Aurora Ray -Galactic Federation

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🛸Galactic Federation Ambassador.
I help you shift your frequency. Manifestation and ascension from the 3D matrix to 5D consciousness🧬
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💫Earth's Awakening: Exploring the Cosmic Significance Within You💫

Right now, you're learning how special you are, and the galactic federation wants to help you understand and appreciate this. They'll guide you on this journey.

The more you learn about yourself, the more you'll see your value. Imagine there are special patterns inside you, like codes that other groups of beings understand. These patterns will become clearer to you over time and help you become even better.

Think of Earth as a tiny version of the whole universe, like a small piece reflecting what's happening everywhere else. But there's something special about Earth – it's like a starting point, a trigger for something bigger. The galactic federation compares it to a seed, a beginning.

If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽

🔮Shaping New Realities: The Frequency of Awakening Carried by the Family of Light🔮

Imagine a world where everything is swirling and changing like colorful leaves in the wind. In this world, there's a group that stands out—like a group of friends with a secret. They call themselves the Family of Light.

Their job is super special: they help keep things steady when the world starts to shift between different versions, like moving from one dream to another. But there's more to them than meets the eye. They have something amazing inside them, a bit like a special song that can make sleepy souls start to wake up.

I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽

🌀Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth🌀

The Pleiadians are a truly captivating and enigmatic group of highly enlightened beings hailing from the distant Pleiades star cluster.

Shrouded in an aura of mystique, they are believed to possess a level of spiritual evolution that sets them apart from ordinary beings. Their very existence sparks curiosity and wonder among seekers of truth and those who ponder the mysteries of the cosmos.

Within the Pleiades star cluster, a mesmerizing celestial neighborhood situated in the vast expanse of space, these extraordinary beings call their celestial home. Amidst the twinkling stars and cosmic wonders, they reside in a realm that stretches the boundaries of human imagination.

If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽

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