Prince @JenoLezs (@JenoLezs) read the message

👀 Juna. @HyungaNeji (@HyungaNeji) read the message

n. kalo udah liat jangan lupa di react yaa, thank you.


wrwrwr ga diisi kelen maw ak timpuk kh

jgn lupa isi syangku

kalo limit react yaa🫶🏻

📝 give me a reason why people should and shouldn't date with me
don't use your bc and don't oot, please.

Jacorey Lindsey, @Jenws.: should, karena lo cakep juga terlihat seperti orang yang penuh kasih sayang
shouldn't, idk

Sergio: should, lo girlfriend material, positif vibes, cantik, kaga banyak tingkah. shouldn't mungkin ga cocok aja

grace @kmdoeyoen: #ace. should : ure kind
shouldn’t : dunno

Abilene Ensleigh.: should cause you look so adorable dan menarik banget, shouldn't ?? i think ngga ada yang perlu di lewatkan dari kamu

rembulan #OPLINKSUICY: 🍥!! should because kamu lucu pretty humble dan good person
shouldn’t idk

ray [𝐒𝐕𝐇𝟑𝟏]ᴰ⁶ @ey0wbb: Should : karena jipel sangat lucuu shouldn't : -

⁸J. Cakra: should krna lo gf material, shouldn't idk

Loudy Rezaky, @jaeacmin.: Should cause you deserve it, shouldn’t (-)

Jackwell Arshere: Should because you look mature, good person, care and gf able & shouldn't there is no reason not to date you

Prince @JenoLezs: Should nya karena lu cantik, gf mat gitu, asik kayak nya sefrekuensi, dewasa, shouldn't gak ada

bvs. narael nashereza @Qnajaemie: should; yOu are soOu pwetty, seperti syap dengerin keluh kesah pasangan nya shouldn't; krna, ivel gemac pacar taehyung

jenay Rvstrovk @Xpensivegf: Should: lo pendengar yg baik (maybe)
Shouldn't: terlalu sering overthinking, mungkin silent treatment (?)

Kaj @Jendupkis: czz km tu baiik penyayang trus lucuu orangnya🤩, they shouldn't date u bcs they r not worth it💘

Navaerin J'loustancy. t.me/humogrous: Should krna jipel sngt gfm, meybi kalo jadi pacar rewel gemas gitu, cantik. Shouldn't jipel pcr q wleowleo

Juna. @HyungaNeji: Should: cuz u're pretty and deserve it. And there no reason for people shouldnt date you

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udah niat dengan sepenuh hati ngisi² board dll, eh kalian (yg cuma benalu doang) malah cuma ngasih mata doang.. nanti kalo digituin balik marah, pdhl yg mulai duluan siapa?😺

plij ya muts, feedback itu kan udah deal utama kita, jadi harusnya sama sama adil dongg, masa cuma satu pihak doang yg ngasih keuntungan? bisa males ngasih feedback🤞🏻 loh jadinya kalo gini caranya.😔

dah nahan ga koar koar, tapi tetep aja gtu, feedback-nya mata doang? kalo gtu mah gue juga feedback ke kalian nya mata doang ya?

halo moovel, aku sudah blubbub blubbub * 🫧🐠🫧🐠 * kanal kalian yaa, spti biasa pake bc 𖣂. buat identitasku, kalo ada board yang terlewat bisa chitt - chatt @marvelousebot. semangat buat hari ini yyaw, have a wonderful dayy * 🌷🌟✨ *

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